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Best Posts in Thread: Increase the town creation price

  1. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    I have felt this has been needed for some time. The sheer amount of towns with very few people has lead to little player to player interaction among the dozens of towns out there. The price for towns was set at 150k Meebles at the start of the reset, and was perfect for that time. However, the eco had 10 mil in it then. The eco was grown by 25x since then, and the price for a town has drastically been reduced as it becomes easier to make large amounts of money.

    I fully understand the counter arguments to this suggestion, and I do agree everyone should have the opportunity to make their own town. However a problem emerges when there are three times the number of towns as people online at once at any given point. One of Meepcraft's strongest points is it's community, and this becomes hard to achieve with millions of three-resident hamlets. All in all, I strongly support this suggestion for the betterment of the server and its community.
  2. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    Creating a town costs 150,000 meebles and 50,000 goes to the bank, so, technically, you only need 100,000 to create a town.

    Constant creation of towns in the server deletes the purpose of good towns in the server that could potentially welcome new players and give them a good environment to start off. Towns that deserves residents are being overshadowed due to new towns being created that invites any new player that joins the server without even telling them what to do. Keep that in mind that sometimes, those towns have outrageous taxes such as 5.0%.

    I suggest (or we) to increase the price of creating a town to 500,000 or 1,000,000. Towns are not simple things, they're actually very essential for the server as the server is a Towny server. Any random guy could create a town in less than two weeks by just voting. Increasing the price of it could potentially encourage people to join towns and people with no effort at all won't create towns as they feel like it won't be worth it in the end.

    I'm not saying this to discourage people that creates town with no effort, but, this suggestion's general context is for huge towns to get the active residents that they deserve after all of their hard work. With an active town with active residents, new players would be able to enjoy as there is interaction with one another. Just like four years ago.

    Less towns, more residents and fun interaction. If we could have 50 active towns aside from 131 with the majory being inactive, then, towny could definitely have a change instead of being called a Ghost Town.

    This suggestion is detable, however, I hope this would pass through the selection process. Keep your suggestions coming that could save the server. Revising new things could possibly bring players. Thanks for reading, have a good day.
    Last edited: May 5, 2018
  3. MeepLord27

    MeepLord27 Popular Meeper

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    So you are saying we should get other servers to make their town price higher too?
    cooey, KyloMeep, smk and 4 others like this.
  4. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Right, let's make it so unaffordable to make a town that everyone lives in tiny 1 plot hamlets.
    It seems foolish to me to make it impossible for people to maintain a town. The point of this very suggestion is to create a better community, not drive towns out of business. It is far easier to create a small hamlet and maintain yourself with larger upkeeps. Big towns pass on their expenses to their residents, and frankly I don't think we're going to gain any players if towns start setting their taxes to 500/plot when they only start with 3k.
    lanekids40, SuperDyl, cooey and 3 others like this.
  5. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    Yeah sure leemme just get that money by alt abusing real quick.
    Achrow, SuperDyl, cooey and 2 others like this.
  6. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    If someone wants to run some dinky little town with three people in it, then they should be able to run some dinky little town with three people in it. If you want people to settle in medium to large sized towns, you should be finding some way to incentive that behavior through gameplay rather than trying to keep players who do not want to be part of large towns from playing the game in the manner that they want to.
    Thee Boss, Achrow, SuperDyl and 2 others like this.
  7. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

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    I'd be up for the town price increasing but not price/tax per plot, I run a small town for a reason and it's mostly me keeping it afloat. I'd be cautious about how this would affect smaller towns
  8. agnd

    agnd is a steely-eyed missile man

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    +1 I don't know about 1mill, but there should for sure be an increase in starting price and maybe upkeep per plot.
    It should be more difficult to begin & sustain a town, to help ensure that there will be less ghost towns or inactive 1-5 person towns, and that there are more larger towns as opposed to right now, where most towns are small and inactive (see below).

    More than anything else, I think this is a filter. More responsible mayors will come to success if the stakes for starting a town and the difficulty of sustaining it are higher.

    Sum Facts (heh)
    105/131 (80%) towns have 5 or less people, 94/131 (72%) towns have 3 or less people, 57/131 (44%) have 2 or less, and 44 (34%) towns have only one person.

    In fact, 77.25% of the residents who are in towns are in the top 20% of towns. (Zipf's Law it's pretty cool)
    Implementing this will decrease the number of towns, and the number that are created, but most likely increase the percentage of successful towns that are created.
  9. Marshy_88

    Marshy_88 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1. Too many towns, not enough player.

    If you can't figure out how to make 1mil, you don't deserve to be a mayor.

    (Maybe limit # of towns, too)
    agnd, IzzSt, Blue_Marlin and 2 others like this.
  10. CasualNuker

    CasualNuker Celebrity Meeper

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    Heck no that’s makes my upkeep 20k and Legends over 150k just no that will kill so many towns so quickly so just go away with that
  11. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Please think before talking. The vote crate is used through voting, voting is not just 4k a day.
  12. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I think 500k would work a lot better.
  13. ekjhgekuie

    ekjhgekuie Celebrity Meeper

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    I like the idea of 500k but this may also discourage some players from even starting to play meep if their goal is to own a town and it seems unattainable at first (because 150k already seems nearly impossible to many new players). Note that it isn't hard, it just seems that way to new players.

    Also invest in towns now on your alts so you can sell them for sub 500k later.
    SuperDyl, agnd, riri30 and 1 other person like this.
  14. Zesk

    Zesk Well-Known Meeper

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    +1 but only for 500k
  15. bloodyghost

    bloodyghost local haunt

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    +1 for 500k per town for reasons already stated above.