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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from MrCreeperCat

  1. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

    Likes Received:
    I don't even know where to start, so I'll break it up.

    • TS) Never, ever seen you on. lol.
    • Forums) Inactive, Immature, has a pretty bad attitude and is somewhat annoying.
    • In-game) Oh yes the juicy bit. I do see you in game some, which is good, but what I see is far, far from good. You're annoying, you're immature, you break rules, you troll, you have an attitude, and more. I constantly see you spamming, and that attitude I'm talking about is a huge problem. As soon as something doesn't go your way, or someone disagrees with you, we meet the end of the world. I remember once you posted a thread saying how much you hate citizens, and when I pointed out your reasons as invalid you completely exploded. The immaturity is also, yet again, a huge problem. And yes, here I'm talking about the spamming and the annoyingness.
    • The application) Pretty bad lol

    Look kid, here's my advice:
    If you ever want a shot at becoming a staff member, you need to seriously shape up. You say you are 13, yet you act 10. I'm not talking about acting nice and helpful for the next 2 weeks, I'm talking about serious improvement over the next 4-5-6 months. The application had some serious issues, both grammar and information wise. The likely way to do it would be to have a few people proof-read it for grammar, and instead of saying useless stuff in your app you need to ask yourself some serious questions of "How would I benefit the staff team?". As for the forums, you seriously need to be active and make actual helpful and/or meaningful posts. You also need to be on Teamspeak. Doesn't have to be often, but you need to show yourself every now and then.

    Good luck, -1.
    jmelara, alex77034, metr0n0me and 7 others like this.
  2. Splasho

    Splasho Celebrity Meeper

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    If you agree with everyones opinions why are you applying? They're negative.
    MrJat123, UglyUnicorn, epick8 and 6 others like this.
  3. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    Are you for real? He spent at least 15 minutes making a response to help you and this is how you repay him? This is so immature and you'll never get staff with this bratty attitude.
    MrJat123, jmelara, benster82 and 6 others like this.
  4. ShadowBlizzard

    ShadowBlizzard Celebrity Meeper

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    Being a "good person" doesn't get you helper. If you really have the best intentions at heart then improve on everything people are stating here as a weakness for you.
    You applied to become a staff member, they're not -1'ing you and your life. They're simply saying they'd rather not see you as a staff figure. It's really up to you to handle how you'll deal with this criticism, you could do it immaturely and argue about it, or you could prove yourself worthy and say "thank you" or something like that.
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    comments on the app are in blue.

    I'll say again. Meep doesn't turn on people for no reason. By the above comments, people find you annoying.
    Also, if you have to ask if you're ready for staff, you're not. Confidence, man. Confidence.

    You don't hate life, trust me. This is nothing compared to some people's lives.
    As a staff member, you'd HAVE to just brush this off. When I was staff, I've gotten things like ''You suck'' to legit death threats. You have to learn to be immune to this.
    We don't care really if you're a good person, we care about your qualifications. Right now, you are not qualified for this position.

    The app was very weak, and contained a lot of useless fluff.
    You respond badly to criticism, and all the people above me have reported you being spammy, immature, and annoying.
    -1. You aren't ready yet.
    (Pm me if you want more, cause I can give more if you need it)
  6. MegaStufOreo

    MegaStufOreo The Cookie Monster

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    All honesty here, you don't look 13.
  7. ImNotBlonde

    ImNotBlonde Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 bc you said "in irl" and that says everything, really.
  8. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    your like 12
  9. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    How are we supposed to know that you are a good person inside when you can't take criticism and act immature online? If you can't take criticism, then you shouldn't be a staff member as there will always be people who disagree with decisions you make.
  10. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    Can you just stop? If you can't handle the criticism then do not apply for staff.
    GroovyGrevous, Liam, cooey and 2 others like this.
  11. xtJunior

    xtJunior Unknown Vigilante

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    Hello MrCreeperCat!
    I'm a -1, it looks like to me that you can't handle criticism. Being a staff member you would have to know when to ignore it. Personally, I have lots of players that dislike me and I just ignore them. Also TeamSpeak is a requirement so i'd suggest downloading it. Goodluck :)
    GroovyGrevous, jmelara, cooey and 2 others like this.
  12. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    You have quite a ban history. I don't think you have learned enough from this yet. I would like to see 2-3 months of no bans and being helpful and active.

    jmelara, cooey, GroovyGrevous and 2 others like this.
  13. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Look kid, you said you hate life because a few people over the Internet gave negative comments on a staff application. You can beleive that the whole server is lying about their comments, but believe what you want, and you won't get the position. Try using these comments as a tool to help you improve rather than just than crumbling them up and throwing them away as if they're garbage.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2015, Original Post Date: Jul 2, 2015 ---
    Just know, that these idiots don't know what they're talking about. They are only trying to let you down and catch your emotion, so you give up. Their comments aren't constructive at all, just plain rude. Ignore them, they mean nothing to anyone.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 2, 2015 ---
    So you're saying when someone is annoying, they aren't a good person?
  14. GalacticShawty

    GalacticShawty Well-Known Meeper

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    Every time you reply with negativity like this, you have a lesser chance of getting a staff job in your life. And plus you can't spell well. Criticism is a part of the job and it looks like you can't handle it due to your extreme immaturity. People put me down on my app but that was only to help me to do better if I ever try to reapply.
  15. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    You slandered me in shout and threatened me over /msg because I had a pwarp you previously owned.
    I don't think that is very "Staff" material.
  16. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

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    I am sorry young man, but I don't think you will fit the job nor see you IG. From what I can see, people say you troll and you are immature.

    I can't really say you are immature because as I said before, I haven't seen you online. So improve this aspects and Good luck!
