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Best Posts in Thread: hello

  1. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    hey guys im really badly affected by a certain drink but i cant say what because this server is pg so its bad to say it but how has eberyone been. i used to play here when i was like 12 but now its 17 wjaoaa. i was wondering how is the server. also i noticed hornemans is now celebrated and i was wondering why since people hated himbefore and hnow hes celebrated it doesnt make sense wtf. i hope the economy is going well since that makes the server really good. my cat is here and he sayshi. not like he actually says hi like i am sayuing he says hi because cats dont actuallym sahy hi. i hope you guys are well becausei have been gone and its eebn sad :( minecraf kinda went bad so i left but i came back hoping its good but i doubt it tbh ust because its minecraft and microsfot owns it which has been bad imo. i hope the server g0es well and everyine has a nice chrsitmas
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 11, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 11, 2017 ---
    by the way i forget tosask i am wondering how many people play and if the ser ver is popualr again. and is the economy good. and what has been added since i last played on like summer i forget when tbh but ye
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 11, 2017 ---
    also who plays that remmebrs me if you do hi