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Best Posts in Thread: I Friggen Love Space...

  1. Qaws

    Qaws Popular Meeper

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    In recognition and appreciation of my mother's upcoming launch, I'd like to make a small post.

    So throughout the past couple of years, I've had the pleasure of watching the small progressions of a certain spacecraft. My mom has been the vehicle manager for a couple of projects, working for OrbitalATK as a 'systems engineer'. I have no idea what that means. But she always brings me in and beams when she explains satellite specifics and cargo tests. I nod respectfully, yet oblivious to anything she tries to tell me.

    She's proud of her work, her management, and her profession. As I type this, she lies passed out on a bed here in Cocoa Beach, Florida, after a terribly long day at work. Her latest vehicle, Cygnus 6, is set to launch within weeks of today. Stories are cool and all, but lets get to the good stuff.

    She's had two failed missions, both at fault of the rocket, and thankfully, not her or her team's. Here's one of failed Cygnus 4, a simple resupply launch that clicked off course before they had to self destruct.
    Like that?
    Here's Nasa's version of an 'inside look'

    Enough of that though.
    She's had many more successful missions, one of the most interesting in my opinion is the Dawn mission, a spacecraft launched to investigate the small celestial bodies Ceres and Vesta. Check em out if you want!

    Her last, Cygnus 5, again a resupply mission launched almost a year ago, was a success!
    Who doesn't love slowmo...

    Anyways, that made it to the space station, I included a couple gifts for mah bro Scott Kelly, and it was shot off a couple weeks ago!

    Full glory shot of Cygnus 5!

    Anyways, I'm awfully proud of my mom, and if anyone is interested, check out NASA news for updates on the launch, message me, I can skype you links.

    More info!
    (I know these gifs are terribly large but they're so so cool)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  2. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

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    There is a wall :(
    SX1, ~Peper~, Cherrykit and 3 others like this.
  3. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    What's in that room
    Are you in a jail or something
  4. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    I want to go to space. Good luck to your mom!