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Denied I say "Sexuals", gets 5 day ban.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by IHAS, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name):I_Hear_A_Squach
    Date/Time: Just now.
    Reason: Sexual Reference/Drug Reference.
    Ban Length: 5 days
    Staff Member: Peterkin (My love)
    Why we should consider your appeal:

    This was a second offence, as stated in the rules that is a 1-12 hour ban.

    I request to bring my ban down to at least 12 hours, probably should be less since I said absolutely no swears, and was not excessive about it.

    As you staff state it, "Rules are rules". So how about following them.

    Oh, and evidence pls because why not.
  2. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    While the second offense for this rule does say 1-12 hours, it was a ban for sexual reference, not for language, which generally would be a kick followed by a 1-12 hour ban. Sexual content is a 1 day- perm ban on the first offense, so how does it make sense that the second offense would be a LESSER punishment?

    This is also your third offense for this rule, by the way. That alone makes your entire argument flawed.

    Also, on an irrelevant side-note, you've had a history of bending the rules since the server was reformed, so that really does help your case much, either.

    Regardless, I'll try to get peterkim to post his proof.

    EDIT: I just looked at the proof, by the way. You also made a drug reference in it.
    MeepStats likes this.
  3. Taha

    Taha Well-Known Meeper

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  4. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    The first offense was for me saying "shit", not a drug/sexual reference. I was only kicked once and then banned, if you thing kicks from days before should be relevant in this case this server needs to rethink their logic.

    No I have never bent the rules, only followed and studied them to an extent to use for potential.

    Also in this part you state that a second offence sexual reference would be a kick:
    Then you say it is an immediate 1 day ban, no kick:
    Make up your mind :p
  5. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    That's because you didn't read carefully, IHAS.

    The Swearing/Language rule is more like two rules in one. You have you standard swearing, in which you get a kick for the first offense, a 1-12 hour tempban for the second offense, and a 1-7 day ban for the third offense. Then you have your sexual content, drug related content, and extreme hate (racial slurs) language. That is a 1-3 day ban if it's mild, and 3 days to perm if it's severe on the first offense. This was your third offense for sexual/drug content, and even if you count the first one as just swearing, it's still a third offense worthy of a 5 day temp ban. He could have honestly banned you for a week, but rather chose 5 days.
  6. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    What is the third offence...

    EDIT: If it is two rules in one then saying shit should not be a sexual/drug reference and counted as an offense.
  7. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Your appeal is denied. Please do not act surprised when your ban is longer due to the message containing multiple infractions, especially after we consider your ban history.
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