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Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by brianvip, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. brianvip

    brianvip Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: brianvip
    Skype: xXBrianVIPXx
    Teamspeak: brianvip, but I don't really use it often.
    Age: 15
    Timezone: EUW
    Time online weekday: I can play 2 hours a day
    Time online weekend: as long as I want :D
    Rank changes: Ultimate-helper
    Mic- Yes, I have a mic attached to my headphone
    Youtube- CallMehBrian, but I'm pretty new, and I was thinking about making meepcraft videos.

    Hey guys, my name is brianvip, and I am applying for helper rank. To be honest, I don't really care about what ranks I get, if it's high or not, but here's the thing- I like helping. But, when I help someone, they don't really listen to me, since I'm only ultimate, without a helper rank. I've been on this server for quite long, for 1 year, and I personally think that this server is one of THE best minigame server. Like I said, I love helping people, and that's why I want to become a helper.

    Why you should be staff:
    Like I said in my introduction paragraph, I said that because when people ask for help, they normally listen to helpers or above only, or some popular people. I generally go on KitPVP, because it's probably my favorite gamemode in the server. But, I see a lot of people having argues about whether a person's hacking or spamming. I tried many times to end the discussion, but I couldn't, because they won't listen to what I was trying to say. Also, I want to make sure that every players in the server are enjoying what they're playing, by reducing the spammers, hackers, trolls, etc.

    -Previous Experience:
    I've been helper quite many times(being honest), but not above, except once, when I was promoted from helper to JR. Mod. In other massive multiplayer games, I was promoted to server mod, but I don't think It's important now, since my life's been sucked by meepcraft(meaning I love the server :])

    -Ban history:
    I was kicked for a day once, because I told a helper that there was a hacker in Kitpvp, way to many times, and for pvplogging, which I didn't mean to, because I was forced to press "disconnect"(for some reason). I think that was the only time when I got kicked. Please tell me If I said something wrong!

    I am active on forums, except I don't usually post much, since I only look at other people's posts. I like reading other people's ideas or thoughts about this server, which might sound weird to you guys...

    I have to be honest, but I sometimes go aggressive on people that are being mean to me. It's not anger problems for sure, because this happens only if people are being very aggressive. Also, I'm not the best with commands, although I know basic commands for being helper in this server.

    Like I said on the intro, I sometimes go on teamspeak, like every once a week. But, if I become helper, I guess I'll go on teamspeak more often. :p
    Thank you for reading my app, and please leave some nice comments!
  2. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Sorry, but Im gonna have to say -1
    You seem like a nice guy, but you will have to become more active, especially in Team Speak.
    Although, I do wish you the best of luck :)
  3. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Sorry, but i'm going to say -1
    New to forums
    never seen you in game
    never seen you in ts
    the app was a bit meh

    Good luck anyways!
  4. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Reasons above
  5. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    I'm gonna say -1 because I never see you in game and you just don't seem staff material... Sorry
  6. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -I'll think of something
    -I've never seen you ingame
    -This is the first I've heard of you
    -I've never seen you on TS (though I'm not as active myself)
    -App was meh
    TBH I don't like the idea of you going into staff with that attitude.
    Try to work on your ingame activity, and come on TS! Plus, you really need to be involved in the forums, we don't bite. Well @vampirebros1211 does... anyway, you need to make yourself known.
  7. creeper2812

    creeper2812 Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Who are you?
    Toostenheimer and benster82 like this.
  8. Chickenator

    Chickenator Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 new to forums and never seen you before on any aspect of the server
    benster82 likes this.
  9. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Uhh who is this guy?
    1-…never heard about him before.
    benster82 likes this.
  10. Chickenator

    Chickenator Popular Meeper

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    Still -1, i just wanted to add that your not even ultimate, your supreme
  11. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    ^^^ ?
    -1 For all the reasons above
  12. Jaruv

    Jaruv Popular Meeper

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    The fact that you think that this is a mini-game server should give you an auto-deny. This is a TOWNS server, not a mini-game server. If you don't know that you clearly lack the qualifications to become a helper.
    To be active on the forums mean to participate in discussions, post stuff, say constructive stuff. The staff doesn't only do stuff IG, they have a lot of jobs on the forums too. Like looking at player reports, bug reports, ban appeals. And either give them the help they need, or notify another staff member about it.

    From me you get a big -1. And if you really wanna become a staff member you should do 3 things.
    1. Be ACTIVE on forums, start posting, participate in discussions, give suggestions and staff apps constructive feedback. Don't just read threads.
    2. Go on teamspeak for at least 10 min a day.
    3. Explore the town aspect of the server, if you haven't already, join a town and prefferably try to be an assistant/co-mayor/mayor. If you wanna become an assistant/co-mayor you should take a look at the ''towns section'' and apply to become a town staff member in one of the towns that are looking for staff.
    benster82 and Splendy like this.
  13. brianvip

    brianvip Well-Known Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Soz, I got mixed with supreme and ultimate
  14. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    If you've been apart of the server for a year, you should know it's not a minigame server.

    You said you just came back a few days ago, which means your knowledge of the server has decreased. I never see you in shout, only in kitpvp, and even that's not that often. I never see you on forums and Teamspeak.

    Good luck.
    Courtneyyy likes this.
  15. sackboy000

    sackboy000 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 i have no idea who u are
  16. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I have only seen you 1 time.
    - App too short
    - You need to be more time online
    - Reasons Above
    - You are "New Member" which means you are new to forums

  17. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1, never heard of you or seen you in- game, on TeamSpeak, or the forums.
  18. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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  19. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    Really? It isn't like you can just AFK in TS and expect to become a helper. When they ask for rank changes, they mean Citizen-Helper or Helper-Mod. They do not care about your rank. Also, why did you mention your YouTube? You think anyone cares about that on a Staff App?

    If you don't care what rank you get, why are you applying? If you like helping, you can just help IG. Just from this, and your overall grammar, I really can't see you, obviously not a 15 year old, as staff. Did I mention that this is NOT A MINI-GAMES SERVER?

    I have seen you countless times start arguments in KitPVP. We can tell you just want to be able to kick and ban people for slander. Trolling is not illegal on this server, but anything such as trespassing is illegal.

    Liar. First off, the grammar is killing me with all of the (stupid) inserts you added. You have definitely not been staff on any other servers. You are not professional in any way, nor do you try to be. You act like this should all be a breeze and you will get staff. You are wrong.

    That is actually called a Temp-Ban. Now it is really obvious you have never been staff on any other servers because you would know the difference between a kick and a tempban. You seem to have an excuse for everything on here.

    Actually, you are not active, nor do you post a lot. This is pretty much the same thing as the TS thing. You can't just lie about it even though you could hardly care less about the forums and TS.

    You don't have to be honest because you haven't been honest for the first 75% of your app. First, you are a terrible liar. You are also terrible with commands. Im pretty sure you will type "/Kick JonnehboiDaMon 1d Spam". Basic commands for helping include /he, /kick, /tempban, and many more. No way you know the so-called basics.

    What the hell, you didn't even have a conclusion? I learned about conclusions back in 6th grade, and have been using them for 2 years. I'm not sure if I get a way better education than you, or you are not 15, but I am going to have -∞ to you. I can't see you as a helper any time soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2014
  20. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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    Also you seem to lack maturity and overall knowledge about MeepCraft. For now I am a -1

    To add on:
    You can not be helper as a new meme we on forums. Being active on TS IS A MUST!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
    TheFurtiveDude and Grandblue like this.

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