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Guide To Making Good, Spam Free Posts!

Discussion in 'Unofficial Guides' started by «Nate», Jun 5, 2014.

  1. «Nate»

    «Nate» Meeper

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    These are general guidelines / rules / formulas to use that will help you create a decent post. Now, I don't know much about posting, but I will do my best to bestow upon you what little wisdom I have on the subject.

    First things First: Start off with a good introduction. It should be short, sweet and relate the subject of the fallowing post in no more than 3 sentences. Titles, in this case, are not necessary sense the post has it's own. But no harm in adding one.

    Structure: Make sure your sentence and paragraph structure is impeccable. Nothing ruins the flow, or makes the author sound silly, than a grammar error or awkwardly worded sentence. Read over your work, make sure it flows and makes sense to a reader that doesn't know what your talking about.
    I won't lecture on spelling, sense I am the worst offender in that area.

    Quality comes with Quantity: I'm sure you've heard the saying "Quality, not quantity." Sure, this is a good rule to live by, but it does not totally stand firm in the world of forum posting. Many times, people post something really short and sweet. This is not a bad thing, but sometimes a subject requires more explanation beyond one or two sentences.

    Many times, people rite as if the person reading it knows what they are talking about. The truth is, they don't know what you mean by "the thing." and "stuff" etc... Make sure you have no anonymous words or sentences in your post.

    My Opinion: Opinions are sensitive things. In order to keep a larger fan-base of your works try to keep your threads/posts clear of large opinions. These can stir up unnecessary conflict and tension between people. When confronting a subject of multiple opinions, just try to stick to the facts. If that fails avoid the subject all together. Try to make your posts as general (as far as opinions go) as possible.

    On the other hand, an opinion can be a good thing! As long as you make it professional and don't just dismiss any thought of another standpoint someone may have.

    The Blob!!!: The "blob" is the thing you should avoid the most when creating a thread. People tend to put all their words into one big paragraph. This is a big turn off for many readers. I mean, who wants to read a big long paragraph with no end in sight? It feels disorganized and sluggish when reading.
    Instead, organize your words into paragraphs according to subject. Even label them if you wish (as seen here) so that people can easily find the part they wish to read, and move on with their lives.
    It also looks way more professional.

    Contrast: Colors can be a good thing to add to a post. It can add some character and personal flair. If you do choose to use colors, make sure they are not very bright or hard to read colors.

    These colors can hurt peoples eyes, and make them want to look away. You don't want that do you?

    Professional Comedy: It's always good to keep the post "professional." But, in order to keep the attention of your reader you must also be funny, to a sertain extent. Things like memes are fine and all, but they distract from the main post.
    [​IMG]I'm not saying you shouldn't add memes, you just have to be very conservitive in your use of jokes, memes and the like. Put the comedy in where it feels natural, don't try to place it, just put it whenever the moment arrives in your writing.
    It's a delicate balance of comedy and professionalism while still maintaining the post's goal. if you can maintain this balance, you will always have your audience at your finger tips.

    Be friendly: This is pretty self explanatory. Avoid (By that I mean never ever do) insulting people, groups, or other in your posts. It helps no one, and makes reading the post rather awkward. Try not to be condescending when relating information. For some this is easy, and for others it's not. I don't know if I can say much more on the matter. It's just a matter of courtesy, and everyone knows how to be courteous.

    Be Open Minded: When your post is done you anxiously wait for user feedback. Of course, everyone hopes for "+1" and compliments from admins and well known folks. But what if someone criticizes you? Many people don't want to hear that and say "keep your opinions to yourself."
    This is the wrong way at looking at criticism. Instead, use that as a learning expirience, ask people for honest feedback and alter your post or future posts acordingly. If someone (this person will always be there) is being downright rude to you, just don't reply to him and maintian that professionalism. Be a boss, and absorb that criticism into your mind and learn from it. Do it again and again and before long people will have a hard time finding something to complain about in your posts.

    Well, hope this covers everything. That's about all I can dish out at the moment. If I think of anything I will be sure to add it. Let me know if I'm missing something. Have a great day.

    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
  2. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    The information provided in your above post is quality and should be taken into account when posting.
    I've decided to see if I can include all of those suggestions into this one post, did I succeed?
    «Nate» likes this.
  3. «Nate»

    «Nate» Meeper

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    Well let's see. It's got good quality, good structure, nice color, you're friendly, and not too opinionated.

    Yep I'd say you succeeded :p
  4. iiwars

    iiwars Celebrity Meeper

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    I find everything about this post not helpful.

    You can not get a full on introduction out of 3 sentences. You need to say who you are, what you like to do, and if you watch anime (cause anime awesome). Also how can it be related to the following subject if you are starting off with an introduction. So much logic.

    You don't even follow this one yourself. In first thing first you spelled following as "fallowing". Still not getting any help from you as you can't even follow your own rules.

    The more you post the more you run out of quality, as you start to run out of things. You end up quite boring and people think you are posting just for post counts sooner or later. Like look at gummibirr everyone usually finds him a little annoying on the forums. As he post's things that are totally random and no one wants to follow up with. He tries to make it look qualitative with his own like bot. Anyways, quality does not come with quantity.

    Opinions are what makes people famous on this server. As they allow you to see if you are a leader or a follower. Like look at deinen he states his opinion almost bigger than anyone on the server. He even goes in depth with his thoughts. Allowing you to see his whole thought process and end up being on his side.

    Why should I waste my time and keep coming back to a thread when I can put all my opinion into one giant paragraph. Come back in a few hours and then put the feed back into another giant paragraph and do this over and over. This allows me to actually do stuff and actually give legit feedback. Instead of sitting there waiting for someone to reply and comment on there opinion and supporting my opinion again.

    Colors are the Devil spawns of the forums. xRestarts is hated for her large text with color. Changing anything kind of makes you stick out in a bad way because most people can read the black text and the font its in without it hurting there eyes. Like the other fonts and colors do.

    Humor is not always the best way to go. There are some threads that are made for humor but most threads on the forums are serious. Also peoples "Humor" ends up going to derailment of the thread and make it a thread that goes dead. Some sarcasm will get you a few likes if you are famous. Anyways humor is not always the best way to go.

    This is where the trolliness kicks into people. It makes them want them to just make them yell at you more. This is what feeds the fire in all trolls. This will make a thread go from going good, to going to hell. Everyone has this inside them and they love it when it happens. Also "keep your opinions to yourself" is an opinion that you should keep your opinion to yourself. So why would anyone follow that? Definitely when the trolliness starts to kick in.
  5. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    No memes >.<
  6. j32400

    j32400 Popular Meeper

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    I find it funny how a "New Member" made a guide to making good posts. You realize you've only had nine posts total.
    creepersareokay and Aarett like this.
  7. «Nate»

    «Nate» Meeper

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    It's people like you that could and probably should piss me off. But I'm not like that. @iiwars you successfully found a way to disagree with every single point I made. Here's my comeback:

    Yes I actually do think you could make a simple intro to your post with 3 sentences. You don't have to tell your life story, just a nice short intro.

    Did you read what I said at the end of that paragraph? I'm not the best speller, everyone makes typos.

    Well that's your opinion, and I respect it.

    Speaking of opinions, in my second paragraph I did say how opinions can be a good thing. It's true, you can't always go without giving your opinion.

    As you can see there were no colors in my post. I was just saying colors can be a good way to show your personality.

    I'm not saying humor is a good thing for every post you make, just occasionally humor can be appropriate.

    Again that's your opinion, and it's perfectly fine if we disagreed.
    I don't want to start a flame war on this subject. Thanks for the feedback!
    HotAsianBeans likes this.
  8. j32400

    j32400 Popular Meeper

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    I'm just saying I find it ironic.
  9. 00000

    00000 Guest

    It's weird you're a New Member and making this, but it was a great guide nonetheless.
    «Nate» likes this.
  10. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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    If you go beyond the point, there is only one thing you forgot. There are other people that are smart, but are mean, and they will disagree with everything you say to piss you off. The guide was great, I really enjoyed seeing a new member making more sensible posts then well known menbers.
    See that spelling error? I didnt correct it because I am confident no one that i care about will call me out on it. Only the people who try to rise to the top by tearing others down point out that stuff in a smart sneering sort of way.
    «Nate» likes this.
  11. 00000

    00000 Guest

    Spelling error?
  12. Aarett

    Aarett Celebrity Meeper

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    I wasn't going to say anything but overall, I agree with most of it!
    «Nate» likes this.
  13. Queen Elsa

    Queen Elsa Active Meeper

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    All of my criticism just comes from my profile name. Seriously.
  14. smk

    smk Celebrity Meeper

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