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Gingemanowns Mod App!

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by GingerManOWNS, May 20, 2014.

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  1. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    *Warning! Grammar is horrible!*
    In game name: GingerManOWNS
    Skype name: austintheginger41
    Teamspeak name: GingerManOWNS
    Mic use: Always!
    Age: 15
    Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
    Hours played on weekdays: 1-4 hours
    Hours played on weekends: 2-6 hours (Only play 1-2 hours on Saturdays)
    Position change: Helper to mod
    Intro: Well hey meep! So, I'm going to explain just a little bit more about me and things that are going on in my life. I love going to the gym actually almost at my one year mark for weigh lifting. I really enjoy playing football, lacrosse, and occasionally soccer. Tomorrow is a big day for I get to do keystones. Now keystones are a test you take in Pennsylvania and you get like 3-4 chances to pass the tests and if you don't then you can't graduate high school! I also like to play PS3 sometimes but I'm more into playing meep. One of my favorite shows would have to be prison break! It was made in 2005 I'm pretty sure I do recommend watching it on netflix. I've never played football for my school this year will be my first year but I have played lacrosse 1 year but took a break this due to weight lifting and stuff. Forgot to mention I'm a freshmen in high school and it's A LOT different then middle school. A few of my favorite things about high school would be your get a lot more freedom and the classes you get so many more options/you actually get options! But then some of the things I hate are key stones!

    Why should you be Mod: I've been helper for a bit now and thing I can handle the "upgrade" you can say. I'm use to most of the commands but hawkeye just certain commands get me stuck up maybe like 1 or 2 but in the end I figure it out. I listen to the upper staff like if I make a mistake they'll tell me and I correct it next time I do it or if they warn someone and then I kick them they'll tell me not to do that and I won't do it ever again. I understand most of the times/warnings for when someone breaks a rule. I think as my self as very active usually and connect with the people. I'm dedicated to the server literally on every single day other then of course Saturdays those are my busy nights. I'm kind to the players especially if I accidentally kick someone like the wrong person I say sorry right away. I wouldn't say I'm really intelligent but I'm intelligent so like if someone is trying to find there way around a ban or something I can be on that right away or if someone is trying to lure me or lie about something. I'm a very fast typer usually so if someone breaks a rule I'm on it right away. I do like helping new helpers for example bbycakes she needed help yesterday so of course I came to her and helped. I don't argue with really any staff member but one but me and that person have like a love hate relationship. So I see my self is pretty mature now I'm not saying I'm completely mature but pretty mature. I do a lot of modreqs and I have been told my hawkeye searches are a beauty. I put a lot of time and effort into trying to help other people but still look after myself on meep. So you could say I'm a caring person? I'm very active IG, on teamspeak, and forums. So that helps with me moderating the chat rooms/sections.

    Weaknesses: I do attend to have a temper if someone is trying to get under my skin but I have worked on that majorly. I just really ignore them for example if someone says I'm bad helper I just kind of ignore them being that they are usually new members trying to start stuff. I can be inn mature sometimes on teamspeak and like to play around on /shout...nothing bad just like messing with others like saying the whole meep cheating relationship thing. My activity on Saturdays is really low being that's my free night to go out and hangout with people. I don't really get on skype much to talk in there. My grammar is as you can see HORRIBLE! I do tend to like to defend myself when needed unless again someone who is higher up then me. Oh and when I type really fast I tend to spell things wrong or If I'm thinking about something I make a mistake. The one time instide of saying avoiding caps filter I put affording caps filter. I have a very low reporting of other players doing things.
    Some ways I'll improve my weaknesses are well skype I'll start logging on a lot more the argument thing I'm just going to start ignoring that person. Grammar is eeh....My temper as you can I already put I'm working on that always don't want to go into like the real world with a bad temper. Saturdays I'm going to start waking up earlier and hopping on meep. My mistake with spelling I'll just slow down a little more and make sure I don't look stupid. My low effort in reporting players will increase by me getting on earlier and putting more effort into it and making sure the job is done correctly.

    Conclusion: I enjoy playing meep all the time I do have to take out some of my playful time into helping others time. Which I'm in all means okay with that does not effect me. I'm very serious about playing sports (even though I've on played one) and of course my weight lifting. I'm 15 years old and a fresh men in high school. I plan on trying to get a job once I turn 16 at a ice cream place or something. I love to talk to my friends on teamspeak like bob and epick....oh and can't forget moogan. I'm only exclusive but hopefully will be elite soon enough. I tend to be quiet once I'm doing something very important isn't everyone like that? I do like to joke around but to a certain degree don't need to be looking bad in front of others now would I? Thank you for reading my app! Please leave your opinions in the comments. Have a good day meepers!
  2. _Chef_Carrott_

    _Chef_Carrott_ Popular Meeper

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    +1 Even though I was really mean to ginger I think you would make a great mod, work on dat activity though I never see you online anymore =(
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  3. TrinityIV

    TrinityIV Popular Meeper

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    Need dat activity up boi. Although you do kick/punish when you're on I need to see you on more often man. Gotta give you dat +/-.
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  4. Fly3232

    Fly3232 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hey your grammar really isn't that bad!

    You seem pretty mature, but the only thing is to work on your activity. +.05. Good luck!
    GingerManOWNS likes this.
  5. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    -1. I don't know why you were accepted for helper.
  6. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Shouldn't need a bad grammar warning, really.
    Your TS activity is good, but your IG and forums activity need to be stepped up a bit.
    When you are being active in game you help in should which is good, but being helper is about fun too. Get in there with the community!
    You've made a few rude comments to me IG recently and on ts (Not about what you post on my mod app....leaving forums out completely here.)
    You need a lot more time altogether. -1
  7. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    Lol you spelled your name wrong on the title, more experience needed, sowry

    LMR_FUDD Popular Meeper

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    i agree that I he needs some improvement but that's a little bit harsh don't you think?
    Videogames321 and Telinus like this.
  9. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Ginger does his job very well, I was originally against him becoming helper and I've seen so much that's impressed me. His worth ethic is there, in other ways that not everyone can see.
  10. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    I think everyone who's applying for mod is rushing.

    I also think votes are getting too bias, I mean, we need to look at the real side of things.

    - You were accepted recently
    - Dont know why you were accepted anyway. I honestly think you're a good person overall but your ban history outweighs lots of reasons.
    + Active

    I'm at a -.7

    Good luck.
  11. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    You are too new a helper to know everything you need for mod
    You are immature
    You take criticism and advice well.

    I know mod is glamorous but helper is great too! Enjoy helper for now and have fun.
    Videogames321 and TimtheFireLord like this.
  12. gooboyshitstevie

    gooboyshitstevie Well-Known Meeper

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    -1 sorry, too soon to apply I feel. Also, I dont see you online helping D:
  13. TimtheFireLord

    TimtheFireLord Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    That's not nice. :/
    Videogames321 likes this.
  14. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    It's an opinion.
    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.
  15. fetch3000rules

    fetch3000rules Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +app was good
    +always helping people with modreq's I always see you claim them immediately as they come up
    -needs more shout activity
    -forums activity needs work
    +awesome guy to hang out with
    +been helper for 2 months

    I am going to give you a +.9 but if you get the activity up I will give you a +1
    _Chef_Carrott_ and GingerManOWNS like this.
  16. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    •Good app
    •Not good skype activity
    •Ingame and forums activity is okay
    •Teamspeak activity is good
    •I don't see you kick and ban a lot, but I do see you helping constantly
    •Can be VERY immature sometimes
    Good luck! ;)
    _Chef_Carrott_ likes this.
  17. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    Bob4444444 likes this.
  18. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Great Helper, Very Helpful, Lots of Reported Bans, and it seems you are always doing your job when you're online. Good Luck
    GingerManOWNS and _Chef_Carrott_ like this.
  19. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

    Likes Received:
    +1 Always very friendly & ready to volunteer to help people!
    You may not shout a lot so people think you might not be online but I don't think shouting should effect anything. IF you do a good/outstanding job as a helper ( As i think you do now) you are definitely qualified to be mod!
    Good luck ginger!
  20. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    +/- 0. I don't think it's automatically too early for you to apply for Mod. According to Cooleysworld's list, only three current Helpers have had the title longer than you have. :)

    And I have noticed a lot of improvement from you since you first started! But there is just a little more you could work on.

    You're friendly, fun, helpful, and active... but you don't seem to be as active as you used to be. That might just mean you're answering a lot of /modreqs, though. You also seem to have worked on your maturity, which is great! But I don't think you have quite as much confidence in your own abilities as you'll need in a position of higher authority... even with this application, you don't seem quite sure of yourself. Maybe you need some more experience as Helper before moving on.

    I can't see behind-the-scenes staff stuff, but this seems to say you're doing great at your job. If that's the case, don't be afraid to say it - and believe it! :) Good luck!
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