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Helper Application from Lord_Naturalis

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Lord_Naturalis, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. K scheik

    K scheik Popular Meeper

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    If it took you two hours to write that, then clearly something is wrong with the way we educate our children. The application was weak and your grammar really isn't that great. You strrike me as immature, because you most certainly can't take constructive criticism (and you probably won't care about this post either). If you want helpful comments, and you want respect, then you shouldn't ignore people for giving you mean comments when you don't have Skype in your third application, and people have told you many times. The rules will not change for you. You must have Skype, and arguing against it will not help you.

    I guess I'll talk about the app now. It is hard to believe, with your immaturity (you're calling yourself a to-be town creator, something I would probably do when I was nine or ten) and grammar mistakes, that you are 18 years old. If it really took two hours to make this application, then you should at least have proper grammar. Saying that you don't have a credit card is off-topic and your logic here I cannot understand, but you're just saying that you want to help without donating. This why section is horrid, and I'm sorry if this comes off as more rude than it should be. It's just severely below par.

    Also, you then say that there is not much staff on during weekdays, but you're not on either? That just nullified your point. You must have Skype, as I said, and staff most certainly DO know why you need Skype. It's used for group messages and talking off of the server. It is quite important. No one will see your face. So there it is. My un-biased vote is -1.

    Immature, not capable. -1
  2. castroifyer

    castroifyer :)

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    This would be an auto-deny due to you not having skype. However, we'd like to deny it further due to your inability to accept basic facts.

    Chaos was attempting to inform you of something that is an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY for staff work, and you began an argument with her on your staff application. Not only that, but your staff app was very short, and did not tell us anything about you!

    Please work on being more open-minded, and put more effort into your application if you choose to apply again.
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