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Helper Application from BobJonCreeper

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by BobJonCreeper, Feb 6, 2015.

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  1. MegaStufOreo

    MegaStufOreo The Cookie Monster

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    You're really nice and helpful. Considering the fact you are not staff, you still try to help out. You barely have a list of ban histories, and rarely cause trouble on the server. I would love to see you as a staff member, just as you once more. +1
    Good luck mate!
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  2. Escanor

    Escanor Popular Meeper

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  3. xtJunior

    xtJunior Unknown Vigilante

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    Bob you are a really nice person with an even better personality you have the experience but what you did may have caused more trust issues than what you think. You know how Meepcraft is so strict about the economy, why do it? On the other hand, you have the experience of being helper and i am sure you will be able to help out. i'm a +0.5 :)
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  4. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    It is impossible to stress how much I am -1ing this app.
    -1 argh
    As a staff member, you were immature, annoying, loud, and a terrible representation of what a good staff member should be. You abused your permissions, not only with the incident when your illegally poured hundreds of thousands of meebles into the economy, but also, when you were a helper I saw you tempban and kick players for things that
    1) were beyond your jurisdiction. You kicked players for harassing you? That virtually the one thing you aren't allowed to kick people for. To avoid being biased, one of the principle rules of handling harassment cases is to never handle your own. Always get another staff member, which you failed to do.
    2) you shouldn't have kicked people for. I've read reports about you threatening and then actually going through with kicks for beating/targeting/etc you in kitpvp.
    When people called you out for your crap, all you did was make feeble excuses and say that you've hugged and made up, and that you've even befriended some of the admins! And believe me, that is fantastic. I love that you've made up, but that still doesn't fix the problems.

    All of this, this is just covering the things you did as Helper.
    After you were demoted, rightfully so, you appealed in the usual butt-kissing manner, got accepted, waited 2-3 weeks, and promptly applied for staff again. When you were denied, you got super pissed off, and then quit the server. You have not been active almost at all, I almost never see you on the forums, and I don't think I've once seen you in TeamSpeak. Then again, I'm never on TeamSpeak myself, so you might be active, I don't know.

    Look, I'm sorry for the rage thread. It's just that some people really rub me the wrong way, and I just needed to make sure you, and the staff, anyone else who reads this, knows that I really, really, don't think BobJonCreeper is qualified for staff in any way.
  5. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    i agree, we do need more adorable staff members!!

    with that out of the way, let me state some things you should know already:

    - i don't like you
    - you don't deserve another chance

    some excerpts from your application along with some melancholic captious comments:

    my 6 year old cousin could understand the necessary roles and tasks of a helper. you should be more descriptive and attentive on your application. why is knowing the roles and tasks important to you?

    theres no point in stating stuff like this, you are just making your word count bigger

    im pretty sure babysitters should be patient... you know that helpers are practically babysitters.

    a prime example of an individual who has identified their sole purpose in life to becoming part of the meepcraft staff clique. get a life man... you were demoted so long ago... move on...

    you are going to try to change my mind about your demotion within 4 sentences?


    imagine if obama was only allowed 4 sentences during his presidental debate

    [and yes you can fix trust issues, it's not that hard. how did you think i went from a known troll/rebel to a staff member within 2 months of the new server?]

    final thoughts:

    im not going to apologize for my lack of proper capitalization or malapropas comments

    but you should have expected them, knowing the forum stalker I am

    good luck with whatever you are doing
  6. BobJonCreeper

    BobJonCreeper pie

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    Thank you both for your replies. I'm not going to break either of them down, but as Hippa said, "When you were denied, you got super pissed off, and then quit the server." That's not true at all. My reasons for 'leaving' the sever were my actual life needed to be focused on. My grades, activities, etc. Reasons from the server were only that I just wasn't having fun. None of them had anything to do with my redundant application in December.
    And as DC addressed, I did only say 4 sentences in my application on the topic of trying to regain his, and everyone's trust enough to try and help the server out. I'll elaborate on that.
    I have been somewhat of a nuisance in the past. Can't lie about that. I want to show you all that I have matured. That I have seen what I've done. Trust me, I understand that I did was the stupidest thing any person could do, ESPECIALLY with a position on staff. I wish I could show you how sorry I am. I only wanted to help and I just screwed up. I get it. Most of you still don't trust me even to the capacity of being allowed on the server. Others just plain out don't like me. Either way, I am trying to change my past. I know it hasn't been "6 months" or "a year", but I am not sitting here plotting a revenge scheme of power-hungry idiocy. I saw that Meep was low in staff numbers, and that the amount of moderation in-game was lacking. All I want to do is try and help out. Trust isn't something I can gain back from any of you in a matter of days. I will show you that I have changed. I'm not some idiot who thinks they know what they're doing. I've had this responsibility before. At that time I didn't know all of what I was doing. Nor did most of you see what I was actually doing within the team. I've taken other responsibilities in my realllife which have enabled me to gain more respect, and maturity. The negligence for what I was doing when I had when I started off was high. That has changed. Hopefully if you're reading this, you can see, as some have, that I made a mistake. It cannot be undone no matter how much I want it to be. All I can do is hope for the best, and try to regain your trust with my words and current actions. I want to try and help the server, not bring it down.
    Thank you for reading.
  7. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    So many reasons why to not have you as staff, it actually over doubles vkls banhistory. For anyone who knows how long his banhistory is, that's saying something...
    Videogames321 and BobJonCreeper like this.
  8. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

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    Nearly 60 bans.
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  9. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Maybe make an alt, become known as a nice member in around a month, and use that account?
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  10. DeadlyPoptartz

    DeadlyPoptartz Celebrity Meeper

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    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 7, 2015, Original Post Date: Feb 7, 2015 ---
    I'm a +.5
    I know that you had an "Issue" A while back but I believe you are ready for this position.
    I have seen changes in you lately.
    Of what I've seen you haven't been on much.
    Improve your activity IG and I will raise to +1
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  11. kittynom

    kittynom Celebrity Meeper

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    :eek: All this hate....It's scaring moi!

    BobJonCreeper and Courtneyyy like this.
  12. BobJonCreeper

    BobJonCreeper pie

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    I will definitely be getting much more active than I have been! :)
    Thank you!
    Sarcasm isn't needed here bud!
    Thank you for your reply!
    DeadlyPoptartz likes this.
  13. cooey

    cooey Legendary Meeper

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    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  14. Tweide

    Tweide Popular Meeper

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    As I am seeing most people post, you just ain't active. I am thinking of applying for helper, and if I do so I thinking of Stepping up my playing not lowering it. If you are not going to not be active, I wouldn't even bother. -1 gl with this one.
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  15. adlovesdogs

    adlovesdogs ex-staff <3

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    I have heard some things from you in Teamspeak one night, but I dont have proof of this because it is Teamspeak. You, Megan, and I were talking and you said that you applied for staff (this was the first time after your demotion). You said something along the lines of "if I don't get staff again I will probably just say 'I quit' in chat" I was a little shocked when I heard this. I don't think you ment it, but I remember it very well. Please Skype me if you want to discuss this more.
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  16. BobJonCreeper

    BobJonCreeper pie

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    Although I haven't been on Teamspeak with Megan, let alone yourself, for a very long time, and I don't have any recollection of saying this, I'm not here to argue or say you're lying. If I don't get accepted, I'm not just gonna stop playing lol. I love Meep. Sometimes it may get a bit tiresome, I've always came back. Solely for the fact that I love playing. As you stated, I said this around the time of my December application. That was about three months ago. I don't intend on quitting. I might've said something stupid like that out of spite back then, but that was then. Thanks.
    adlovesdogs and Courtneyyy like this.
  17. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    -1, sorry bud. When I, along with many others, see you on, we don't really think, "Oh man, Bob could be staff!" However, people think Lizzer, old chop chop (Architect already), speedy lemonade, and many others people qualified for staff. You just don't stand out.

    Also, you are extremely power hungry as I once was. Sure, I am annoying as hell, but I do not care for power. You can help people without Helper.
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  18. tpitt

    tpitt Celebrity Meeper

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    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  19. Baccaking1512

    Baccaking1512 Popular Meeper

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    +1...you have helped me a lot in the past and I think you would be a great helper.
    BobJonCreeper likes this.
  20. addyawesome01

    addyawesome01 Popular Meeper

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  21. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    Accepted for interview
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