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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from Noahnda

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    You were staff on a server that 90% of their population came from MeepCraft. It closed down 2 days ago and you're applying for staff here? What the hell
    qazini, iiTzJDL, Klitch and 8 others like this.
  2. Noahnda

    Noahnda Celebrity Meeper

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    Member Name Noahnda

    Additional In Game Names: N/A

    How old are you? 17

    Location: Masschusetts, USA

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4-6

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 5-8

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    References: Please give IGN's KlutchDecals

    When did you join Meepcraft? Sometime before 1st reset, 2012/2013.

    Introduction: About me:
    Greetings! My name is Noah, known as Noahnda, and I have been a member of the meepcraft community for several years. I am currently in my junior year of high school so things are quite busy with college right around the corner. I enjoy camping, hiking, and basically anything outdoors. There is just something about connecting with nature, and the peacefulness of the outdoors that draws me in. Above all I love helping other people and giving back to the community. I am involved in several community service oriented organizations including Project 351, Freshman Transition, and Scouts (BSA) When you can help others, and bringing something positive into the world, it is a special feeling. In a world where there is so so much negative it is always nice to take a step back and see what you can do for others. Other than that I have been currently working on teaching myself how to code and generally improving my knowledge in computer science. This is a particular area of interest to me and I hope to learn more as time goes on.

    My time on meep:
    I have played meep since before the first reset so I am quite acclimated to the server and how it operates. Although there have been major changes over the years the same essential aspect that kept me coming back for more is still around, the wonderful community. Originally when I first started playing I had a small town with my two little brothers, cool31085 and aaron64179, which was an awesome time. It was very different back then, before the reset, and overall I had a different perspective because of my age. Staff were generally looked up to as individuals who were respected, and definitely cared about the server. This particular outlook makes me hold receiving a staff position on a high standard. Regardless, my experience was positive then and still is now, encroaching on 18. One of the things essential to meep's survival, and what makes it particularly special is its community. The community on this server is like no other, largely due to the connections made year after year but also because of a deep care for the server.

    Why should you be Helper? Why should you be Helper?
    Past Experience:
    In the past I have had the privilege to staff on multiple servers, ranging from helper, a starter rank, to administrator. These particular opportunities have allowed me to become familiar with several key aspects of server moderation. First, I know essentially all in game commands in relation to player moderation, help, etcetera. When it comes to doing lookups, rollbacks and the many more capabilities of Prism and other logging plugins, I am no stranger. Additionally while admin on another server that used the forums software Xenforo, same that Meepcraft uses, I became quite similar with the advanced admin user panel as well as the general moderation aspect. I have dealt with answering suggestions, complaints, feedback, and staff applications.

    Positive traits/skills:
    Some positive character traits I believe I embody are listed below. Each has a corresponding reason why I believe I embody that trait, and an example of when it was applied.

    Reason: When it comes to taking charge I can do so with ease and usually earn the respect of those who I am working with. A major part of leading is being able to listen and let each team member take part in what is going on, equally.
    Example: There are several examples in my life where I have had the privilege to lead. I do not usually like talking about this stuff simply because I don't like to boast myself up, but, a few examples are listed below: Alumni Leadership Team with Project 351 - had the honor is leading 9 eighth grades through various service initiatives throughout the year, Freshman Transition - lead and mentored incoming freshman at my high school to get them prepared for day one and beyond.

    Problem Solver
    Reason: When a problem arises I am not one to by shy for offering a solution. I have a realistically creative mind and work well with others. With these two particular aspects I have no issue confronting an issue, and developing a logical and well balanced fair solution.
    Example: An example of this would be when I was helping run a school food drive. Collections were low so I was tasked with finding an incentive for people to donate. My solution was to work with Wal-Mart to match the collected items pound for pound, which ended up working fantastically.

    Reason: Having lived through many different experiences I have developed great understanding for what others may be going though. When looking at a situation I always look at the problem from both sides of the table, in an attempt to fully evaluate what is going on before reaching a conclusion.
    Example: In a team decision making situation the other group members wanted to reach a conclusion without reviewing why this individual was swearing at a team member. I had to reason with the group to look at it from both sides because the individual was in the wrong, but to a less degree considering they had aspergers and lacked certain “people skills”

    Reason: Having been exposed to many different lifestyles, people, and overall beliefs I consider myself a very accepting person. My father was a legal immigrant to this country and had to learn English from the bottom up, I do not poke fun at younger children or those with disabilities and or certain disorders. Whether you are rich or poor, black or white, gay or straight, male or female or trans, I will treat you with respect. Everyone is at a different point in their walk of life, we are all human.
    Example: On several occasions I have been the sole friend of many individuals on some Minecraft servers because they were different or generally not liked for various reasons. Of course sometimes there are legitimate reasons to dislike an individual, but, I believe in second chances and actually getting to know someone. Learning where someone is coming from and why they do what they do is very important to me when it comes to full circle interaction.

    Good Communicator
    Reason: In this particular area I am quite competent. When it comes to tough topics, dealing with people, handing confrontation, addressing PR problems/challenges, and generating an overall positive image I believe I get the job done effectively and properly. Marketing Communications is my particular category for DECA, a competitive business club where you are provided a problem and must come up with a solution, has certainly helped me learn new creative solutions as well as overall the do’s and don'ts when it comes to communicating with people.
    Example: I was tasked with finding a solution to increase community interaction and activity. The issue identified was that they did not feel they had a significant role. It was decided that the best way to resolve this was to open avenues in which the community could provide feedback and become a larger part of the picture. This was extremely effective and overall increased engagements.

    Qualifications Summary:
    Driven, Experienced, Helpful, Kind, Understanding, and Caring.

    What are your weaknesses? One of my weaknesses would be standing my ground if I am really confident about something. This can be good in a sense, but bad if I am actually wrong and in the process just prolonging finding a solution or continuing the conversation. To put this into context of Minecraft if I thought that something was one thing and was extremely confident about it, then I would be likely to maturely argue that point.

    An additional weakness is that often times I tend to be blunt about issues. As a result this can come off as being rude which is not the intent. I am a very literal person and believes in following the rules. Overall I am a very honest person so if you want the hard truth, or an unbiased opinion I can certainly do that.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I look forward to meeting some of you who I may not have met, and hopefully interacting in and outside of the game. If there are any issue, questions, or concerns that I can answer I would be more than happy to.
    2leah2, fasehed, Natsu and 6 others like this.
  3. Natsu

    Natsu Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, using my 2nd post.

    I don't want to steer this to a different direction, and I'll understand if mods delete this, but I don't really think what you did there is appropriate. First, Meepcraft is not affiliated with Naturalis and your MOTD Message makes it sound like Naturalis was merged to Meepcraft or something which is not true.
    Also on your Facebook page, it says "It is a similar towny server and many of our developers will be joining their team to help better the server".
    I don't find this very favorable because 1) Naturalis is similar to this because it copied off of meep, not the other way around. 2) This sounds like you are expecting to join the team. 3) It also sounds like your server is better than Meep and you are lending hands to us which is completely untrue.

    I know that as I see more and more Naturalis stuff I'm getting more and more offended but this is exactly why I don't want ex-Naturalis members as staff on the server.

    I know that you care about this server and I know that you were just trying to give this server more players. But what you said there is just not worthy of a helper candidate.
    JETUB1, metr0n0me, Cherrykit and 4 others like this.
  4. Noahnda

    Noahnda Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi! I totally understand your concern and am not here to change your opinion. I just wanted to clarify so that going forward it is clear: I resigned several weeks ago and have not been staff for some time. Even before that I had started to play more on meep.

    Hope we can talk sometime. Thanks :)
  5. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    Lol, I thought you were Jess' husband until now.

    +1 has a cute profile picture
  6. JETUB1

    JETUB1 Celebrity Meeper

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    Very presumptuous statement. From my point of view, it seems that you abandoned ship so you didn't have to help clean up.
    Right now, -1
  7. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Were not turning this into a drama thread. If you commented, move on.
  8. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    I noah guy who should be on the staff team, and that's this guy noahnda.

    Ok yeah he was staff on Naturalis but come on that server is gone now and plus they mentioned Meep many times to their own players. They tried to help you, Meepcraft, as a server. What can you say about dedication? It's not like he's still staff there and applying. He's purely applying for Meepcraft (Same goes to Roxy). Noah has experience working on another server and he can bring that to Meep and build the server up. He may have been lacking in forum activity and in game activity before but he's showing improvement. Give him some chance, at least for an interview.

  9. Noahnda

    Noahnda Celebrity Meeper

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    Thank you for your kind words and feedback @MoonlitMadness ! It is really appreciated I have sent you a DM so that we can discuss any other questions or concerns you may have. Additionally some things I cannot share publicly I can fill you in on. I look forward to hopefully building a stronger friendship with you and getting to know you better!

    In the mean time please review this:
    Here are a few examples of how I attempted to cultivate any disenfranchised Naturalis players when the server was closing. The goal was to hopefully spread the word and encourage them to play on meep.

    1. Public Facebook post - I posted the below statement on the Naturalis Facebook page encouraging players to join meep. In the post the Meepcraft facebook page was also linked.
    Screen Shot 2017-01-31 at 2.44.28 PM.png

    2. Server MOTD message - I updated the server's MOTD message to reflect the servers status and encourage players to join meep, included below.
    Screen Shot 2017-01-28 at 7.06.49 AM.png

    @Klitch thank you for addressing your concerns. They are completely warranted given the situation, and I would approach this the same way. I am not going to deny "talking crap" or in my eyes criticising the server. I did, and I stand by those criticisms. Part of the reason I wanted to apply for staff was because I actually do care about meep, and, rather than complain it would be much more constructive if I spent my time making it better. Feel free to review the posts above.

    Regardless, I hope I can get to know you better and maybe even become friends!

    - Noah
  10. DarkKnight49x

    DarkKnight49x ⏦ ❀ The True Dark Knight ❀ ⏦

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    Herro Noahnda!
    So a few things I see from this. Mainly the part that you were staff from another server before. That will, of course, impact my voice, yet I still have other things to consider and I won't really mention it. The application itself was fine, you introduced yourself to where I got to connect to you, since we're both 17, hehe. You introduced how you came to Meep, which connects to some, if not, many players on MeepCraft on how they came onto Meep. Your "Why you should be helper" was spot on, having examples for each reason. Of course, you weakness is fine itself. The only problem I have with it is mainly the fact that you didn't give time to post this application. As said above, it would have been better if you built trust with us, so we get to know who you are. Honestly I don't really remember who you are, no offense. You've been fairly active in discord, and your forum activity could use a bit of work. I'm gonna leave a neutral vote on this. I would have gave a +1 yet you posted this early. Good luck.
  11. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I do not understand why someone who immediatly came from a directly competing server would want to apply here with little trust.

    Take time. Build trust. I have no idea who you are. Your last forum activity except before this month was back in August. You came from a server, and were admin on it, where a bunch of super toxic-to-us crap going on. Stolen plugin? If you were staff there, you had to have thought that that was okay - otherwise you wouldn't have been admin..

    -1. The community needs to trust you, and besides any people that come from your server (See all above +1s) I don't see why we would.