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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application from BobJonCreeper

  1. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    i agree, we do need more adorable staff members!!

    with that out of the way, let me state some things you should know already:

    - i don't like you
    - you don't deserve another chance

    some excerpts from your application along with some melancholic captious comments:

    my 6 year old cousin could understand the necessary roles and tasks of a helper. you should be more descriptive and attentive on your application. why is knowing the roles and tasks important to you?

    theres no point in stating stuff like this, you are just making your word count bigger

    im pretty sure babysitters should be patient... you know that helpers are practically babysitters.

    a prime example of an individual who has identified their sole purpose in life to becoming part of the meepcraft staff clique. get a life man... you were demoted so long ago... move on...

    you are going to try to change my mind about your demotion within 4 sentences?


    imagine if obama was only allowed 4 sentences during his presidental debate

    [and yes you can fix trust issues, it's not that hard. how did you think i went from a known troll/rebel to a staff member within 2 months of the new server?]

    final thoughts:

    im not going to apologize for my lack of proper capitalization or malapropas comments

    but you should have expected them, knowing the forum stalker I am

    good luck with whatever you are doing
  2. BobJonCreeper

    BobJonCreeper pie

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    Member Name BobJonCreeper

    Additional In Game Names: BobJonCreeper

    How old are you? 14 years old.

    Location: Florida, USA

    Do you have Skype? Yes

    Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-5

    How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-10

    Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes

    Introduction: Hello all, it’s Jonathan, AKA BobJonCreeper! I am 14 years old and I live in the sunny state of Florida. As of now, I am enlisted in 9th grade, with mostly PRE-AP/Honors 10th grade classes), aside from Theatre, Geometry, and Photoshop. I participated in my school’s Districts Competition for drama where we did a number from Shrek: The Musical (no joke), and I now have two different speaking roles in my school’s production of Legally Blonde. I enjoy listening to music, creating music, cooking, running, and taking pictures. Although one of my truly favorite avocations would have to be interacting with Meep’s community. Whether on forums or in-game, true fun either way. I have been on MeepCraft for around a year and a half, and it hasn’t gotten boring yet. Let’s hope it doesn’t! As some of you may know, I have been a Helper before with a Moderator application in the “Interview” section at the time of my demotion. I recently made an Introduction because of the fact I forgot to make one when I first joined the forums some time ago. If you have any questions regarding myself personally, please inquire them here: http://www.meepcraft.com/threads/i-forgot-to-done-one-of-these-oops.39797/ instead of spamming this thread with them.

    Why you should be Helper? • Dedication: I have returned recently, but that doesn’t mean in any way I have neglected my dedication to the server. I am on forums every day for continuous hours. Making small talk or getting in big debates. I also try and give a warm welcome to every new player who joins our forums. I am not able to get in-game as much as I was able to in the past due to my real-life’s priories, but I do get on if not every single day, every other day. I try and help out when staff are limited by answering player’s questions in shout, or showing them around.

    • Abilities: From my prior experience as staff on Meep alone, I learned the commands quickly and efficiently. /check would be done every five minutes or so. To this day, I still have a guide on Word on my laptop that has basic functions of prism and “Helper” commands (E.g: modreq opening, claiming, and closing commands.) I am familiar with the atmosphere of staff, and I know my way around the commands and duties of being a Helper.

    • Prior Staff: As I stated above in my intro, for about two and a half months, I was trusted with the title of Helper. I learned how to manage my time to allow sufficient time for MeepCraft, and I’m sure I can do the same again. I learned many things and tried many things during this time, and remember most of them.

    • Helping: I genuinely enjoy the ability and feeling to assist people in need. I don’t know why or how, but I just like to help out. Whether it be answering a simple question or trying to solve an entire case, both of which I have done innumerous times, it gives me joy.

    What are your weaknesses? • Demotion: Ah yes, this one. This is one of the biggest blunders I could’ve done. I’m not going to go into detail about what I did purely because it is not necessary here. I’ve apologized personally to a few people, and have apologized to the server. I did something very stupid, and I get that some of you may not trust me anymore. I can’t fix that. All I can do is try and change your minds about me.

    • Temper: This is one of my biggest weaknesses, as I’ve mentioned before. I have a rather short-temper. Every now and again I’ll get angry at something someone has said or done. Usually I’ll just go calm down for a bit, which mostly works.

    • Patience: To put it simply, I’m just not very patient. I get annoyed when I have to wait longer than I should for something. I can occupy myself with something else for a bit, though. So it’s not like, if you don’t respond I’ll go into a cataclysmic rage or anything. I’ll try and find something to do.

    • Jokes: I like to crack jokes every now and again. I don’t know if this will be a do or die thing, because I personally think it makes staff members connect more with the community. Plus I’ve seen a few staff members use it.

    • Work: Recently, I have applied at a few places within my town. If I do get an actual job, it might affect my gameplay slightly. I know most places might not, but if I do, work hours wouldn’t be too high. So I’d be able to keep on doing my normal Meeping.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Although some of you may not see it, I honestly know I have changed from my prior staff existence. My other Helper app from December was purely a mistake. I needed time to ‘cool off’, if you will, from my demotion. I understand what I did was not exactly the highest form of gratitude for being allowed on the team. I made a mistake, what else can I say? Mistakes are made. They can either be dwelled on forever, or gotten over. I’ve put my slip past me. Whether you want to or not is up to you. I understand the necessary roles and tasks of a Helper, and would like to have another chance to prove it.
  3. hippapajo

    hippapajo Popular Meeper

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    It is impossible to stress how much I am -1ing this app.
    -1 argh
    As a staff member, you were immature, annoying, loud, and a terrible representation of what a good staff member should be. You abused your permissions, not only with the incident when your illegally poured hundreds of thousands of meebles into the economy, but also, when you were a helper I saw you tempban and kick players for things that
    1) were beyond your jurisdiction. You kicked players for harassing you? That virtually the one thing you aren't allowed to kick people for. To avoid being biased, one of the principle rules of handling harassment cases is to never handle your own. Always get another staff member, which you failed to do.
    2) you shouldn't have kicked people for. I've read reports about you threatening and then actually going through with kicks for beating/targeting/etc you in kitpvp.
    When people called you out for your crap, all you did was make feeble excuses and say that you've hugged and made up, and that you've even befriended some of the admins! And believe me, that is fantastic. I love that you've made up, but that still doesn't fix the problems.

    All of this, this is just covering the things you did as Helper.
    After you were demoted, rightfully so, you appealed in the usual butt-kissing manner, got accepted, waited 2-3 weeks, and promptly applied for staff again. When you were denied, you got super pissed off, and then quit the server. You have not been active almost at all, I almost never see you on the forums, and I don't think I've once seen you in TeamSpeak. Then again, I'm never on TeamSpeak myself, so you might be active, I don't know.

    Look, I'm sorry for the rage thread. It's just that some people really rub me the wrong way, and I just needed to make sure you, and the staff, anyone else who reads this, knows that I really, really, don't think BobJonCreeper is qualified for staff in any way.
  4. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    I still see in my mind that post of yours that said something like, "I'm never going to play or apply again."

    You must be pretty cool tho if you're from Florida, (I'm from Tampa).