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Gay Rights

Discussion in 'Debates' started by scoowby, May 7, 2014.

  1. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    I don't understand why we're back on the issue of the Bible right now. It doesn't specify in the New Testament that homosexuality is a sin, so why are we still on this? Christians don't need to follow the Old Testament, so Leviticus is out of the question.

    Empoleon, just calm down. I think you should just exit the thread and take a break, as I can see it's causing you to get worked up over the smallest issues.
  2. Nara_Visa

    Nara_Visa Celebrity Meeper

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    If you follow the Bible you really shouldn't be weighing sins.
    By that I mean well if lying is a sin and so is gay butt.... Well then am I not just as bad off as them?
  3. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    How am I bigoted? I expressed my support for gay rights earlier in this thread. Does the fact that i am bigoted come from that I found it funny how you think that Russian is the only one acting like an idiot on this thread, and I decided to notify you humoursly.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    This thread should be deleted, due to ignorance undermining the privilege we've been given; which is the ability to post intellectual discussions on things that are otherwise taboo or controversial on this forums.

    This clearly has stopped being an actual discussion and turned into a measuring contest between Rusian_Pedobear, and Empoleon_Master, which has ultimately polluted this thread with egotism, ignorance, and futility.

    My advice is to stop running your mouth as much, and begin trying to listen a bit more; you'll learn things.

    Requesting a staff member to lock this idiotic argument.
    Sirrr_Pig, Erebus45 and Skaros123 like this.
  5. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Yes, you're right. This thread will have to be reviewed. I'll lock it for now and see if another staff member can review the content on it before unlocking the thread. I fear some of my bias may get in the way of my judgement, which is why I will try to have help from another staff member.

    It's clear that the some of the people posting on this thread have made this thread go against the actual topic of gay rights, and now made it into a thread that doesn't follow these rules for debates.

    • Keep debates clean and orderly. Spam posts will be deleted and warnings will be dealt.
    • Be mature.
    • If a thread discomforts you, don't view the thread.
    • Threads and arguments should use logic and reason.
    • Do NOT rant or flame players on debate threads. This is not the forum to do so.
    Rest assure, we will see to it that this thread gets unlocked as soon as the junk posts are reviewed and removed. In the meantime, I suggest posting actual relative content for the debate. Random memes about homosexuality can be considered spam, and is not the kind of content this thread was meant for.
    Jackl01, Bob4444444, Erebus45 and 4 others like this.
  6. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Thread unlocked. Please stop posting random memes that are not related to the topic about gay rights. Feel free to post an article about new gay rights laws, but no more random memes. An example would be like this one because the Florida gay marriage ban was struck down today, http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/federal-judge-strikes-down-floridas-ban-on-marriage-equality

    Future misuse of this thread and failure of following basic forum debate rules will result in a permanent locking of this thread.

    Thank you.
  7. Nara_Visa

    Nara_Visa Celebrity Meeper

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    Luv u
  8. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    Updated map anyone?: http://www.freedomtomarry.org/page/-/files/images/map.png
    dannyj2801 and Empoleon_master like this.
  9. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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  10. kwagscraft

    kwagscraft Celebrity Meeper

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    Oh god, here we go again.
  11. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    What the people who go with the Bible need to remember is this: not everyone shares the same religious belief you. You have every right to dislike homosexuality. This is, after all, a forum where people are entitled to whatever belief they hold. But I consider it very wrong to force a belief on someone who doesn't share it. It's the kind of thing that has started many wars in the past. A belief cannot simply be changed by flipping a mental switch. I can say "I believe in God" but that doesn't make it true.

    Back on topic though, if a person does something that does not cause harm in any from to another person or persons, then how is it wrong? I understand that homosexuality might make some uncomfortable, but eventually those people would become used to it. If two gay men hold hands in public, I understand that it might make someone uncomfortable if they saw it for the first time, but after seeing it multiple times, would they still be uncomfortable. I compare it to the change in gun laws in my country. After gun control was delivered by the Australian government, many Australians were unhappy with handing over their automatic weapons, but after living under the news laws, those same people found the conditions quite manageable. The things that would first make us squirm would not bother us later on. You may disagree with gay rights, and nobody's asking you to agree with it, only to accept it and move on.
  12. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    I keep clicking like but it says I just unliked the post!!! D :

    Anyway that has to be one of the most well thought out posts I have seen on this thread.

    Also anyone remember the part in the constitution where it says that no law shall be made under religious pretext? I wonder where the ruling of the same sex marriage bans of being unconstitutional could have POSSIBLY COME FROM. But really due to the governors making those laws they should be sued for going against the constitution, you know that thing that everyone claims says that two dudes liking each other is against the law...despite it not.
    Xboxplayer-12 likes this.
  13. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    As an Australian who has never visited the U.S, I can't say I fully understand the constitution. Unless I am mistaken, are there not state laws that the U.S government has no control of. And exactly how is the constitution enforced? I will say though that America has handled the gay rights issue better than we have, as gay marriage is not possible anywhere in Australia. Even if you get married in a country where it is legal, our government will simply not accept the marriage.

    That being said, I can't fully understand why marriage is so important to some people. I've heard somewhere that it is considered an eternal bond, but in this day and age it can be broken. If I was in a relationship with someone I truly loved, why would I need to get married to prove it? The difference is merely a piece of paper.
    Empoleon_master likes this.
  14. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    For some it's more than a piece of paper more or less an (hmm this is hard describing it in words instead of pure thought and emotion like in my head) emotional statement declaring your undying love for each other. Someone can probably word it better than me I can tell you that much.

    But the constitution in the us is more or less something that conservative regressives basically have shoved up their behind that says whatever TF they want it to say, sort of like the bible, but more or less the document that is a historical declaration of "let's have this country get it's *********** together and because an awesome country to be awesome and semi envied by people, for some reason, despite it having a bunch of bigoted slave owners write this document" (I'm looking at your Thomas Jefferson, you may have been awesome in other things but someone that I forget the name of did a lot more than you and you know, DIDN'T OWN SLAVES)

    But you do raise a very interesting question, how is the constitution enforced on a political level?

    Ok time to stop derailing this thread and sleep.

    To get back to the topic apparently a transgendered friend of my parents actually got married to her wife in Kentucky in the same way that couple did in russia.
  15. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    Sometimes I wish I could visit America and see what life is like over there, but I just don't have the money :(
  16. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    I will start a convo with you about what america is like so we can stop derailing this thread.
    Xboxplayer-12 likes this.
  17. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    America is actually less accepting of LGBT people than Australia. The acceptance rate in America is less than %60. While it is up to 80% in Australia. The only reason they can't get married in Australia is because a couple of people in a court house said they can't. They weren't looking out for the interest of Australians, they were looking into their own bias beliefs, which really makes me a bit disappointed. In the USA, each states decides their own laws for gay rights. I live in a state that is pretty accepting as allows same-sex marriage, protection under the workplace, etc.

    I can't say it's much different than Australia, but I think of Australians as a bit more civilized than Americans. From what I've heard, Australians are much nicer to LGBT people than Americans. Here in America, teens can make fun of LGBT people and usually, nobody bats an eye. I can't say I see it that often anymore, but I was practically bullied every day for it a few years ago.

    I don't know what Empoleon is messaging you, but America and Australia are probably not that different.
    Jackl01 and Empoleon_master like this.
  18. Xboxplayer-12

    Xboxplayer-12 Celebrity Meeper

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    Well Australians invented the word "pufter" so I kinda have to disagree.
  19. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    Australia's PM says NO to gay marriage, NO to asylum seekers, YES to hiking up money to visit a GP, YES to cutting money to Education and buying 50bil worth of useless fighter jets.

    As you can see, he cares about people's rights.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
  20. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Uh, you can't get married to a horse in the US. You're allowed to, erm, "spend the night" with a horse in more states than you can marry someone of the same sex. But you can't "marry" a horse.
    Cherrykit, scoowby, Jackl01 and 4 others like this.

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