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Accepted I'm Innocent

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by Jasso4u, Oct 11, 2014.

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  1. Jasso4u

    Jasso4u Well-Known Meeper

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    When : Probably yesterday
    Reason: Parkour cheats
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff: Cooley
    Why should you consider my appeal: You should consider my appeal because first of all WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I do parkour a lot to entertain myself but how am I cheating? I left does things behind already since my last warning you gave me. If for some reason you guys watch me get stuck myself into a wall or something which did happen last time i played then is not my fault. Is YOUR responsibility to take care of your server connection not mine. And as far as i know there is no such hack, mod, or a glitch that can be used for parkour purposes. Also, in your rules it never mentions anything of not using lag spikes on our favor, and even do is not even a glitch or anything else but low connection so is not illegal (and just to inform you is more than enough to lag and break the blocks of the parkour to reach a sign and click it then either re-log or wait for your game to respond , and it works perfectly in the countryside parkour). What your accusing me of committing is aimless, I never did such thing. You can google parkour hacks forever are i can assure you that you will never find anything. I appreciate the time you have taken to read and investigate this lame thread have a nice day.
    Neckum likes this.
  2. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I prefer honesty! How is it that you were able to complete each part of parkour in half the time?
  3. Jaruv

    Jaruv Popular Meeper

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    Actually, what you describe here is something called ''block glitching''. The rules specifically says that you're not allowed to use any glitch to you're advantage, and if you use you're low connection to easily use the ''block glitch'', it's just as illegal as any other glitch.
    [quote'''']Using any glitch that gives you an unfair advantage[/quote]
    If you wonder what this so called ''block glitch'' is, the here's a video to explain it.

    And in this video he explains the exact same thing that you're doing. Even if you don't get on top of the block, just breaking 'em to reach signs will also be ''block glitching'', in other words, something illegal that can and will get you banned.
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Thank you for the lesson on block glitching, doing this to have an advantage is not allowed. It was not by chance, I was invis following you which is why I said to be honest. I will watch to ensure you don't do this, so please don't let me regret this. Accepted!
    builderjunkie012, Cherrykit and Jaruv like this.
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