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Helper Application from Metzy

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Metzy, May 10, 2015.

  1. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    Member Name Metzy

    Additional In Game Names: MetzyMetzMetz

    How old are you? 13

    Location: Chicago, IL

    Do you have Skype? Yes

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 8-10

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 9-11

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? No

    References: Please give IGN's

    Introduction: Hey! In case you don't know me, I'm Metzy or Emily, which ever you prefer. I've been playing on meep since late January, early February. I discovered Minecraft a little under 4 years ago, my brother had got a cracked version from his friend, and in November I finally got the paid version. I am 13, I have five siblings, four brothers and a sister. I am the youngest out of all of us. My oldest sibling is 25 and in the Army. I love softball, and volleyball, but I have only played on a softball team, volleyball is just for fun. Some of my favorite foods and drinks are, coffee, Doritos, hot cheetos, root beer, ramen noodle soup, mac and cheese ect. I get comfortable around people, and I love to joke around, so if I get to know you I can seem a little less mature than if I was a stranger, I can be pretty immature, but I know how to control it and when. I like to consider myself confident online, but in school you would think I am a completely different person. I count on my friends and really my friends only for opinions and thoughts on things. My friends really are something that I couldn't live without, because they help me so much. I don't really like to take my own opinion until I get someone else's opinion about the same matter. I'm fairly social, though there are times where I like to just be alone, but if I'm online I'm most likely talking to a friend, or willing to talk to someone. I can be mean, and sarcastic a lot, but if you know me personally and have a problem with that you can always talk to me. I am reasonable :p. When I first joined meep, I was pretty shy for a little, I didn't really meet anyone, until someone added me on skype from the forums and it helped me meet some

    I like to consider myself a leader in some ways. I never have been head captain of anything (like sports teams), but I do like to take control of group projects, and lead everyone into the right direction. There was this one time where my teacher had to leave to do something important. She left me in charge, for the 20 minutes she was gone and let me teach the class what she was talking about (I already knew what it was). If you tell me to do something I will do it, even if I'm not all comfortable with it, I follow the rules, and I try my best to enforce them. I know, I know, I don't talk in shout a lot. I don't really see the need to, because usually when people are talking, it's something I'm not entirely interested in, I am working on it though. Teamspeak, I know in my last app, that I noted that my teamspeak was password protected by my brother. I just got that fixed today, so now I'm able to use teamspeak freely.

    If this app gets denied, I will work my hardest to follow all of the advice that yall give me to become staff material. I love to help, its one of my main qualities, I'm good with working with others, I'm friendly and very passionate about meepcraft, because its the only server I have fell in love with and haven't gotten bored with in the four or so years I have been playing Minecraft. I'm a fastish learner, depends on what I'm learning. But I know I will be able to take on the challenge of being a staff member.

    Why you should be Helper? I am on meepcraft a lot. Like, my brother is getting tired of not being able to use the computer because of me being on it hehe. I am on anywhere from 1-3 hours after school. Then I do my homework. (Then get back on of course)

    I'm a people person, I like to be around people. I love to be on the forums and I keep up with things going on in the community, and new things coming and arriving to the server. I am really active in-game, on everyday when I am not in trouble. I'm on the forums whenever I'm in game, and sometimes just sitting in bed. I love helping, and I do it every chance I can, and I am completely willing to drop everything I'm doing to help a fellow Meeper. Becoming helper on meepcraft will be a very big confidence boost for me, because that would mean that I can help people hundreds of miles away from me and people sitting in my house, it means a lot. I am active on skype, I have it on my phone, iPod, and computer, I am also saving up for a personal laptop, which will be useful. I am usually always reachable, I have social media out the rear end, and I keep my phone on full blast just incase someone needs me.

    I am constantly helping my classmates in school. Even though I hate it, I am good at math and I understand it, so my classmates often ask me for help, that also goes for english, I understand a lot of things in that subject as well, and so people like to come to me for writing tips and such. Most recently I have been less active than normal, because its getting close to the end of the school year, so things are getting a little hectic with school work and projects, and with vacation coming up soon. I feel like I could be trusted with certain commands. Now, I don't know much about the helper job and its commands but I do think that I will learn very easily, I am good at memorizing commands. I don't get aggravated easily, or mad, I do get easily annoyed, which can add onto becoming a little sassy sometimes, but I am definitely working on it. I know how to understand and relate to players problems as best as I can, and solving their issue in an efficient, kind, and respectful way. I am always ready for a new challenge, I like to be challenged with new stuff, stuff I don't always understand.

    I am assistant and co-mayor in two towns, and I have really learned a lot from it. Helping people with their problems really helped me gain more patience and respect for people. I know that I am good enough to be staff material, with a few little tweaks on stuff here and there. If I need to change something about myself (attitude, patience, ect). I will work my hardest to make it better or change it. Now, I don't know a ton of commands, but I do know a decent amount, and I am always willing to learn more.

    I get a tingling feeling everytime I help someone, whether it be with a command, or fixing their plot. It's just something about helping someone, it's so fun. I try my best with helping people in school and online, like if someone in school has a problem with something I know I can't solve, I usually bring them to a teacher I trust to help solve the problem. I would also make sure I know my limits, so that I don't mess up.

    And like I said before, I love meep, and I'm passionate about meepcraft and willing to help someone at any time. I learn fast, I love to help, and I think I would make a great addition to the staff team. :)

    What are your weaknesses? Computer time - I share a computer with my brother, and there are times where he just wants to use it, so he will sometimes have it for the whole night after school, this doesn't happen everyday though.

    Computer being logged out - When my parents want my brother and I to get chores and such done, they log off the computer. I don't know the password, and usually when this happens its logged out for a couple days at a time. But usually never more than a week.

    School - I know that school isn't really a weakness, because most of the people on staff are still in school, but its coming up to the end of the year. I get really busy at the end of the year, I'm not completely sure I will be on as much as I want to be because I really need to start raising my grades.

    Attitude - I have a bit of an attitude, and sometimes I don't know my limit. I will most definitely work on it.

    Sense of humor - I have a more.. wicked sense of humor. Like, if you are good friends with me, I will most likely tease you a lot, and I've almost lost friends because of this. I am working on improving this, and I understand if you also have a problem with this, just talk to me :).

    Maturity - I can be silly a lot, but I know how to control my immaturity. But if it's a problem you can always talk to me.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: N/A
  2. MegaStufOreo

    MegaStufOreo The Cookie Monster

    Likes Received:
    Hello Metzy!

    I haven't seen you on very often in game, and when I have, I have not really interacted with you. However, I do see you in global chat and I find you to be a very kind player one would like to be around. I found your app to be fantastic! It was jammed packed with information that seemed interesting and honest. I would like to see you as helper soon.

    +1, Good Luck!
    cooey and Metzy like this.
  3. Nerf958

    Nerf958 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 Metzy, you always amaze me at how constantly nice you are. Even when you do joke in a kinda bad manner sometimes or your attitude your kindness an compassion outweighs it
    metr0n0me, cooey and Metzy like this.
  4. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I usually don't comment with a +1 on applications (unless its one of my friends because I'm biased)

    But +1, you really have caught my good side.
    GroovyGrevous, cooey and Metzy like this.
  5. Jaina

    Jaina Celebrity Meeper

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    You're my best friend and I think that you'd be a great person for helper.
    cooey and Metzy like this.
  6. Escanor

    Escanor Popular Meeper

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    cooey and Metzy like this.
  7. marranz631

    marranz631 Active Meeper

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    cooey and Metzy like this.
  8. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    Thank you so much guys!
    cooey likes this.
  9. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I think you definitely have the potential to be a good Helper, and you can be extremely kind and helpful when you want to be.

    However, there are specific instances on the forums when it would have been better for you to hold your tongue rather than start a war, and you have a tendency to lean towards being rude in certain situations.

    You honestly remind me of the way I was at the beginning of New Meep, which is neither a compliment nor an insult. If you have more questions on how I think you could improve or about what I mean, feel free to shoot me a forums message :)
    Khafra, metr0n0me, cooey and 2 others like this.
  10. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    You made the Best Quote of 2015. (read my signature)
  11. addyawesome01

    addyawesome01 Popular Meeper

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    cooey likes this.
  12. Zoe89

    Zoe89 ℓιgнтωєιgнт ςяαzу

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    +.5 Reasons all above
    cooey likes this.
  13. le gooboy

    le gooboy Popular Meeper

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    idk I have a weird feeling you are a kiss up or something, I have no idea why. You seem nice whenever I see you and have no reason to feel this way but I do. I'm going to go with what I see and know rather than by a weird hunch. I give a +1; if 7ace and all these other new helpers made it, you can too.
    cooey likes this.
  14. TheHeadHunter1

    TheHeadHunter1 Popular Meeper

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    Awesome person and would love to see you as a staff member! <3
    cooey likes this.
  15. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

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    -1 reasons not above
  16. Metzy

    Metzy Popular Meeper

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    May I please ask why you -1? You didn't give any reasons.
  17. CreeperCristi

    CreeperCristi Popular Meeper

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    +1, reasons already stated above :)
    cooey and Metzy like this.
  18. Bluapol

    Bluapol Media Team Meeper

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    I have not seen you IG, maybe timezones
    Killdogx likes this.
  19. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    I feel like you could help out more IG and get on TS more, but other than that, +1.
    Metzy and cooey like this.
  20. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    TheHeadHunter1, Zoe89 and Metzy like this.

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