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harassment stop it

Discussion in 'Other' started by RightClickCarry, Apr 23, 2016.

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  1. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Those colors are more toxic than the song
    Cherrykit and Toostenheimer like this.
  3. 00000

    00000 Guest

    It's basic psychology that human beings, instead of admitting their wrongs, will blame others and lie.
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 23, 2016, Original Post Date: Apr 23, 2016 ---
    yeah, very good! might as well mention me by name if you're gonna say that sort of bs!

    If you were actually active when I play, you'd know that the vast majority of the time I am cracking jokes in global. I rarely ever go after other people now for no reason.

    when someone tells another person to go die and continues to harass them, that's where I cross the line. If what I did is harassment, ignore me lmao. Burritoh is a nice guy and defending him seems obligatory to me, with all the ranks and things he has done for others. You can look at his post above and see that he didn't do anything to deserve any of this; and now we're at the denial stage.
    i do make things "spicy" in global with my jokes?? I have gotten in maybe two or three flame wars since I came back? all my bans are for references or spam (the latter also known as doing nothing wrong)

    Many players that are more toxic than me in the community. obviously naming them will cause unnecessary crap so I'm just going to say that I have improved since my unban, in that I don't harass people for grammar mistakes or spelling stuff wrong, ALWAYS point something I don't like out, etc.,
    Toostenheimer and Kachess like this.
  4. RightClickCarry

    RightClickCarry Popular Meeper

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    is your name bad spider in game?
    Adam34falcon likes this.
  5. 00000

    00000 Guest

    I'm your host killer memestar
    Qaws likes this.
  6. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Thank you for defending me in game, and on here. You have been a help and so has @MasterOfToast :/ don't argue guys, please. And I don't just like people because they help me, it's more of they're a nice person in general. You're both nice! Haven't seen bad_spider do anything mean to anyone in /g :/ maybe I just don't pay attention much though..
    _Gimble_1., Toostenheimer and 00000 like this.
  7. 00000

    00000 Guest

    just keep doing what youre doing and don't leave.

    There are more things to do than pay attention to chat; you should use your money to build a great town and make cool stuff. You can give it to people who want to do things like that, invest in people's projects?
    Toostenheimer and Burritoh like this.
  8. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    Yes, great idea, but you see: giveaway thread has been made. If I shut it down, it will result in more people calling me an 'attention seeker' and I won't be able to refute it because it would seem awfully like that.
    00000 and Toostenheimer like this.
  9. RightClickCarry

    RightClickCarry Popular Meeper

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    he is right cant have that happen againn
  10. Airzos

    Airzos Popular Meeper

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    Welcome to the real world. You're going to get harassed, people are going to incite suicide, people will be rude, people will be hurtful, there's no avoiding it and you are straight up delusional if you think otherwise. Everyone needs to stop having a winge on the forums and drink a cup of cement. Harden up buttercup.
    Toostenheimer, Burritoh and FatIsNoob like this.
  11. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    As I said before, its against the rules to conduct in such behavior on this server so its understandable to be upset. You are protected under the server rules and people that harass others will be handled accordingly. That being said, people now a days really have to get thicker skin. When University students need someone to talk to because someone wrote Trump 2016 and they feel traumatized its absolutely ridiculous. Society now a days seems to harbor babies instead of adults. Despite all the peace loving koolaid sipping weenies that come out of today's society there will always be people that don't give a damn about others and you need to know how to ignore them. People come into the pharmacy and literally scream at you, call you names that I'm not allowed to say on here, berate you, etc... I have even had someone in broken english ask me where I was born because I obviously don't know how to speak english (funny thing she was a foreigner). What am I supposed to do? Go look for a safe place because those words hurt? No, be the bigger person and disregard what they say, do my job, leave when I'm supposed to and repeat the next day... Honestly, people have to toughen up.
    Qaws likes this.
  12. _MacintoshWave_

    _MacintoshWave_ Celebrity Meeper

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    It's the people who are self-centered and who think that they know everything. I have attempted quitting because of this, but I admit to posting content that ignited the hatred flame, such as things that were off-topic and personal. As a result of the hatred, I became quite toxic, and that just made things worse. Last December, I posted to one of my old threads and told everyone to "drop dead", and just quit like that. A couple months later, I re-joined for the millionth time. But in those couple of months, I realized what it was to be a more mature person, and I rose above my toxic past and began to write wise comments and threads. I began to learn more about myself and others around me. I realized that I am not religious, but instead an Omnist, which means that I am respectful and open to the concept of all religions and cultures, accept any christian religion that believes in "the one true god", but in a calm way since I feel no hatred towards these religions. I was born catholic, but I do not feel the connection that other members of my family feel. I instead feel more connected to Hinduism, or Buddhism or any other religion with multiple deities or gods. I feel I am more mature because I am finally able to understand how I feel and I have learned much more about myself. If someone told straight up that they hated me, I would likely respond saying "I'm sorry you feel that way". I look at my wrong doings and I reflect upon them. Bullies in general are immature since they cannot control their own emotions, they solve problems by taking it out on others, and how they think that they know everything and that they are always corrects about everything. You people are better than this, so stop acting like 5 year olds who always complain because they never get what they want.
    GroovyGrevous likes this.
  13. Burritoh

    Burritoh Popular Meeper

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    I don't get upset like I used to be. If you want to insult me, go ahead, I most likely won't respond. People want me to 'toughen up' then okay.
  14. GroovyGrevous

    GroovyGrevous Break hearts not blocks

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