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Best Posts in Thread: Hi. I'm Metzy.

  1. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    Hello. I am Metzy, or Metz, or MetzyMetzMetz. Whatever floats your boat.
    I've been on Meepcraft for a few weeks now and just haven't the time to introduce myself properly. Well, I'm not that interesting, I'm actually pretty boring, I wouldn't be offended if you fall asleep reading this. First off, I think I'm incredibly funny. I'm not. I like to think outside the box so much that I scare my Language Arts teacher. I'm fasinated by scary and creepy things. Uhhhhh my screen name is my nickname from my old school and it part of my last name. I like pizza? *Crickets chirping in the backround* Okay, I like to dance, I'm a writer. I'm in middle school (lol oops) Yet some people think I'm like 15. I love coffee.... and I practically live on ramen noodles. I'm in love with Matt Smith, the 11th doctor... (the guy talking in the gif below) oh if you become friends with me i'll probably tease you about evERYTHING because im just that type of person.

    and right now im probably having second thoughts on posting this bc im super shy oOPS