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Denied Instant 3 day Ban for saying "***" (or hate related

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by MasterCoD124, Oct 15, 2013.

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  1. MasterCoD124

    MasterCoD124 Meeper

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    IGN: MasterCoD124

    Date/Time:15/10/13 19:10 GMT

    Reason: Hate related language

    Ban Length: 3 days

    Staff Member: Jacknat96

    Why we should consider your appeal:

    I have been banned for saying the word "***". I am sorry for saying the word, but after some research I found that for my first offence that should have only been a warning or a kick. I will not make this mistake again.


    2. Swearing/Language

    This includes all swearing/language that the staff or community consider inappropriate. Minor infractions will incur punishments listed below, however if language contains sexual content, drug-related or other severe hate-related content (including but not limited to racial, religious, sexual orientation, etc) there will be up to a 3-7 day temp-ban issued with no warnings. Mild sexual content will incur a 1-3 day temp ban with no warning.

    1st: Warn/Kick, 2nd: 1hour - 12hours, 3rd: 1day - 1week
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    The second part of the very paragraph you quoted says it all..here is it:

    however if language contains sexual content, drug-related or other severe hate-related content (including but not limited to racial, religious, sexual orientation, etc) there will be up to a 3-7 day temp-ban issued with no warnings. Mild sexual content will incur a 1-3 day temp ban with no warning.

    Please note the hate related content (including.......sexual orientation) part with the .....3-7 day temp ban issued with no warning part.

    This is denied. Please wait out your ban.
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