Let's complain about 95 cents to the dollar and ignore various qualifications and traits that make up that difference
Let's also ignore how women are statistically more likely to be accepted into universities and stem field careers than men.
P.S. Does anyone have the time and date for the next patriarchal society meeting? I heard we were supposed to be meeting on reinforcing gender stereotypes and increase spending to oppress women via Sports illustrated--- Double Post Merged, May 26, 2016, Original Post Date: May 26, 2016 ---No, that's a great way to outsource corporations to other countries. Paying someone less than another colleague who does the same work, with the same qualifications and skill level based on their gender is illegal, and any reasonable suspicion of illegal activity is subject to investigation, and if found guilty of such activity, prosecution.--- Double Post Merged, May 26, 2016 ---
If she looks like this it's no wonder she's upset
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Best Posts in Thread: Gender Wage Gap
Epicdude141, GroovyGrevous, Lord_Walrus and 6 others like this.
From what I know, most jobs don't really have a wage gap. However, it has been shown that a few jobs do have a small wage gap, but only about 95 cents on the dollar. The whole 78 cents on the dollar neglects many factors such as the fact that women generally make different career choices and shop different. As for the small wage gap that exists in a few jobs, I'm not quite sure what can be done about it, but I suppose we could try to fix it. I put "no", but I really think the answer is too complicated for a yes or no answer.
Fangdragon1998, builderjunkie012, n00bslayer_99 and 3 others like this.
There is no wage gap, there's somewhat of an income gap due to the fact that ;
Men are typically doing the more dangerous jobs leading to higher pay, woman tend to work in career fields that generally pay less
Men tend work more overtime and longer hours, overwork is near enough necessary to move up in any company meaning a higher income.
Woman take more time off for children and maternity leave and usually work less hours after returning to work from maternity leave or return to work a few years after, resulting in the industry moving forward and them staying behind.
Woman make up the majority of the part time workforce
Men tend to haggle more for wage raises and such
The 76-79c to the dollar or however you put it is simply the difference between the average earnings of all men and women working full-time. It does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure or hours worked per week. - On top of the cents to the dollar being a silly fall back anyway due to the fact of that being a random sample with a few thousand men and woman that could have been based on that in the thousand woman there could be 700 woman working retail and 300 working as surgeons and in the thousand men there could be 700 surgeons and 300 working retail.
There's no logic to believing women make less money than men because they're women. If you could hire someone with an identical education, years of experience and time willing to work for even 1% less in salary than someone else you will always hire the cheaper person. If the wage gap was true then 0% of women would be unemployed because they can supply the same labour at a lower cost.
This "gay wage gap" is just even more of a unneeded jokeFangdragon1998, Epicdude141, metr0n0me and 3 others like this. -
Lets stay on topic and not start a flame war. K thnx.
GroovyGrevous, Courtneyyy, metr0n0me and 3 others like this. -
Like Smarties said, I fail to see how your points relate to the gender-wage gap.
Anyways, like many posters before me have stated, other factors than sexism are at play--and the gap isn't even really significant in the first place.CluelessKlutz, MoonlitMadness, Courtneyyy and 2 others like this. -
I think we should talk about how I have to pay more for car insurance.
Deljikho, Epicdude141, benster82 and 2 others like this. -
metr0n0me, Enron, Skaros123 and 1 other person like this.
Fangdragon1998, builderjunkie012, Toostenheimer and 1 other person like this.