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Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Debates' started by scoowby, May 7, 2014.

  1. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    Nobody's saying that you can't have your own outlook. And nobody's saying that you have to support homosexuality. You just have to accept it and move on. Also, what do you mean by "waving it in your face?"
  2. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    Being gay is in itself un-natural my good sir!

    And please, a debate is not taking the immediate position of your position being THE only right one. It is considering what the other person has said, and giving a reason why his/her comments are incorrect while providing a sufficent amount of proof for your claims. The proof I speak of heavily lacks in your allegations.

    So on regards to my very first allegation, "Being gay is in itself un-natural my good sir.," I shall provide you with my arguemnt!

    First off I shall begin with the process of the strongest survives and weakest perish. And I will use the well known analogy that is used in the basic Kingdom Animalia and the process of evolution, which I do not believe in, but rather use it has an example to support my arguemnt. In regards to Kingdom Animalia, it is well known that the weaker perish, and the stronger persist, so using that same lining of reason take for example a spieces of an animal that since the spieces first drew breath a hundred generations ago, has lost the ability to reproduce, and in comparison you have a spieces that is able to reproduce and has possessed this ability since it first drew breath one hundred years ago. Now (if you can imagine) if we were to place both of the spieces in a controlled environment, with enviorment conditions absolelty prime for both to flourish, the results are obvious. The natural instinct for any animal when conditions are desirable around it, and vast amounts of food (resources) or material in general are present, they don't waste a minute! They get right to work, in creating offspring and as you can imagine, the spieces needs to have reproductive organs in order for the DNA of the parent or parents to be recreated and be transferred into the next generation, so that the offspring can create that exact DNA that was first transfers from the parents of his/hers parents. This is very obvious in our very own race, Humans. I for instance, have taken on DNA that was originally in my fathers fathers DNA and so on, which was already in him from his fathers father and so on, in being very tall! It's a coding in my ancestors DNA and most prominantly in my father that has allowed me to be tall. So that same DNA has a very high chance of being passed onto my children, and my children's children! The DNA lives on, and the trait of being tall persists!

    An overarching scientific truth, for the paragrahp below is that DNA is all the information for intelliagant life, already exists, which is truly hard to understand where it came from without the help of an intelliagant creator behind it.

    Keeping what was said above in mind, we have the spieces that is unable to reproduce. The enviorment is correct for reproduction. Both mates have all the necessary materials (food water shelter etc) to reproduce and the climate is nice and warm. However, they do not have a means in which they are able to reproduce. So this spieces obviously has an unfortunate end. Both the spieces and the DNA of both and a particular trait, say having the ability to breath underwater, can no longer can be passed on to the next generation, and therefore this spieces seizes to exist. Cri face right? The spieces has essentially died off, and this trait in DNA, the ability to breath underwater, no longer exist or had the potential to exist anymore. It's just blown away in the wind, no longer to resurface.

    So, if homosexualloty or Lesbianism, is a natural occurrence then proof me that I am wrong in what I'm about to say. As I said above, the trait of a spieces and DNA is carried on through the process of sex, in which the offspring continue to carry the trait or DNA and transfer to the next. So if (going to shorten homosexuallity and Lesbianisim to Homo and Leb) is a natural thing and Homo couples and Leb couples do not have the ability to carry on the trait of being homo or Leb into the next generaiton, how in the world are people still homo and Leb? No way at all this could have already have been in the DNA, because the trait would have died off and never been reproduced. In fact (I don't believe this is the age of the human race) the trait would have died of tens of thousands of years ago!

    And in regards to homo or Leb being unchangeable, if you would like we could also talk about that in a private conversation, because it is a subject that is unsuitable for the younglings on meep.
  3. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    Why is it unsuitable? Also, homsexuality refers to both gay men and lesbians. "Gay" and "Lesbian" are for men and women respectively. And in response to your argument, homosexuality is not passed down through DNA. There is nothing to suggest that.
  4. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    My comment was not in reply to yours. It was for Uglyunicorns comment. And yes I agree with you, it's not natural. It's un-natural and is not already in our DNA.
  5. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    My God, it's been proven that homosexuality is a natural occurrence, it's not necessarily related to DNA though. (only partially) And by natural, I mean actually being born LGBT. I don't mean the actual LGBT 'activity'.

    For males, the more older brothers someone has, the higher chance of being gay. Basically, the womb recognizes the Y chromosome as a foreign substance. Thus, it create anti-bodies to try and fix this substance. Being that it is tampering with something that is supposed to be there, it's changing the way it functions. It then feminizes the brain. The womb remembers each boy being born, and in every pregnancy of a male it is increasingly stronger the effect of anti-bodies on the baby. Gays produce a bit more hormones of women, and lesbians produce more hormones of men. Now, they say the chance of a boy being gay increases by 33% with each older brother. I myself have 2 older brothers, and many gay males I have met claim they have at least 1 older brother. This is a statistic that has researchers shocked!

    It's also been linked to being left or right handed. Homosexuals actually have brains that resemble the opposite sex. When shown under and MRI, it's clear that this is true!

    Notice how the brain resembles that of the opposite sex. It is also shown that gays and lesbians have an increasingly higher chance of being left handed because of this change in the brain. Statistically speaking, lesbians are 91% more likely to be left handed than straight women. Gay males are statistically 34% more likely to be left handed than straight men.

    Now, back to male homosexuality, they actually did find a gene that influences sexual activity in males found in the X-Chromosome. It has been linked to homosexuality. It's a rather recent article that I came across soon after it came out.

    As for reproduction, you are not wrong. But the reason homosexuality hasn't been erased from the gene pool is because every heterosexual women is capable of giving birth to someone who is LGBT. And as the study said, the reason they are still here is believed to be because these genes make women more fertile.

    I've looked into that for quite some time. I've found out a lot about how gay conversion therapy fails and makes people very suicidal. For those who claimed 'success', it's a very small percentage, and it's likely that they may be fooling themselves...
    I can vouch that no homosexual can simply "choose" to be straight either.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  6. dannyj2801

    dannyj2801 Popular Meeper

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    Im not going to bother reading a bunch of worthless blabber, but from skimming over this I can tell you think gays have a choice.

    Let me ask you one question

    Why would someone choose to be gay if they knew people would hate them for it?

    Only an insane person would do this. So either all gays are insane or your just wrong.

    Take a guess which one it is.
  7. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    The subject of debate is whether homosexuality should be accepted, not why someone is a homosexual. Why is sexuality natural at all? If homosexuality isn't in our DNA, how is hetrosexuality?
  8. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Being Gay is natural occurrence. it has been proven by scientist.
    You can't say I am wrong when I am stating the facts.
  9. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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  10. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    I realize this. But Skaros gave me proof that being LGBT is a natural occurrence.
    You cannot argue the fact.

    And about "Every human being created in Gods Image, whether you are gay or not" is a Jewish Belief. It is in the Jewish Bible (Torah). That being said, "Every human being created in Gods Image, whether you are gay or not" is my opinion. Not a fact.

    Also to add on. When I say you cannot change from being gay to straight. I mean it is unnatural to change from being gay to straight. The person that is going through that change, would be miserable because even they might think they are straight, they are still gay no matter what. It is a very interesting topic for research. But changing from gay to straight is unnatural and the person going through that change would miserable.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 3, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 3, 2014 ---
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  11. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    That's the problem with a lot of kids these days. They allow themselfs to be mouthfeed of what other people say and if he says that I should believe in that and everyone else is wrong. Perhaps you should research the topic yourself, and discover that the research that is ongoing about this subject, has lots of flaws and assumptions which is not in accordance to scientific law or how any scientific law is established. That's what I want to discuss with Skaors about, how you must not accept as fact, things that appear on the outside of the circle, from what the inside circle wants the outside circle to believe. Anyway, if you want, I can invite you to my debate with Skaros about what he said and hopefully arrive at a logical conclusion on his side and mine.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 3, 2014, Original Post Date: Oct 3, 2014 ---

    If you want to have that smartalec attitude of a know it all and not actually carry out a debate like civilized people such as Skaros and ugly, that's fine with me. I'll just leave you secluded in your ignorant corner, like a child being punished for throwing a tantrum. I won't reply to anything you say to me, and I won't care because you are obviosily immature and under fourteen. Do a few years of growing, then we will talk.

    Good day my sir!
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2014
  12. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    I would love that. :)
    kwagscraft likes this.
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    After not reading a single reply to this thread, I'ma post, cause why not.
    I'm Catholic. I personally believe being a gay, while it's not for me, is a choice you make, and you know what, be happy.
    However, the attraction to people of the same sex is not the wrong. it's the actions following.
    I can LIKE girls all I want, as a girl myself, but I believe that going out with and having intimate, sexual, and just a romantic relationship at all, is against the rules. But I'm also not going to say, ''Hey, you're gay, that's bad, Don't do that.'' If I ever have a friend that's gay, they can be gay, as long as they don't pull me into it.
    If we ignore the religious aspect, I think gays are perfectly normal people. They are basic humans who like different things then us ''Normal'' people.
    It's judgmental crap. That's what it is. Not all gays are bad people, not all straights are good people.
    Why shouldn't they have rights like anyone else?
  14. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    Da truth!
    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.
  15. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Its an opinion/belief, not the truth.
    Muunkee-Alexia likes this.
  16. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    What I meant to say was that I agree with what she said. She thinks that having sex with the same gender is bad, but she accepts it. That's what I was referring to.
  17. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    oh okay :)
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Basically, I know that no matter what we do, same-sex relationships will happen. So, why bother caring if it does? Just be happy with what you are, and if you're happy then it's fine...
    UglyUnicorn and Xboxplayer-12 like this.
  19. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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    Monkey, your gif on your signature...

    So ......

    Relaxing .....

    I wan ..... I can't....

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  20. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    As a member of LGBT (Which I haven't told many people), Most of the people commenting here I know on a personal level. So I guess now the truth is out it makes me "weird" because I'm not Society's perfect male with muscles, trying to get with every chick at School? Makes me sad that I can't have the same personal relationship with some people because I am who I am, but I guess I know now who can like me for who I am, and every other person on this thread that may be apart of it as well.

    But on the other hand, I do see why people can get a bit anxious around us. I believe it's okay. We had a society that, for a very large amount of time was highly against homosexuality. So of course people will still follow very traditional ways. But just try and think about what LGBT think when they are harassed or told they are "un-natural" or "freaks of nature" in real life and on this thread.

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