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Accepted IngrimusVCT Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by IngrimusVCT, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. IngrimusVCT

    IngrimusVCT Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Date/Time: Currently 11/9/2013 7:53pm Pacific
    Reason: Unspecified. (Though I've been told its for spamming in void)
    Ban Length: Unspecified
    Staff Member: Onis_Luck
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    I didn't realize that what I did was spamming (aside from the chatlog showing me my double post, which I was unaware of and I 100% see how that would be spam), as I thought I was just chatting it up in void like others.
    I'm sorry for doubling a message, I didn't mean to and I probably did it not thinking due to chat lag.
    If this appeal is NOT accepted, I would appreciate either being told the total ban length, or (pending it not being a perm ban) have my in game connection ban message changed to a counter (as I've had before) so I can see how much time I have remaining.

    Thank you for your consideration, and I once again apologize for doubling that message and spamming during void.
    If the other parts of my conversation are being considered spam as well (though they were spaced out fairly well IMO, but I could be wrong) then please let me know, so I can be aware in the future.
    Nachzerhrer likes this.
  2. IngrimusVCT

    IngrimusVCT Popular Meeper

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    2013-11-09 01:08:08 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me VOID!
    2013-11-09 01:09:12 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me Mr.Horse Mr.Horse! You just fell through the void How do you feel about that!?
    2013-11-09 01:09:25 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. no sir I dont like it
    2013-11-09 01:09:26 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. no sir I dont like it
    2013-11-09 01:10:17 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me Says Hiiiii Deinen!
    2013-11-09 01:12:16 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me Hiiii hollywoot
    2013-11-09 01:13:31 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me LIES
    2013-11-09 01:13:41 [INFO] IngrimusVCT issued server command: /me wow I got first for once
    This is the chatlog, sent to me by Onis, showing my infraction. (for all those who can't pull log)
  3. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

    Likes Received:
    Accepted :)
    BlackJack likes this.
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