I think it was a great application and very well written but I will not sugar coat my reply and will get straight to the point.
Every person that has ever been a staff member of the Meepcraft server that I have had the opportunity to work with know my biggest pet peeves are 1. Using staff perms for personal gain 2. Leaking staff chat. I consider leaking any form of staff communication a violation of the trust a staff team needs to work together effectively and to always be honest with each other which in the case of leaking causes some to not fully speak their minds in fear of it getting out.
Now in the case of your demotions I have been enlightened as to the circumstances and though not the worst case of leaking we have had it is still leaking.
So I have a couple of questions that I will ask to help put myself and hopefully others at ease.
First, do you understand why any type of leaks is an issue within the staff team and what have you learned based on your actions that will prevent this from happening again?
Secondly, it is well known in the Minecraft community that you have a personal relationship with a non-staff member. Now I know in relationships that honesty is something that is important. Do you see this being an issue with not leaking staff information if it involved people you know on a personal level.
I appreciate your honest answers and any other information you would like to provide.
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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from Vexmae
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You fail to mention Magnoot has access to your account, this is a liability.
boombox123, OKNEM, EllieEllie and 9 others like this. -
Vexmae, GroovyGrevous, riri30 and 8 others like this.
alex77034, Marthacuddles, GroovyGrevous and 8 others like this.
Member Name Vexmae
Additional In Game Names: Vexena (Current IGN) Armadiglet and basically any other name with Vex in it
How old are you? 16
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) can range from 1-6 hours
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 5-12hours
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's @CluelessKlutz @Achrow @NinjaRoxy @OKNEM @riri30 @0zblox @Nemoirboys @iKitten
When did you join Meepcraft? 8th July 2014
Introduction: Yello Meep!
I am a 16-year-old, tea drinking girl called Megan, I’m currently in my first year of college studying Beauty Therapy (all the waxing, massages, makeup, nails and all that jazz). My original plan for college was to study media makeup, which includes makeup, on-stage makeup, and SFX (the gory/fake stuff thingamabob). Unfortunately, the course was very new to the college, and they needed people with high expectations to pass to carry on the course. At the time I was rather shy, and after finding out I would have to work with people I don’t know, I didn’t like that. I had moved to beauty Therapy and therefore found a load of new friends! Which is the one reason I am nowhere near as shy, a good thing about beauty therapy is you get to practice on each other (so we get the freebies to waxing and makeup!) but I think it increased my confidence a lot considering we were jumping right in and getting rid of the awkward stage.
As a little bit about my likes/dislikes I like Metal bands, and music from the early 2000s, I very recently went seeing Scouting for Girls on the 6th of December with my Mother, and seeing Alien Ant farm with her sometime this month! My favourite console would have to either be the Nintendo Wii or the 3ds, but my all time favourite game and will always be is the Mario Galaxy franchise, loved it the day I bought it and I still do. Nothing much else to say about myself really considering a lot of you know a lot about me anyway.
During my time on Meep I had just recently left my old town Lost_paradise to make my own town called Athens (to which I am very grateful I had received so much positive feedback for the town), when I’m online I’m usually making prebuilts for my town, or I am just standing still and participating in chat as I still struggle with the issue of starting to lag at 6 pm
Why should you be Helper? I personally feel that I should be a helper because I feel I have a good understanding of how to communicate with players, how things work in the “staff life” and have the experience in keeping a good modreq count, aside from that I feel that I have good relationships with various different personalities and tastes, so I think I’d work well with almost anyone
In my previous run as staff, I didn’t do any projects, so I’m hoping to get accepted so I can actually be recognised for something and make some changes, such as for example, I have been suggesting a little more than I usually do, and I think I have some useful ideas that could help Meep (obviously modreqs will still be more important to me because I like doing them).
In all of my past applications, I stated I had social Anxiety, I would say that doesn’t affect me as much anymore to mention it in weaknesses, obviously if I get an interview I will still be a little nervous as it’s an interview, but I don’t really mind talking to people nowhere near as much as I used to.
I joined back in my first town Legend a little while ago, and I’ve been doing projects through there, and getting a little more used to Trello with it, and now know how everything works (I never touched Trello, probably one of the main reasons I didn’t cooperate in projects.
I have been bonding with many staff, including some speedrunning of Mario Galaxy with Oknem (Much fun) and I’d say that I’ve regained a lot of lost trust with a few staff, so I’m hoping being accepted will prove myself to everyone, not just staff, that I have changed and I hope my past demotion won’t affect the way staff and other people look at me, and hoping my personality will regain the trust I lost.
I would say I am one of the most active Meepers there is, I am on at every moment I can get in, I am very welcoming and I wouldn’t call myself very intimidating, so people won’t be as scared of me if I happen to talk to them, I would consider myself Open-hearted and not at all quick to judge, so I would say I am very easy to start a conversation with.
Now, regarding my demotion, I am very aware of the actions I did and I own up to them completely, my first demotion was a misunderstanding and I would like to point out that fact. But I’m going to keep it anonymous to prevent any drama being spread, I failed to see that my first demotion was a let off, but it was also a pre-warning to what will happen if I do that again, and so I blocked out the signals and did what I did to be demoted again, but this time for good. I’d say I’ve gained enough trust with others and staff members to be trusted just that little bit more not to leak, but let me prove myself by being accepted, as I cannot find any other way to prove it to everyone
What are your weaknesses? -Shyness-
Luckily, not as bad as before, I still get moments of shyness, but not to the point where it’d be considered as social anxiety, this won’t affect my gameplay, it’s more with voice chats, but recently voice chatting hasn’t been so awkward, but I still have flashes so I thought it’d be beneficial to mention this just in case
There have been a few times when these have spiked up, I have the immature side of myself showing a little, I just hope it isn’t that distracting and will result on getting negative votes, but I don't think this will affect my gameplay as staff and I think it should sort itself out
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: With being at college, the only times I won’t be on as much would be Thursdays, as I’m in from really really to really late, but every other day I think I’m okay, unless if an exam pops up
I am also having the issue with starting to lag at 6 pm GMT, but I can stay online to moderate chat, but I won’t be able to warp anywhereLast edited by a moderator: May 13, 2023boombox123, Klitch, CrohnZero and 7 others like this. -
People that don't know the two as well will most likely be left with the impression that they're not just hiring Vex, they're hiring Vex and a toxic (sorry Mag) member of the community.
I completely get where you're coming from, and I agreed to be a reference for Vex despite my thoughts on how Mag would affect her (although unsure where my name is) because I have seen first hand how chat can flare up and she has been unable to handle it due to Mag (as in, people making comments about them and their relationship, not Mag himself so please don't twist this comment. That wasn't Mag's fault, that was some people from the general community being garbage to her). Unfortunately some people can be mean because a LOL from someone on a Minecraft server is worth more than treating people with respect and kindness. I believe, from being a helper with a couple of weeks experience to the person she is today, that she can completely deal with this now and handle it with grace and firmness.
From being staff through both of the demotions, I have seen the reasons why it happened (minor things compared to what could have been, it's still leaking I know, but not the worst case staff has probably seen). I have no doubts about Vex herself, I enjoyed working with her. I have said this to her, so she knows my thoughts already about how her relationship may be seen by some people. But I know how much Vex wants this so I fully support her, just as long as she is allowed to work through things and defend herself on her own, which I know she can do.
Just to point out additionally, that most people who have commented on this subject want Vex to succeed, we are in no way being immature and sad, we are doing it because we know she can get the job done if she is allowed to do so on her own terms and show how independent and valuable she can be.Last edited: Jan 6, 2018 -
Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder
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You have potential but you need confidence and don’t let anybody run over you. Be yourself, have a voice and a backbone, keep your mouth shut, and have fun! Try not to let a game control your emotions even though I understand it’s hard to do. Good luck Vex if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to ask.
MoonlitMadness, GroovyGrevous, iKitten and 5 others like this. -
Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder
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iKitten, Toostenheimer, xAZN_SJx and 4 others like this. -
you leaked twice enough to get you demoted, twice, and I tbh thought you were like an immature 13 based off your posts
lol -1Ace, evilalec555, iKitten and 4 others like this. -
I’ll break this down with Lord’s format.
Application: +1
The application was nice, easy to read and simple, all while allowing players to familiarize themselves with your personality.
I also am glad that you addressed your demotions and cleared things up.
In-Game: +1
You are great at interacting with new players, welcoming them, and overall making friends. You did have amongst the highest modreq counts, which is always great.
Forums: +1
Your activity is great, and your posts are thought out and relevant. You knew your way around the staff section, and would post frequent content.
Conclusion and Recommendation: +/-
Listen Vex, you’re a great applicant, you know your stuff and are friendly, but I cannot support this application fully with the Magnoot liability. Though I like both of you, this is too big to let it slip, no matter how unfair it may seem. Even though you claim Magnoot now does not have access to your account, there is no way for the staff team to monitor that, and he has logged onto your account on several occasions in the past, while you were staff and Legend. Not only is it dangerous in game, but he could potentially access slack, which is worse.
Another liability is the leaking. Having a close person outside the team will most likely create a “don’t tell anyone, but...” situation, whether it’s about future projects or just simple glitches.
Having someone non staff person being able to (potentially) access staff documents, staff chat, projects, and staff permissions is too much of a liability.OKNEM, Courtneyyy, smk and 3 others like this. -
I am a +1 for Vexmae as staff. She is very helpful and nice to everyone she comes across. I have personally seen her stick up to her boyfriend and tell him to behave in game so this is not something I worry about. As for the demotion, I feel she has learned her lesson and will not do it again.
Marthacuddles, iKitten, Pmx728 and 3 others like this. -
GroovyGrevous, iKitten, Courtneyyy and 2 others like this.
I have no problem with your demotions before. We've all leaked at least once or twice. I love your app and how you came forward with your demotion. As Courtney said, don't let anyone hold you back as staff and speak out. Though, theres two things I do worry about.
As you stated to riri's and zamos' post, you don't really stand out to me. Yes, of course, you have experience, which is a huge plus, as thats what staff is looking for currently. But it'll depend on how you plan to show this as well as your contribution in staff, not only in acting as staff on the server, but working out with other staff on ideas they plan, such as the lotto system with lord and flame.
Secondly, as Kling stated, thats the only one true problem I see currently with your account. If you truly made a new password for him to not access, then we have to put full trust onto you to be holding your word. The day that Mag ever accesses your account, I will report it.
Other than that, I'm a full +1. I can put my trust onto you.
Good luck señora noot.Vexmae, GroovyGrevous, Courtneyyy and 2 others like this. -
--- Double Post Merged, Jan 4, 2018, Original Post Date: Jan 4, 2018 ---
Cooleysworld, smk, iKitten and 2 others like this. -
iKitten, smk, DarkKnight49x and 1 other person like this.
As far as the app goes, what can you contribute that nobody else can? You're kind and friendly in-game, but as of now you sound exactly as qualified or less qualified than *deep breath* bloodyghost, riri30, lollisweet101, smkorpi, cuddlykittens, beaufx, or even aedan. You are on discord some, more than the other staff for sure, but with your current app, we don't know what's different about you than the others. If just being friendly and kind was enough, lolli, korpi, and riri probably would've all got helper. If you can show a way which benefits the server that nobody else does, I'm a +1, but for now, the only thing making you "stand out" is your demotions, sorry.
-/+CreeperCristi, xAZN_SJx, iKitten and 1 other person like this.
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