+1 from me... PheonixAngel is awesome... I guess that's why I married her![]()
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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from PhoenixAngel80
Member Name PhoenixAngel80
Additional In Game Names: phoenixangel2011
How old are you? 35
Location: Lindenhurst, Il
Do you have Skype? Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak? No
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 6-8
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 7-9
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No
References: Please give IGN's KlutchDecals
When did you join Meepcraft? April 2015
Introduction: Hello! I am Angela aka phoenixangel80. I am 35 and the mother of two children. I was formerly a Loan Officer, and currently able to be a stay at home mom due to my husband's career as a Software Developer. I started on Meep when my daughter asked me to and now we all play as a family!
Why you should be Helper? I feel I possess many qualities that would make me a good Helper. First of all I can bring a high level of maturity to the team. I love to have fun and play like anyone else, but I also know when it is time to handle situations and get work done. Also, I love to help people! One of the things I miss most about working is being there to help people and solve problems. Another quality of mine is acceptance of others. After spending 9 yrs working on a military base with people from all walks of life, I developed a deep appreciation of other people and their varying cultures and beliefs.
What are your weaknesses? My worst weakness is shyness. I have been coming out of my shell and getting involved in chat and on forums and am finally ready to jump into TeamSpeak. I also tend to be very hard on myself. I am not happy until I complete the task at hand and solve any problems. I am also a very sensitive person. I pride myself on my honesty and integrity and do not always handle it well if it is called into question. Lastly, I wasn't a great loser when I started on here, but I have realized I am just not made for pvp and that is not a terrible thing!
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I am very motivated to help this server in any way possible. I am available at times when I see no other staff on and I want to be a part of making this a great gaming experience for everyone. I will continue to increase my forum activity and look forward to trying TeamSpeak. Thank you so much for taking the time to consider my application!Pmx728, Killdogx, TheAngelEclipse and 8 others like this. -
andrewrobins, cooey, vrohan and 3 others like this.
Accepted for Interview
Courtneyyy, cooey, CreeperCristi and 2 others like this. -
I cannot express the happiness I saw when I thought PhoenixPuppy was applying...
...but you seem to be just as good. +1Lilliya, Toostenheimer, metr0n0me and 1 other person like this.