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Best Posts in Thread: I'm back! (late post)

  1. Captain_Twinkies

    Captain_Twinkies Celebrity Meeper

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    Hey folks.

    It's Twinkies! Been a long time, eh?
    I know this post is late, but I couldn't post threads since my account was set to Guest.

    I'd like to say what a pleasure it is to come back after over a year. I believe I have changed for the better and truly have learned from my mistakes.

    Already have I created a Gamma empire through the wonderful and generous help from Imperfectly, most importantly I have done it legitly. No duping.

    Duping doesn't just affect you and your friends, it affects the entire economy as a whole. It is a breaking of the basic rules of physics of the MeepCraft universe and that's very dangerous. If you ever see or accidentally find a method of duping, report it to staff immediately. It's not worth the short time you'll have before you are banned and wiped. I learned that, take it from me.

    After coming back, I've noticed that we are somewhat shorter on players from the previous years, but that's ok. We all got real life stuff to do, and I'm confident that once the holiday season rolls in, we'll be back in business.

    I'm glad to be back. I've so missed playing on MeepCraft. It's so different. You actually get to form bonds with people, compete in a diverse economy, and feel invigorated by a empowering drive to succeed.

    Thanks, I'll cya on the server again.

    -Twinks (CapitalismCraft, gonna revert my username though)
    cooey, Natsu, GroovyGrevous and 2 others like this.