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Helper Application from Airzos

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Airzos, Jan 28, 2016.

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  1. Trexy

    Trexy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    With all do respect, -1
    I was once strolling around spawn, and said a couple things to my friend and then you came up and started being toxic to me, (2014)
    how do I know you've matured a lot, it seems to me you are
    and mature sometimes/immature other times. You are active in-game and on TS however you can be quite toxic when you are on, although you have helped me about once, you weren't the nicest while helping.

    Miku is saying exactly what I was thinking, but its okay, if you work on all these -s i'm sure you'll be a good Helper.

    Never the less, Good Luck! -SpanishSpider
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
  2. CrazyYoungBro

    CrazyYoungBro Popular Meeper

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    Hiya Airzos :D
    I have seen you a couple of times and you seem like a nice person although you might want to try to make your attitude a bit more polite as said by the others. Well, according to me you are very sweet and pleasant to converse with
    Good Luck ✔
    iiTzJDL likes this.
  3. MoonlitMadness

    MoonlitMadness Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 @Airzos

    -You aren't being very professional in taking the criticism. Believe me I know. But if you seriously did grief somebody's house how do we know you wont abuse staff perms? I am -1 for the following reasons
    -Does not help (never seen you)
    -Never seen you on TS
    -Griefed Spongey(shes my bae <3)
    I will Plus 1 when you show that you can handle this position. If you think you can be a better helper then spongey, show me cuz I think shes pretty good @SpongeyStar
  4. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    This obviously needs to be addressed due the multiple mentions of this incident. It turn out I was not grieving and was well within my rights to be taking down said room - I was allowed perms to dig myself out an underground room and use it for storage - When I decided to move I took the room apart to get my materials back, and began filling it in with stone so that it was like it was when I first got there. Apparently the owner of said plot wanted to keep the room and wasn't happy I had taken my materials back - resulting in a false accusation of grieving. I was in no way overstepping my bounds or breaking any rules regarding this.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
    rAwsondayc likes this.
  5. ToonMichaela

    ToonMichaela Celebrity Meeper

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    Even though i Havent personally talked with you or anything like that.. what im reading here about you doesnt seem like Staff material... And because I have been moving lately I couldnt hop on but my vote is negative based o what others said. sorry.

    evilalec555 and Pmx728 like this.
  6. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

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    Hi Airzos,

    I have to say, your application is very professional and well-written, as with your responses to feedback on this application.
    If I was just looking at this application on the forums, I'd give you a +1. But you can't be a helper just on the forums.
    The one time that I have interacted with you was when in an incident involving Go2Sleep where you were quite rude to him and did not show the qualities of a helper. You have also been accused of grief, which is certainly not what I would like a helper to be accused of.

    For those reasons, I'm gonna have to give you a -1.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2016
    evilalec555 and Sqreix like this.
  7. Its_Madison

    Its_Madison Professional Nerd

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    Not cool, Airzos. Not something I would want to hear happen because of a Helper, if you were one.

    Sorry dude, that's not really polite to say to someone, even though, unbeknownst to them, you were in a private conversation. How would you feel if, the second you got on TeamSpeak, you were immediately told to 'leave'?

    Definitely not helper material. Sorry, not sorry, as Go2Sleep said.

    Going to have to give you a -1 for now. I will definitely change my rating when you work on these issues and change your attitude.

    Good luck, though!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    2leah2, evilalec555 and Pmx728 like this.
  8. xtJunior

    xtJunior Unknown Vigilante

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    this guy! +1 he's friendly, helpful and the best part, He looks like me a little (Calm down ladies i'm taken)
  9. ShadowVirus52

    ShadowVirus52 Celebrity Meeper

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    You're a sound lad, helpful and a good laugh.

  10. Glambert_Girl

    Glambert_Girl Active Meeper

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    I don't know whether to +1 or -1; You seem like an alright person, but you were rude to me, you went on a rant about not knowing my own sexuality, I understand and I get it, I'm young, but I know what I'm talking about. Do you? After this disagreement, I avoided him for a bit, and later, I'm pretty sure I helped him with a fireplace. I think at the end, even with a bad start, he'll be a good staff member. +1 (Advice: Control your anger, you need to be careful who you argue with)
  11. sicklynerd

    sicklynerd Celebrity Meeper

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    Not going to leave a vote, as I'm unsure if you're helper material. I have a feeling if you were staff, you would prove you haven't changed at all.
  12. Savage2017

    Savage2017 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -Not Helpful
    -Immature Sometimes
    -Never seen you in /Shout (/g), Forums, TeamSpeak
    Pmx728 and evilalec555 like this.
  13. Marshmellow120

    Marshmellow120 Meeper

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    +1 because when i'm on on the "aussie" timezone and there are no staff on to help me when i need it D: so i recon that adding airzos to the helper team would be grate :)
  14. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    -1, you're hard to read and the only thing I can read is that whenever I have interactions with you, you're toxic. For example, at /pwarp Gladiator you would just fly around and shoot people and would generally be a nuisance to my friends and me.

    -not helpful
    +/- app
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
    Pmx728 and metr0n0me like this.
  15. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the feedback :) Just for the record though, I wasn't shooting anyone I was simply flying above the arena watching - Maybe you are mistaking me with Hab? In any case I appreciate you being for the most part nice about your comment.
  16. Eggwall01

    Eggwall01 Active Meeper

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    Yesterday you openly flouted the rules at /pwarp gladiator, saying (and I quote) "It's just a pwarp, what are you going to do about it?"

    You didn't listen when Sableflag, a town assistant, banned you from the plots, and you didn't cease /flying when he told you to stop flying, citing the rules sign. Then you kept flying around the arena and shooting at people, an action that's clearly banned under /pwarp rules, only going away after Sableflag threatened to toggle pvp on you while you were in the safezone.

    Outside of this, I've had only negative experiences with you both in-game and on teamspeak. On teamspeak, you curse profusely, and your arrogant demeanor often creates uncomfortable experiences with others in the channel. In game, you rage whenever I kill you, and use some of, er, language that should not be used on MeepCraft.

    Additionally, you don't seem to have changed your behavior since 2013, when this application was submitted. If you look at the feedback, much of the criticism was similar to that on this application, an indication that you're not maturing with age.

    Finally, after reggles accepted this application, you quit and vanished for a few months. What's to prevent you from doing the same now?

    -1, I have only had negative experiences with you.
  17. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    I haven't seen many qualities from you that would make you a good helper. I believe you were accepted for interview once, then you disappeared. How do we know that won't happen again? How do we know you'll stay if you get the position? We don't. After what many people have said, you do not seem like the type of person who would be a good staff member. You make these posts and I don't think that's really who you are. Many people have had bad experiences with you, and when you're staff you're dealing with a great amount of people everyday. How do we know you'll be able to handle that and do what a good staff member would do? At this time, I don't trust you in the position. I think you need to work on some things before you should be a staff member. If your attitude and actions improve, I believe you'll be a good staff member. But right now, I don't see a good run for you if you were to be accepted.

    Pmx728 likes this.
  18. TwerkingTaco

    TwerkingTaco Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    - helpful
    Goodluck Airzos!!!! :D
    Airzos likes this.
  19. xT3Kx

    xT3Kx Retired AF Elder

    Likes Received:
    Good time zone.
    Much helpful, so doge. Wow.
    You're general attitude can come off harsh, but so can mine and I've been staff twice so hm...

    Don't listen to all these salty sandy's -1_ing you for stupid reasons... especially the ones that don't even know you.
  20. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    Hello Airzos, we are going to deny this application. Please work on your attitude as it is not helpful, kind, or friendly. You may not apply no sooner than 2 weeks. If you want a full reply contact paincakexx1997.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2016
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