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Best Posts in Thread: Gay Rights

  1. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    A friend of mine from school is transgendered. Born female, prefers to be called "he", even though he is biologically female. It takes us some time to get used to saying "he" and "him because we were so used to saying her and she before he came out of the closet. But, he's pretty accepting when people say "she" because, well, people might not know about his gender identity right away, or he understands that they just aren't used to saying "she" and "he" yet. It wasn't until a few months ago that I got used to using the terms "he" and "him", because I've been using "she" and "her" years before he came out. He just corrects us sometimes and we move on.

    Then again, I guess it's different for everyone.
  2. theEditson

    theEditson Popular Meeper Elder

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    Just reading the first page I am suprised to see so many responses similar to "i think those relationships are disgusting, but I am a fan of rights"

    If you think those relationships are disgusting, its the type of opinion that homosexuals do not want to hear out of your straight mouth. Your definition of "disgust" is equal to their level of "disgust" for straight sex and the entirety of the straight lifestyle (from politics to social).

    The only thing anyone needs to hear is that you are for equal rights for all. Period.

    If you do not approve of male on male sexual intercourse, you obviously do not approve of the mid-high-majority percentage of STRAIGHT couples who commit sodomy and oral sex. There are statistically, and LITERALLY, more straight people commiting acts of sodomy and oral sex (and divorce, adultry and prostitution, etc) then there are homosexuals. That is a statistic you should think about before feeling only disgusted with homosexual lifestyles. Look in a straight mirror for once.

    Seriously, lets re-iterate that one more time.
    Straight people commit all of these things more than homosexuals do:

    Oral Sex

    At this point, the only argument you have left is that you find loving relationships and raising a child together to be disgusting, at which point you should take your dominant writing hand, open it to a flat, and facepalm yourself into next week because you are the definition of "sheep".

    (I will now read the next 20 pages of this thread if I have time..)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 22, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 22, 2014 ---
    Who do you think you are? Some dude who could actually stand up for himself?

    You are an over weight preteen who spends most of his free time making no progress in the world.
    I guarentee you one of my gay friends could beat the living s*** out of you.

    ..but you would be one of those people who would think he was trying to kiss you or something... then freak out, cry, and add rage to your closet homophobia.
  3. Old_Pink

    Old_Pink Celebrity Meeper

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    That study is considered to be flawed by a lot of researchers in that field. It's a classic example of fishing for results, like gerrymandering but for research. Also, it is funded by a group that has an interest in fishing for results, not an independent research team.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 18, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 18, 2014 ---
    Lol this "researcher" has gotten shat on, even the guy who published it and the journal that published it say it's flawed and non-conclusive
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2014
  4. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest

    Well what if he was just being nice to you by helping you get undressed for bed?
  5. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    I am a Christian. Any laws banning gay marriage are unconstitutional and should be removed ASAP. The beautiful thing about the United States is that we have freedom to do anything (as long as it doesn't hurt others). We can believe what we want, say what we want, Ect.

    Even if the bible says it's wrong that doesn't mean it should be illegal. Separation between church and state is critically important and these laws violate this principle. I am grateful that there isn't laws banning Christian practices, and in the same way there shouldn't be laws banning homosexual practices.

    Please don't stereotype Christians based off the actions of a rare minority of hate groups such as Westboro baptist church. These groups make me want to vomit.
  6. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    First off, that's me but I found that comment funny.

    And no, I am not against the LGBT. I am all for the freedom of choice whether it be drugs or their own sexuality. I see a homosexual as a person that is just born that way, just as I was just born being attracted to females. Can I explain why I find females attractive and why I don't find males attractive? Not really... It is definitely a predisposition and people should have no shame in it.

    So... I honestly think gays really aren't at a disadvantage when it comes to the legal system other than the fact homosexuals are not allowed marriage in certain states within the USA. There are civil unions reserved for gays but civil unions don't grant the same tax benefits etc... I will say though, that gays deal with a lot of bigotry but they should try to overlook this and be proud of their sexuality. I commend anyone that is openly gay as one of my friends is and isn't ashamed by it because after all.... its just natural to them.

  7. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Let me stop you, RIGHT THERE!

    Homosexuality has been found in over 1500 species. Elephants, lions, horses, dogs, cats, giraffes, swans, and lots more. There's even species of monkeys where their entire race is bisexual. Lesbian swan are actually known to lure male swan to impregnate one of them so they can raise a child together, as same-sex parents. However, just because something is unnatural does not mean it's a bad thing.

    Given today's technology, it is possible for same-sex couples to reproduce. In fact, people are able to take the DNA from 1 lesbian parent and replace the DNA in sperm and use it to fertilize her partner's egg. This results in 2 biological mothers. Scientists are also on the verge of making it so a man is able to produce an egg, so the egg can be fertilized by his partner and put in a surrogate mother to take care of.

    Even if same-sex couples decide not to go that route, adoption is a great alternative.
  8. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    Just thought I would add this. Youtube is branching out to support LGBT in sports. If you look they have a rainbow soccer ball in the top left of their page.

    They also uploaded this to their spotlight channel.
    scoowby, Squid53214, Erebus45 and 3 others like this.
  9. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

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    For Gods sake please don't stereotype all Christians based off this person..
  10. Bill Gates

    Bill Gates Meeper

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    Where you guys born from the bible?!? Hell nah, Stop taking answers from a book and listen to the answers within yourself.
    There is no real answer to an opinion -Bill Gates
    I don't like Bill Gates -My brother
  11. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    No, it's marriage should only be between a woman and a man or you're considered an "abomination" ,not two men in one bed 0.0.

    So if I slept in the same bed as my brother because a guest is using my bed it would be a sin?
    Cherrykit, rAwsondayc, TrisDa and 3 others like this.
  12. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest

    Imagine this.
    After WWII, when the Allies found the Nazi concentration camps, and found the horrific scenes, their first thought was to censor the images. But then they thought that the censorship wouldn't portray the horridness of the people who did the actions. Censorship wouldn't make others shame the Nazi's as much

    I want people to see how "assholish" some can be.
    Cherrykit, Erebus45, IHAS and 3 others like this.
  13. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    I can't tell if you're being satirical or if you're just trying to voice your opinion without being direct about it. o_O
  14. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    This is where my first problem comes, not everyone believes in a higher power that created us. Being atheist, I view this premise to be flawed and all therefore all conclusions made from it won't ring true for me. But let's keep going, for the lols.
    Love is love, and is never messed up. It may not conform to how you view love, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.
    Woah woah woah. I don't even see how this is a logical jump to make. You're calling people handicapped for their feelings?
    Doesn't that still fall under not fulfilling the normal 'requirements' for species continuation? There's something wrong with them, too, if they don't want to reproduce 'normally' - at least by your criteria.
    Cherrykit, Cookies713, TrisDa and 3 others like this.
  15. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Congratulations! If anyone picks on you both, just remember, those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.
    Cherrykit, scoowby, Jackl01 and 3 others like this.
  16. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    I think Empoleon was purely doing that to make a point, one that perhaps missed the mark a little.

    I have nothing against people who are anti-gay, per se, as long as they aren't doing anything to take away their human rights. I personally would not like a gay guy to hit on me if I were at a bar, but it's not because I'm anti-gay. I'd feel the exact same way if an elderly lady did the same thing - they're just not my type. I'm not going to go "Eww gross get away from me gayboy", I'd rather just say "I really appreciate what you're trying to do, and it's very flattering - I'm just not gay".
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  17. Thee Boss

    Thee Boss Celebrity Meeper

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    I have nothing against gay people. one of my freinds is gay and that doesnt change anything

    EDIT: rant starts here

    in my opinion, you are wrong to insult and hate people for this sole reason. its discrimination twords homosexuals. if they like each other then so be it. And also @Epicminer200 , being gay does not mean you always show "overly loving gestures" to each other all the time
  18. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    You seem to think being gay is a choice... That's why your post doesn't make any sense. Pretty much all supported biological fact about homosexuality can be used to defend the argument that homosexuality is innate and determined at birth.

    And you're right, being gay is just sad. All the torment and harassment LGBT people get because of the way they were born. I'd rather be a noob than gay any day!