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Best Posts in Thread: Is God real?

  1. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Faith doesn't cause those things; it's used to justify them, and while faith may not help you physically, it can provide you mental and emotional support. How do words like "Love your neighbor as yourself" cause war? How do words like “Give generously to the poor and do so without a grudging heart" cause poverty? On of the five central pillars of the Muslim faith is giving at least 2.5% of your annual income to the less fortunate. It isn't in religion where evil lies; it is in people.
  2. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    I think this is a very close minded debate with a general regard to Christianity. The better prose for this would be "is there A god?" referring rather to the theistic standpoint rather than just to Christianity.

    Theistically, I believe there is a god. I recently read a book called I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist and although this was a Christian based book, I believe that the science presented in the book does prove a theistic god, aka a god that doesn't pertain to a specific religion. N00bslayer, I'd implore you to read this, your accusations are a bit radical, at least from my standpoint. I'll be dissecting your argument based on both a Christian God and a theistic god belief.

    Actually, if you look at some of the laws of nature you'll find the law of causality which, in summary, states "Everything made has a cause." This law can be referred back to a cosmological argument for the existence of a god which states, "Everything that had a beginning had a cause, the universe had a beginning therefore the universe had a cause." This is further backed up by the big bang theory, the big bang theory is the theory that the universe came from nothing. How does something come from nothing? It doesn't unless there was a creator. Now, you may say, "The universe has always existed." This is false, science has proven that everything in the universe needs a power source, including the universe itself. Science has also proven that the universe is billions of years old, with this in mind how much energy is used in billions of years? Short answer: a lot. If the universe was infinite, then there would need to be an infinite power source however, science has shown (I would love to cite to the actual scientist whom states this however, I can't remember off the top of my head) that there is a finite amount of energy in the universe so therefore, the universe cannot be infinite because of a finite energy source. So what does this leave? Something that created the universe out of nothing. This doesn't need to be Yaweh, Allah, or God, it just means that there was a creator.

    In the beginning when the Christian God created Adam and Eve, he gave them free choice. Their free choice led them to sin. Sin is the source of all evil in this world and the source of pain and suffering. What else is pain and suffering? War and tragedy. The sin that Adam and Eve brought into this world brought war, tragedy, loss, etc. However, God has given hope to those who are suffering through those by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The way you're portraying God is like he is evil, when he is not. My Christian God is a loving God who gave a sacrifice so that by believing we may have eternal life in his name. (John 3:16 !) Planes crashing down are not a work of God, it is a work of Satan. Planes crashing down and killing innocents is why God gave Jesus to die, so that the innocent people may believe in Jesus and therefore not perish and suffer in hell but, rather spend eternity in heaven.

    I'm assuming that you're getting this off the internet. In the Old Testament, God only kills the wicked and the sinners of the earth whom he knows (he knows this because God is omnipotent, omnipresent and all knowing) will not repent of their ways in the future. This is seen in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah (spell check me on that one!). God, however, allows there to be a chance that these people would repent and come to him however, these people do not take it so, they pay the punishment for their sin. The punishment for sin is death. Lucifer (aka Satan) hasn't put the knife in the chest of a person, however, he is the cause for every death in the world. Lucifer brought sin into this world through the temptation of Eve. Lucifer is to blame for all death, not God.

    A man who lost his arm will have another arm in Heaven. Earthly forms for God do not matter, why? Because God sees your perfect form in heaven, with him. Faith alone cannot prevent anything except an eternity in hell. Correct faith does not produce hatred, famine, racism and ignorance however, wrong faith does.

    Regardless if you want to believe in a Christian God or not there is clear scientific evidence of at least a creator, which would be, in the theistic sense, god. In my mind, there is no way to disprove that there is a god, creator and that there is a God, the father.

    N00bslayer, I'm a very devout person and would love to enlighten you about the Bible if you are interested in continuing talks, message me on the forums and we will talk about God :)
  3. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    I remember someone having a debate like this a while back, however I myself have to debate this in school soon and I'd like to see some opinions and get an idea of what the opposing team may say.

    please note none of what I am about to say is in any way intended to be dis respectful towards anyone or any beliefs that may feel offended.

    My opinion, no.
    There is no evidence that states his existence. The words on a man-written book does not suffice. Just because someone wrote something does not make it real. If this were true, hell, sign me up for Hogwarts!

    There are even more reasons. God is known as the all powerful and all knowing. Why does he not give us all the knowledge he knows so we can live in a peaceful society? If he is so powerful, why can he not stop a plane from crashing down? "God works in mysterious ways." Just makes him look like an evil guy. He lets people die because of his "ways"?

    And if he is real, why has he killed more people than the devil himself? God = about 25 million. Lucifer = 60. Just 60. I think Lucifer should be God since he spared humanity more than God himself.

    Those who say that you need faith to 'see' God...faith doesn't help a man regain an arm. Faith does not prevent the death of thousands. Faith causes war. It causes famine, racism, and pure ignorance.
    Qaztar, cooey, Toostenheimer and 10 others like this.
  4. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    (Noticed this and had to get into it. I believe in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, sorry :<)
    God does exist. He is also known as Heavenly Father. His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, created the world in 7 days.
    If you don't believe in God, that's ok.
  6. 00000

    00000 Guest

    and it proves nothing
  7. Cascade1324

    Cascade1324 Celebrity Meeper

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    no but satan is
  8. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    My family believes in God, but just that he's there. Like, we don't believe that God created the Earth, we believe in the big bang. But we believe, that God, is there.
  9. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Not to be rude, but how does this contribute to the debate at all? If you wish to enter a debate, please supply at least a reason behind your claim. Again, I am not trying to come off as hateful, but I do not feel this helps anyone.
  10. SirGiggly

    SirGiggly Celebrity Meeper

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    It is the debate section, people are free to not read or post here if they wish to. As the debate section is one of the most active sections I would say you are factually incorrect.
  11. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    im not going to get into a debate here. all im saying is i beleive in the one and only God who wrote the bible thru men,the God that created the universe and everything in it. i beleive in that God. i mean look around you. you have all these HIGHLY detailed living organisims that evoulutionists say came from disorder? a "big bang" . a glob that exploded made me... and you and everything? i cant beleive that. i beleive in the one and only True God (that you cant make how you want to be, as some have said) That is the beginning and the end, the maker of all.
    --- Double Post Merged, Nov 11, 2014, Original Post Date: Nov 11, 2014 ---
    also yes, faith is the key to unlocking God, when i was seeking him i beleived in him and gave him my life. my eyes were blinded by my sin, and i told him i hated my sin and i have faith and i beleive in him and he opened my eyes.
    Faith and want for God, not sin, and giving him your life is the key to God
  12. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Exactly, I can claim anything I like, but it doesn't prove that those statements are real. Please supply why you believe in Jesus Christ. If you do not, your arguement is invalid, and of no worth. Again, my intent is not to sound hateful.
    Side note: Please work on your capitalization; Jesus Christ is a proper noun, and a sentence starts with a capital, thank you!
  13. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    Kind of like Tony Abbott!
  14. Klitch


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    I personally believe that there is no god. If there happened to be a god, however, then I believe that he created the big bang and started the first forms of evolution. Other than that, he's letting us do our own thing.
  15. WeAreNumberUno

    WeAreNumberUno Celebrity Meeper

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    he didn't start this thread to bash religion, he started it to see if someone could actually prove god was real, or had any logic behind it. In a debate, say we are debating red is better than blue. and i say "no blue is better because in the book of magical santa land it says blue is the color of sugar cookies!" nobody would respect it as a legit point, but then they will say "gay people are bad because of the bible" (as an example)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 6, 2016, Original Post Date: Jun 6, 2016 ---
    Basically, why the hell would i care if a god existed? i like to think i'm a nice person, and if a god would send me to eternal damnation because I didn't believe in him even though i was a nice person, then he seems like a jerk, not someone i would wanna be paling it up with in some party in heaven. Imo any cool god wouldn't even bother with earth, just be like "huge party everyone! for eternityyyyyyy!" and be done with it, god just doesn't make sense, and the bible is full of contradictions and stuff, so thats why I don't believe.
  16. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    Please just break your computer.
  17. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    No, logic backwards is cigol
  18. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    The Americas sideways on a map create a duck. Atheists can't explain this.

  19. Jessy1990

    Jessy1990 Well-Known Meeper

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    Just because you can't physically see or touch God doesn't mean he's not real. You can't see or touch love, but do you not believe it exists? I have seen God's work. When a person comes out of a coma that wasn't meant to live, or survives a car accident that should've killed them, that's God doing his work. My mother, in 2008 clinically died 5 times while on an operating table. She says that she saw a white light every time, but was still brought back. That to me is the work of only one man. The creator or the heavens and the Earth. Everyone is allowed to believe whatever they choose. That's why He gave us free-will. I know it sounds cliche, but God could stop death from occurring, and stop everything bad from occurring, but he doesn't. Why? I don't know. It's not my time to know his plans. But if I've learned anything, it's this. Everything happens for a reason. When you push that person down at school for being smaller or weaker than you (not saying anyone in particular does this.. this just an example) it comes back to you. Call it Karma or God's work, but everything you do as a consequence. And whether you pay for that wrong-doing during your life time, or answer for it in front of that higher power, it will come back.

    I know I kinda skewed off topic.. sorry.

    And on the subject of war. A lot of wars are started over religion... which is man-made. I believe that you don't have to follow a religion to believe God's there. He knows your heart. But a lot of people want to say one is better than the other.. which is what causes wars. Neither are 'better'. All religions are equal and personally I think regardless a person believes in the lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth or Allah (which by the way is the Arabic word for God.. just saying), they are all the same. They all coexist, and just want one goal.. peace on Earth. The problem tho, is free will and that some people choose to be ignorant about it, and start flame wars or actual wars that require tens of thousands of men to die.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  20. Big Daddy

    Big Daddy Meeper

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    I'm an atheist too, for me, the only reason I would see someone believing in god or worshiping a religion is because they think love and religion are correlated. Probably people feel as thought they have some kind of inner peace, believing they will be in a way rewarded for their good deeds here in the material world. Another thing why people are religious might be because it brings people closer, no matter the religion, groups of people, big or small all gather and celebrate their holidays etc.

    Another thing worth mentioning, God isn't what they say he is in the bible or the quran, you can't blame some imaginary person in books for deaths of many people like you did. God is what you want him to be, you can believe in a god but not believe in religion, it doesn't have to be related in any way.