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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from SidTheSeaStar

  1. EllieEllie

    EllieEllie Staff Member Leadership

    Likes Received:
    I remember the last time you applied, we were going through it together and I was so so gutted for you when everything happened. I'd love to see you in an interview and I think we need your fun personality and experience around on the team. Just don't rip your pants..

    cooey, SillySilver, Pmx728 and 5 others like this.
  2. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Member Name SidTheSeaStar

    Additional In Game Names: SpongeyStar (ingame)

    How old are you? 16

    Location: New Zealand

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-3 hours school days but holidays I can do more.

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-5-6 hours spread out

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's GroovyGrevous, onceuponajino, EllieEllie

    When did you join Meepcraft? September 20 or 21 2014

    Introduction: Hi! SpongeyStar here, just call me Spongey. Y’all probably know me by now so I’ll keep this short and sweet.

    I live in New Zealand (great country, highly recommend) and am attending my second last year of school. I plan on completing some sort of Engineering degree when I’m older, probably Software. I enjoy coding and have coded in HTML CSS, Python, C++, and learning Java. In my free time from Minecraft, I program, bake things (not the best), and watch tv. I love watching Spongebob and Parks and Rec!

    Why should you be Helper? So I’ve been pondering about this for a bit and I’ve had thoughts bouncing back. I had thoughts like ‘hmmm I should apply’ but then I was like ‘yeah but school and you’ll get distracted’ but then I said ‘but I really enjoyed my first two runs at staff’.. So it was hard for me to make this decision. I know I’ll have to dedicate time to both study and Meep, with exams looming in.

    “Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector’s item.”

    I’ve had my ups and downs through the pastimes of being staff, and past interviews. When I got demoted from my first shot at staff I felt utterly gutted but slightly okay. I knew I was immature but I still loved my job. I’d also been in a boomo game where there was a glitch, and it kept giving me meebles until I had about a million. I kept quiet about it until I told Diana, but then it was too late. I was demoted because of that and other reasons. From that, I learnt staff isn’t all fun and games.

    My most recent interview, in which I got denied, I had been really nervous. I couldn’t get my discord microphone working properly and that was really bad organisational skills; not a good quality to see in a staff member. I then had to do a second part to that interview the following day, which turned out to be good but I just wasn’t up for the job despite my willingness. From that, I learnt I needed to be much more organised and cool, calm and collected.

    As you can see I’ve learnt a few things from these past ‘bad’ experiences. On top of that, I’d learnt great experience like prism, involving myself in staff projects etc. These experiences have really built on me to become a bigger and better person in the staff team.

    "Dedication Takes Sacrifice"
    As I have been on Meep for almost 3 years (this month), I’ve had my ups and downs of thinking of leaving or not. But whenever I say that I end up missing Meep so much and my friends here I just can’t leave. I’m usually always on forums and discord but my in game activity might be a little less since I’m at school at peak Meep times. I’ve learnt to do my homework and study first then come on Meep. However I can come on after school which is usually when not many staff members are on. I’ve been in situations recently where there were spammers and rude people spamming in chat and there were no staff on, if there were, they were afk. I feel as though this happens mostly at the later times and it’s better to have more staff online at this time as well.

    What are your weaknesses? Immaturity - Shaking my head that I STILL have to write this down as a weakness, every time I’ve applied. You’ve probably seen me online saying the most randomest things like ‘I like potatoes’ or ‘chicken bagel tomato popsicles.’ Immature or not, it’s just something I do I don’t know why...haha.

    To be honest, I feel like immaturity is just going to be something that’s just lurking in the back of my mind, waiting to jump out at any given moment. What sparks my immaturity is being around friends mostly. One of my favourite quotes is, ‘Some people are like trees, they take forever to grow up.’ Sorry, but I’m that tree..

    Discord - I’m not able to get on Discord every day or every other day like most of you. However if I do get an interview or if I am staff I will find time to try join any staff meetings, interviews or discussions. I know this is important and I really would like to put more of myself in the team.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Thanks for taking this into consideration, I wish to bring Meep back to it’s previous amazing state! (It’s still amazing though) :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 4, 2017, Original Post Date: Sep 4, 2017 ---
    Edited to take out that space..
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2017
    Acceleradiance, cooey, Pmx728 and 5 others like this.
  3. 2leah2

    2leah2 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 best person ever
  4. Pmx728

    Pmx728 Legendary Meeper

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    While you are a silly fun person most of the time, I found you acted maturely during modreqs and while helping people.
    iKitten, cooey, onceuponajano and 3 others like this.
  5. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    Spongey, I've always been a fan of you being helper. There's one thing I like in helpers and that's the ability to actually have fun and not act like a robot. You can be serious, when needed, and I think that's a good thing to have whenever you are applying for helper, immaturity to me is different then just goofing around, most of us are kids anyway, so being a little immature isn't the issue to me. You've been there for me in the roughest times, whenever I was crying about being so stressed or someone torturing me when we were both staff, that ultimately made us the best of friends. I really miss that. Not only were you a terrific helper, but also a terrific mod, however I do agree with dark on one point that you really should be able to get on discord at least once a week and talk just a little bit, you are quite a bit shy, as appose to in world chat when you talk nonstop and socialize which I ADORE, always having the ability to keep a convo going is amazing, especially when its needed to discuss issues or ideas, and you are very, very creative.

    I'm all in on this one :) miss you! +1
  6. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

    Likes Received:
    Yes, you make a good point.

    Firstly, I'm not applying for tech so my programming skills aren't actually needed. Yes, we already have wonderful techs who are working super hard. What I'm saying is that I just want to give that helping hand doing modreqs and moderating the server at those low peak times. Throughout my last run of staff I thoroughly enjoyed writing outlines for things and giving my input to things, which I enjoyed.

    I know my immaturity can get the best of me and you've probably been the one to see that. It's mostly when I'm around friends. But I'm trying to contain myself and be a mature-er person. I know that no one wants an immature person on their staff team.

    Because of school, I haven't been able to get on much. But there was an instance where there were 2 or more spammers in chat and I in fact did report them, you can find the report here . Sure it's only one report but I do keep my eye out if things go overboard.

    As for Discord, I do join in the chats but I'm not able to join the voice chats due to not being allowed to. But that wouldn't limit me from just joining and having my mic muted.

    Thanks though, mum.
  7. onceuponajano

    onceuponajano nump(t)y queen

    Likes Received:
    spong u know i love u to bits and i'm happy that you're applying again - g u d luck my lovely +1

    love ur fellow dum b O x x
    (you spelt my name wrong but i forgive you as i love u)
    cooey, Pmx728, GroovyGrevous and 2 others like this.
  8. MasterTurtle

    MasterTurtle Popular Meeper

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    I am not going to leave a vote. But it would be cool if you got a interview.
  9. riri30

    riri30 Retired veteran

    Likes Received:
    Hi Pat.
    First off, what's New Zealand.
    Second, you are the funnest, funniest, and spongiest player to play with.
    It's always a blast, and though you're fun, you do know your way around commands and have decent knowledge of the server.
  10. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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    You were great on your last run as staff but since then you have improved even more +1 Good luck!!