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Denied I don't even care any more.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal

    RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal Meeper

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    K bye it's Reggles choice not yours.
  2. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    For someone who was told to NEVER contact Tasmiki again, you are in his town, "shifting". The issue is, is that you are always pushing your boundries, when told not to /msg them again you ask if /tpa is acceptable. When told no to that you are looking for another way to find a loophole. I'm personally sick of this game, and you need go to. Perhaps when you can listen to the staff and COMPLETELY LEAVE SOMEONE ALONE, then maybe you have a shot to come back. Until then you need a timeout to think about what we told you, and let it sink in. Precedent has been set with Clearouts and Caemlyn, and his harassment until he was order to NOT go there. You were orders to NOT contact Tasmiki, yet you were in his town, obviously for no other purpose other than try to push yet another boundry. You were given plenty of chances, my friend, and you decided to not heed them.
  3. RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal

    RuSiaN_PeDoBeaRAppeal Meeper

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    Even if you didn't think I learned my lesson tasmiki quit sooooo I can't do anything. I wasn't thinking about loop holes when I looked at him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 21, 2013
  4. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    Bye bye.

    P.S. One more ban appeal and it will be considered spam and you will be forum banned.
    cooey, Videogames321, Nager and 4 others like this.
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