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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from sackboy000

  1. sackboy000

    sackboy000 Popular Meeper

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    Member Name sackboy000

    Additional In Game Names: LBPgamerMC

    How old are you? 14

    Location: Malaysia (north-west of Australia, more towards the north)

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 2-5 hours

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-8 hours

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    When did you join Meepcraft? Around December 2012, came back on May 2013

    Introduction: Hello meepcraft, I am Sackboy000, another ordinary meeper just playing on meepcraft. I started playing meep as one of my friends recommended me to. I used to only play ctf, and now here I am, having one of the highest donatable ranks, going all over the server doing things I've never even thought about doing. I've met a lot of friends along the way, from citizens all the way to ultimate, even staff. I won't say I'm even that famous on meep, but I guess you've probably heard about me before. I am mostly a maths nerd as stated by people, but I am only 14, so I probably don't know as much. In minecraft, I am good at redstone, which also relates to "maths" because of how I connect logic gates to solve problems ( honestly there are people better than me )

    Why should you be Helper? Well other than the immense about of new staff nowadays, I would still like to serve the community. Well serving the community as in different aspects, I know staff are supposed to handle server stuff, like help in commands, teaching players about plugins and things, I can provide a larger scale, as to teach people in building, or somewhat other stuff. Personally I don't think them as a modreq abuse if someone did modreq those kinds of things, I would consider as they need some sort of help, which is where staff can come in.
    As for helping with "staff" problems, I have helping many people in my life, not just in meep, also irl.

    I also am familiar with some server commands, even though I've never been staff, I have some experiences by helping some other people or staff. As for towny commands i have never been a mayor, but I know almost every command there is to know, and almost every other existing donor commands. (I would really like to emphasize the word "almost" because sometimes staff may not know certain things, and you learn new things everyday, even as a staff.)

    Well as an irl school prefect, it helps in leadership skills. I can deal with people from annoying to kind, and whichever the person, I can assure that it wouldn't be a problem. I will also try to change whoever is "annoying" into a kind person, although it doesn't always works out, I can still help him, although that's the whole point of helper is it... ( The term " annoying" sometimes doesn't mean they're really annoying, just going with the public, how I define annoying, is people that desperately need help, as such they spam help or keeps bugging a staff, and I'm sure truly annoying people doesn't exist in meepcraft)

    I also try to finish every work given to me as soon as possible. I don't stall a lot and I can manage my time well. Although managing time on weekdays is quite hard for me, since I have school, I can hop on minechat from time to time, and with minechat, I can still handle modreqs and help verbally.

    What are your weaknesses? I can sometimes be immature, as I am only 14, but I try to reduce the amount of times i get mad about something or just trying to argue over a small issue. And lately, I think I did quite well, still happens sometimes, but no one is perfect.

    I also sometimes rush through what I am trying to do, althought I can manage my time well, sometimes life just doesn't go according to plan. I try to put my best effort in everything, but carelessness can happen because i rush through things.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: If you read the whole application ( which I assume is short ), thank you for taking the time.

    This actually serves as two purposes, as a staff application and as a thread to see how people actually think about me. ( that's why I didn't tell anybody i am applying for staff, also I am not gonna like every post below this, because personally that's not what I do in normal threads, I just try to stay the way i am now and try to be honest)

    Thank you.
  2. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    You are from Malaysia?! My Mum is from there, I've been there quite a few times :p

    Anyways, Sack. +1. I see you as very mature, you are quite active, you also know lots about redstone which can come into good use when doing some modreqs if people are questioning about redstone. I think you should just help a little more in shout but other than that, you would be great staff.

    Good luck!