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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from SpongeyStar

  1. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    Member Name SpongeyStar

    Additional In Game Names: Mnr_Major

    How old are you? 15

    Location: New Zealand

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4+

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 7+

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's 2004Grevous

    When did you join Meepcraft? 20 September 2014 (or 21st Sept on forums)

    Introduction: Hi, I’m SpongeyStar! Most of you know me by now but here is a brief rundown about me. I’m a 15 year old girl living in New Zealand and absolutely love Spongebob as you can see by my name. If anyone says anything bad about Spongebob, that doesn’t stop me from watching it. I watch what I want to, I don’t let others’ opinion influence mine. Favourite subjects include Maths, English, Physical Education and German. My favourite sports would be Badminton. I’m starting to get into more sports; next year I will be starting up soccer!

    Why should you be Helper? Yeah, you are probably thinking I’m turning into those people who apply for staff hundreds of times each 2 weeks. Well, I’m not. Ever since I came onto Meep I absolutely loved the atmosphere and community and wanted to give it all I could. I applied for staff only a month after I joined, which wasn’t really a good idea. I just wanted to give back to the community for what you guys have done to me, given me free ranks (apart from Elite which I bought) and being such friendly human beings.

    As I have been on Meep for a year and a bit, I have gained confidence in the commands on the server. I have been through every rank apart from Supreme so I know about the different ranks. I also know my way around the server. I have been mayor of towns in alpha and beta so am competent in the different towny commands, and getting better at towny perms.

    Some days in life you just feel like you can’t be bothered doing anything. Being a staff member, you can’t just claim a modreq and just not be bothered to even do it. It’s worth a try, if you don’t know what to do just ask someone else. This is what I should have done in my previous time as staff. I feel like my self motivation has improved rapidly and I will handle the job well.

    I live in New Zealand, meaning when I’m online after school, there aren’t many staff online. I have a different timezone to a few people and there are always new members asking what to do. It’s a shame having most staff members in one timezone, they need to be more spread out. I think I’ll be good in my timezone. I also have summer holidays starting very soon so I am able to get on as most as I can and help out. I’m always on forums if I’m not ingame or anywhere else. I’ll either be talking to friends, browsing through forums or welcoming new players. Teamspeak on the other hand is a letdown for me, look in the weaknesses.

    Another strength of mine would be my prior experience. I was staff back in April - May. I learnt a lot in that time, about commands, but I just didn’t act mature. I’d be using /g more than /done meaning I never really did as many modreqs as I should have. Now, if I’m given the chance for Helper, I will make sure I don’t let my chance go and I will work more smoothly as I have the previous knowledge.

    The last strength I would like to tell you about is my confidence. Recently, me and a few others in my class did an 18km walk split into 2 days (9km a day) This wasn’t just a flat walk, it included an extremely steep ‘staircase’ which was just made out of dirt, tussock and rocks. I was halfway up and just decided I couldn’t go any further. I really just felt like pitching the tent where I was but I knew if I wanted to get this award I would have to walk up the whole thing. And so I did. I felt like I had just accomplished everything I could, and my confidence improved dramatically. When I previously was staff my confidence was low. I never really asked out for help from Mods and Helpers when I needed to know something, but now I’m sure I will ask when I can.

    What are your weaknesses? Immaturity: I still find myself immature at times, mostly when I’m with close friends. I try to get my act together if I feel I’m going too overboard and tell myself I don’t want the new members to see this immature community.

    Hackers: I’m rarely in PvP or Kit so I don’t really know about the different types of hackers, but I will try get to know them as there are normally many reports about Hackers and I want to make this server a better place.

    Bias: I have developed many, many friends on this server. They are all so nice to me but sometimes I’m too nice back. Sometimes if they say something bad I never really did anything about it but even though they are my friends, they are still part of the server and I need to help them to know what’s wrong and what’s right.

    TeamSpeak - I am not allowed to go on TeamSpeak, my parents say. I completely take in their opinion and I accept it. Even if I were allowed on I would still be very shy as I'm not really capable to talking to other people I've never met in person. I try my best to get on when I can, and improve my speaking ability to the community so I won't be as shy.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I've tried working on all the things I have been denied for in the past.
    Thanks for your time reading this application. It is much appreciated if you leave a vote and reasoning below as that will help me improve on what you think I need to improve. Thanks!

    - Spongey. :)
  2. SillySilver

    SillySilver Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You're just like me, but younger(have I said this before..?), when I see you it feels like im looking in the mirror.
    But hey, there is one difference: you want to be Helper and I dont, and thats really good. +1, I dont see any reasons to deny this app, its long, it has alot details and everything. :3
  3. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the feedback so far :>
  4. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    Thank you guys :)
    Silly, maybe I am your long lost sister :O
  5. LadyCassandra

    LadyCassandra Rebel Angel Warrior | Sweet Baby Child

    Likes Received:
    I was surprised that your previous app was denied. Pleeeeaaaaasssseeeee get accepted this time :p
    ~REALLY nice
    Yeah, you already know. +1
  6. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Spongey, you're everyone's bright light. If you can keep up in being helper and make it to Mod (hopefully), I wish to hug you.
    You're always that one person that everyone notices and talks to. That's what I really, really like about you.
    Good luck!
  7. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Struggled man....Girl, you applied lot of times...and every single times I gave you a -1 with some little reasons..But now you have my vote, +1 do not make any stupid mistake! Good lucky spongy!
  8. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Mature enough
    Past staff experience

    Good luck!
  9. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    hi spongey! You're a very positive and super friendly/sweet person, plus you're in a great time zone. I'm not sure how you did in your last go as a helper, but after reading your app I'm sure you'll know how to stand out and work hard :)
    +1 good luck!