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Best Posts in Thread: I expected better, staff team.

  1. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    Here are some baby chickens I have!!
  2. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't mean to give unworthy people my attention but like

    Who the hell is blendycat

    Why the hell is he staff

    If it doesn't matter "as long as he does the job well", why am I not staff? I can do the job well and the staff know that. But would you promote me? Hell no, because of my reputation right? If that's the case, this Blendycat individual got no +1's on his application yet he still got staff. I don't know this kid, and the only thing I've seen so far out of him is random spurts of useless s*** in shout

    I don't care thou
    because this server has long been dead and will never recover fully but like I'm just trying to analyze the reasoning in some of staff's recent decisions.

    Munkee is more qualified for staff than any of the people you recently promoted

    Part of what made this server addicting is the popularity of the staff team. Back in my days, I was thinking "Damn, all the staff are so popular, I want to be staff so bad! I want to be like one of them". Now they're just random ass people I don't even know or care for, who got accepted because the standard of acceptance is low asf

    Give staff to more experienced people who have played for a longer time

  3. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    The decision of the staff team to not give @Muunkee - Alexia a shot at Helper was one of the saddest moments I have ever seen on the server.

    She demonstrated herself more than anyone has. She is helpful in both chat and the forums, where she is practically the only person on the server addressing peoples questions and concerns. She worked hard for the chance to become a helper, she changed her attitude for the better portion of three months, and spent weeks writing her application. The fact that Muunkee, a hard working individual who cared about the server was not given a shot while @BlendyCat , an immature kid who received no +1's on his application was given a shot is absolutely sickening. Seriously, this dude has one of the most hilarious and immature quotes on shout chat I have ever seen. What has this guy ever done for the server?

    The fact is simple. The Staff Team had no reason at all to deny her, she was denied a shot due almost exclusively to bias. She's demonstrated herself as the perfect candidate, everyone could see this. The fact that you denied her because of her "Past" is absurd, as half of the current staff team had a bad phase too.

    Staff, you passed an opportunity on an amazing staff member that would work hard on almost every timezone. I talk to her everyday, and I know without a fact that she cares about the server immensely and was frustrated she could not do anything about it. She fixed her attitude and expected a fair chance, and you cheated her through bias.

    Muunkee could have done anything, but you still would have denied her because of something she did in the past. Thats low, staff.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2016
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    7ace this thread has run its course. You say over and over again that nobody would respond to "us" well I agree. I will not respond to you for a declined application by another member of the community. I disagree that the explanation left in "her" application did not give detail. It stated "majority decision was not to accept you as a member of the staff team at this time" it also stated "I ask you to keep moving forward and with doing that and with showing people that actions speak louder than words. You will prove to everyone and especially yourself that you are a great person nothing can stand in your way."

    Also when time allowed for me to chat with the applicant (Munkee not you) I had a chat with her, giving her the details I could without breaking the staff chat policy. She understood and honestly I expect her (based on her attitude and actions after the declined application) to be taking the advice I gave on her application to show her words with actions and prove the history wrong and to re-apply when time allows.

    She doesn't need your help! Also if you call this help I suggest you take a step back and find a way this has helped at all.... If you find a way it did help.... PS you are wrong again.

    I was just looking into applications because I had a vague recollection of you applying a few times when I saw you were twice declined and took it better than in this application that had and has "ZERO" to do with you.

    Also during my search I found when you were accepted as staff and made a helper for a short time followed by a "Farewell MeepCraft" thread when you were caught breaking a rule. I did not get a PM with an apology. But I think apologizing it not a bad thing, it shows that someone has owned up to there actions and is a "real" person. Which is why when I saw the apology you shared in appeal I hope you meant it.

    "I admit that my account was used for illegal purposes. Since my account is my responsibility, and I have absolutely no way to prove that I am innocent..Even though I didn't xray, I have to accept that my account was banned for a logical and fair reasons. It was foolish of me to make two accounts with the same password, I take the blame.

    Second of all, I would like to apologize to the server. Because of my actions, I put the server at risk by spawning a huge amount of Diamonds, enough to leave a huge dent in the server an amount that would wound the economy. Once I hopefully come back, I will try my best to reverse the terrible things I have caused, and will prioritize my time and effort into mending all the damages; both emotional and physical, that effected the community.

    Most importantly, I would like to apologize to the community. Since almost every bit of evidence is stacked against me, I will find it understandable to accuse me of crimes my account partook in. I would like to apologize to every meepcrafter that I've let down. I hope that someday, you guys can forgive me."

    Thanks for sharing this enlightening thread with us all.


    PS Thread Closed!
  5. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    God I hate kids so much.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Yes, because those are customers

    And you are customer service.

    Regardless of what they do, you must always partake in civil discussions.
  7. BaM_Nitro

    BaM_Nitro ஜ۩▬Retired▬ஜ۩

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    Tbh, I wasn't really sure I wanted to see munke as staff but recently I have seen some people as staff who no one knows. I asked who they are and I get a respond "doesn't matter about reputation, it's about if they can do the job" well guess what? They can't do their jobs either, I have seen so many people complains about certain staff members that I lost count.

    Don't believe me? Heres some examples.
    I was banned today for hacking WITHOUT proof, like wtf??? I asked the staff member and they said "my recording software is broken". A friend of mine went on a alt earlier today and also got banned without proof. He was banned because he was on an account no one knew of and the staff member got lazy and said yep, his hacking and probably won't appeal because no ones ever seen him so I don't need proof and boom he got banned.
    Seeing previous staff members like @Jalapenos and @Muunkee - Alexia get denied for staff but people like Blendycat who no one even knew exist get accepted is very stupid.

    I remember when there were high standards for becoming staff but now everyone can get staff.

    In my opinion if staff keep making poor decisions like this then meep is going to lose even more players and just die in a couple months or years. Only good decision I have seen so far was promoting @Spyda6 to tech, he is amazing and very dedicated, please make better decisions on promoting certain people because staff members have access to very dangerous comands like getting a players ip etc.
    Good luck I guess
  8. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Tbh, This is what I was looking for.

    This is what I was afraid of.

    Wanted to see!

    All you do is start un-needed drama like a 12 year old Justin Beiber fan. When crap hits the fan, You try throwing big words and pretend its a civil discussion. If you wanted a civil discussion, You could have Pmed anyone like you PM your apologies to everyone.
    For the love of god, please stop making stupid "I expected more" threads. How can you expect more when you were demoted less than a month into the helper position.

    Lastly, @Muunkee - Alexia. If 1 thing should be known, The decision was SUPER SUPER close. Tbh, I was expecting you to rage.
    Im happy to say you shut me up and proved me wrong. Plenty of reason to keep your head high and keep working towards your goal.
  9. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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    1344220372096_9241455.png bammedme.jpg
  10. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    I'm sorry but this thread was meant to bash the staff team and our recent decisions - not to find out why Muunkee was denied. You know well that she can find that info on her own, and that she would do it because she's the type who gets answers (not a bad thing). For hecks sake, if you wanted answers then the title of this thread would have been "why was muunkee denied" rather than targeting the entire team (who all don't hate muunkee, mind you) and it would have calmly given your reasons why she should have been accepted, and then perhaps a staff member would have kindly replied with a well-thought explanation on her denial. I'm not sure what you expect after targeting/attacking a group which has authority over these decisions..some kind of civil discussion? that seems to be quite unrealistic. Perhaps if you wanted to keep your aggressiveness in your essay then it should have been done in a private message, where you have time to think about how your words are going to sound to just one person of authority rather than a community who is inevitably going to rip the thread to pieces because it's negative in the first place!
    PeriHeika, Jwarian, alex77034 and 7 others like this.
  11. IFartOnChilren

    IFartOnChilren Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    I agree completely. This is what I was thinking when I read this thread.

    7acespade, I hope you realize that this thread and drama that you have created has done nothing but drastically lower her chances of getting accepted next time around. Members of staff definitely pay attention to how the applicant responds to their decision. For all you know, they planned to deny her to see if she responded gracefully, which would guarantee her acceptance next month.

    I strongly suggest that you apologize to her and anyone else whose time has been wasted by your thread. I cringed a little when I saw your first post, because Muunkee was definitely on her way to becoming a part of the staff team in the near future and this thread, although she didn’t post it herself, was very unprofessional. I’m curious, what did you think you were going to get out of this thread? Did you seriously think by whining that the staff was just going to be like “oh, our bad, you’re right”
    Lady_Hestia, cooey, PeriHeika and 7 others like this.
  12. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Cleaned this thread up a bit please keep the chat well mannered and on topic. There is no reason to lock threads if we can keep that in mind.
  13. 7acespade

    7acespade Celebrity Meeper

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    If I can remind you, you legit made a thread where you asked people to be your child. Thats not just drama, but its the kind of drama that makes you cringe uncontrollably.

    I'd love to go to the source, but every single supermod is either ignoring muunkee or viewing this thread and not responding.

    Fixing this problem is a priority, but is not the biggest one, I want to shed light on the fact on how preposterous it is that Blendycat was accepted over Muunkee, who literally does better work than any current helper despite not being one. It was not fair for staff to not give a person who changed their act and worked tirelessly for three months a shot at helper when they gave a person who laughed at someones dead grandpa a chance. Its bias.
    Lady_Hestia, Niiicck, Khafra and 7 others like this.
  14. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I love you
    00000, Trexy, cooey and 7 others like this.
  15. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    pfft you helped

    Do I think I should have been given a chance? Yes. Do I think I'm ready? Very.
    I need to prove to other people I'm ready too. Even through any bias there are some issues there.

    My only problem right now is that I'm haven't been told my reasons. Which is something easily solved - I'll message cooleys on TS later.

    See you next month with another go.
    cooey, GroovyGrevous, Pmx728 and 7 others like this.
  16. IFartOnChilren

    IFartOnChilren Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Cool, I'm glad we agree. You have been a member of these forums for almost 3 years, by now you should be able to have a general idea of the types of responses you'd get from a thread like this.
    cooey, Cherrykit, 2leah2 and 5 others like this.
  17. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

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    @Muunkee - Alexia Would of been the best staff member added to the team in a year. She is literally the equivalent too 5 helpers. Her being home schooled, being on the forums 24/7, responding to Forums post literally seconds after they're posted, being able to help anyone in /g at anytime, most of the times the first one to respond. The fact that she didn't get Helper is a little discouraging.

    The way I see the staff team now is, Of you've been playing this server for 3+ years now? You didn't have a good attitude as a kid when you first started playing? Damn that sucks because we remember what you did exactly 2 years, 57 days, 12 hours and 3 minutes ago exactly. Yeah, that sucks, sorry you can't get staff even though you're more than qualified than some SuperMods even Admins on the server. Shame . .

    But in the case of a new person, Hi, I'm new to this server, I just joined 2 days ago. I'm applying for staff even though it's my second day. *Boom* accepted for interview, gets accepted, gets helper title, everyone is spamming ''who tf is this person?'' ''This person'' keeps spamming /g with stupid sh* nobody wants to hear, annoying af. Gets mod within a week. gg

    I'm literally the best builder that has consistently stuck with this server. I had my shot at being an Architect, and the 14 year old me screwed it up. But am I going to ever get a second chance? NO. Because I've already tried to change who I was, people on this server don't move on, you do one thing wrong 4 years ago, you're screwed. They're never going to forget and they're going to use this against you. I change who I was for more than half a year, I was trying to improve myself for the better of the server. But guess what happened when I finally thought I was ready to apply again? Constant -1 immature, attitude etc.

    But Muunkee, Muunkee really did change as well, she was the perfect person to become a staff team. And if the given staff team full of mostly 12 year old helpers and semi-inactive higher ups can't see this. Then I'm really starting to see what everyone else is saying about Meep dying and being corrupt.
    cooey, Jalapenos, Pmx728 and 5 others like this.
  18. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    i got a chance

    muunkee didn't

    Lady_Hestia, Trexy, cooey and 5 others like this.
  19. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    The issue with blendycat is that he's excessivly immature, unhelpful, and non-constructive and that's why people are mad about his getting the job - he is in no way, shape, or form qualified in many people's eyes.
    They're comparing me and blendy because people see me as a person who is a whole lot more qualified, yet I'm denied and he's accepted.
    00000, Trexy, cooey and 5 others like this.
  20. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I would have liked to of seen how she would go but hopefully Muunkee will get it next time around, I hope the best for you @Muunkee - Alexia !