Quick Note: I produce electronic music, so if that's not your thing, then this probably won't be very interesting for you.
So, earlier this year on a new years resolution thread, I stated that I wanted to establish my brand for music production. Now, while it is true that I have been doing this for quite a while, at that time I had no name that was "set in stone" per say. I was using the alias I use on Steam gaming (ÆTHER). So, after a lot of thinking, debating, and talking about it with friends, I took the plunge and re-branded my work under "J055Y". Following this I invested in a web server and I am currently working on a fully fledged E-Commerce site to distribute my music. I could use services such as Spotify and Google Play Music, and I probably will in the future, but as of now, I wanted a challenge, hence my choice to do it from scratch.
I thought I would make this thread as a means to get feedback on my latest development into the world of music production and to demonstrate that it is in fact possible to accomplish your new years resolutions.
Feedback means a lot to me, as it enables me to learn where I can improve and adapt my techniques, methodology, and style. With that in mind, please don't refrain from telling me if what I have made is bad. I would much rather someone give me the blunt truth than bluff me into thinking I have accomplished musical equilibrium.
Anyway, without further ado, I present to you my latest piece:
Thank you for your time
- J055Y_
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