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Best Posts in Thread: Gay Rights

  1. Mainkreke

    Mainkreke Popular Meeper

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    It's stupid. There's no way to argue that gays don't deserve equal rights. No religious or personal belief should dictate the freedom of others. We're not changing anything, as they teach us everyday about the struggles of the Blacks back in the 20th century, and the Jews during the Holocaust, and yet similar events keep happening. I don't believe we will ever learn how oblivious we are to our own destruction until it's written in a history book.
  2. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    As a member of LGBT (Which I haven't told many people), Most of the people commenting here I know on a personal level. So I guess now the truth is out it makes me "weird" because I'm not Society's perfect male with muscles, trying to get with every chick at School? Makes me sad that I can't have the same personal relationship with some people because I am who I am, but I guess I know now who can like me for who I am, and every other person on this thread that may be apart of it as well.

    But on the other hand, I do see why people can get a bit anxious around us. I believe it's okay. We had a society that, for a very large amount of time was highly against homosexuality. So of course people will still follow very traditional ways. But just try and think about what LGBT think when they are harassed or told they are "un-natural" or "freaks of nature" in real life and on this thread.
  3. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Uh, you can't get married to a horse in the US. You're allowed to, erm, "spend the night" with a horse in more states than you can marry someone of the same sex. But you can't "marry" a horse.
    Cherrykit, scoowby, Jackl01 and 4 others like this.
  4. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Yes, you're right. This thread will have to be reviewed. I'll lock it for now and see if another staff member can review the content on it before unlocking the thread. I fear some of my bias may get in the way of my judgement, which is why I will try to have help from another staff member.

    It's clear that the some of the people posting on this thread have made this thread go against the actual topic of gay rights, and now made it into a thread that doesn't follow these rules for debates.

    • Keep debates clean and orderly. Spam posts will be deleted and warnings will be dealt.
    • Be mature.
    • If a thread discomforts you, don't view the thread.
    • Threads and arguments should use logic and reason.
    • Do NOT rant or flame players on debate threads. This is not the forum to do so.
    Rest assure, we will see to it that this thread gets unlocked as soon as the junk posts are reviewed and removed. In the meantime, I suggest posting actual relative content for the debate. Random memes about homosexuality can be considered spam, and is not the kind of content this thread was meant for.
    Jackl01, Bob4444444, Erebus45 and 4 others like this.
  5. RossCoombs

    RossCoombs Popular Meeper

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    I'm absolutely fine with "Gay Rights". They've made their choice - as you have for your religion, and if you don't like people discriminating against your religion as some people are, then don't discriminate against them.

    You don't see vegetarians walking into a restaurant, ordering their meal and sitting down, then seeing someone eating a steak and asking the staff to kick them out because they're eating something they don't want to, just as you don't see anything the other way around.

    The hatred I get toward homophobes is unreal. They make me so, so, angry. They don't have to get involved in a homosexual relationship, so they can't stop others.

    And then looking at some of the stuff mentioned by @Empoleon_master :
    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 7, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 7, 2014 ---
    When I see someone opening up that they are LGBT, they don't lose any respect, I see them gain lots. It takes alot of courage to do something so simple in this society, and it really isn't right.
  6. IHAS

    IHAS Popular Meeper

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    I don't like this comparison. You are comparing a hate group.

    If our government passes laws that says LGBT people can't be denied service, they can't.
    If our government passes laws that says KKK members can't be denied service, they can't.

    The only difference is that close to no one is fighting for KKK members to be protected like that.

    It doesn't matter if you believe in it, if the law says you can't, you can't. And the fact that a majority of this country supports this kind of LGBT law then it will be passed... that is just how it works.
  7. smeef

    smeef Popular Meeper

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    You can't quote the bible (or anything like a religious text) when you try to justify your causes against gay rights. Only if the country has an official religion, could it be possible. However, in the United States, there is this thing you guys know of called the separation of Church and State. The United States was not founded with the cause of keeping Christian values alive, so any bible quotes or references are null.

    (Just some info for Christian Catholics here) I go to a Catholic school, and the Church teaches that being gay is not a choice, unlike what some people might think. The Church teaches that is not immoral to love men. The only point that they declare something sinful is when two men enter a sexual relationship (fornication), because Catholics believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and you can only have sex in marriage.

    If you want to keep "equality for all" a true statement, you have to have gay rights. (Gay marriage, however, depends on if it is religious or civil. Civil = yes, Religious = varies)
    --- Double Post Merged, May 31, 2014, Original Post Date: May 31, 2014 ---
    Ok, I see your point about this. But, what about a similar situation? (hypothetical)

    An "African-American" baker owns a bakery. KKK members come in, and ask for a cake depicting a lynching. The baker obviously says, "No, this is against what I believe. I refuse to give you any of my services."

    A Catholic baker owns a bakery. Two gay men/women come in, asking for a cake for their marriage. The baker obviously says, "No, this against what I believe. I refuse to give you any of my services."

    Both of the bakers have the right to refuse service to both parties. The bakers' have their beliefs, so they can refuse service to all, not just gay people.

    Equal rights need to work both ways.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
    TrisDa, Mjr_Minor, BlackJack and 4 others like this.
  8. Empoleon_master

    Empoleon_master Celebrity Meeper

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    I wonder if being perm banned counts as a sin.

    Anyway to anyone saying it's a sin you have to realize that the bible considers basically everything a sin. "Thou salt not pisseth against a wall"
  9. TrisDa

    TrisDa Popular Meeper

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    I was thinking the government should have nothing to do with the word "Marriage" not for strait or gays. They would instead use the word life partner. So a the government would have no say who can or cant be "married" just like they have no say on your religious beliefs. So a religious person can support "equal life partnership rights" without feeling that they are going to hell for supporting gay marriage.

    also here's another reason to support gay marriage
    youtube]X-YCdcnf_P8 copy past this in browser
    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  10. TrisDa

    TrisDa Popular Meeper

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    A woman told me once that she did not support gay marriage because she believe that the word marriage is for a man and a woman only. She said she had no problems with gays having the same legal rights as long as they did not use the word marriage to describe their bond.
    I don't agree but this got me to thinking Why cant the government just start calling all "marriage" "legal life partners" or something like that. Any two people could get a "legal life partnership" and it give them the same rights as before when it was called Marriage. Marriage would be more of a spiritual, religious and a romantic concept and be personal.
  11. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Since homosexuality works the same way left handedness works, I'd be fine with calling homosexuality a disorder as long as ambidextrous and left handed people are. But... the top psychiatric agencies in the USA agree that homosexuality should not be "treated as" a mental disorder and should be left alone.

    I mean, you're right that it's a mutation. But so are blue eyes, ginger hair, lactose tolerance, (Yes, people are not supposed to be able to drink milk after infancy), and many many more.
  12. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    Ah, third state court ruling striking down a ban this month. Congratulations, Oregon. The best part is, during the first court meeting, there was nobody there to defend the ban. The state refuses to defend the same-sex marriage ban, so we can all count on no stayed appeals for this one!

    --- Double Post Merged, May 21, 2014, Original Post Date: May 19, 2014 ---
    Welp. Governor Corbett of Pennsylvania has denied a stayed appeal for the same-sex marriage ruling. That means that Pennsylvania officially legalizes same-sex marriage. (Unless he changes his mind?). That said, the entire Northeast region of the United States now recognizes same-sex marriage. Big milestone indeed.
  13. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    Everyone bow down to the logical thinking presented by Epicminer200.

    If we could all just meditate on how he delivered his point, we may all become dumber.

    Dude, I'm straight and I will be the first one to say that I think some supporters of "gay rights" take it a little too far and want special privileges. That being said, I really can't say its so much of a choice, rather something that is "predetermined" if you are into that type of thing. When you were born you didn't learn to be heterosexual, you just happened to be attracted to the opposite sex, and thankfully for your intolerance towards something besides the social norm, you happened to be "straight". If someone is homosexual they didn't necessarily think; "Hey, I want to be gay, even though I'm attracted to girls, I want to be attracted to men!". We all know it doesn't work like that so please.....

    Well actually I really don't have to ask you to leave this thread because you said you won't post anymore.
  14. SirNathaniel

    SirNathaniel Popular Meeper

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    Oh skaros, i think you're being too nice. There are far more reasons why that post make absolutely no sense, and stupidity is one of them. and @Epicminer200 , you might want to figure out who the stupid one in the conversation is before you go calling an entire group of normal people dumb.
  15. scoowby

    scoowby Celebrity Meeper

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    Guys, homosexuality has been witnessed in over 1,500 species. Homophobia has only been witnessed in one.
  16. Mjr_Minor

    Mjr_Minor Celebrity Meeper

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    Who is anyone to tell another person what they can and cannot do, who they can and cannot love, and brand another human as lesser due to a lifestyle choice (EDIT: marrying the person they love) that doesn't affect them in any way.

    Give people their rights. They're called inalienable for a reason, everyone is entitled to them.
    Last edited: May 10, 2014
  17. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    To be honest, I don't see why people follow every little damn thing in the bible or whatever. Isn't accepting gays your choice? Are you saying if the bible said it was ok you would be ok with it? I, quite frankly, find this stupid. (Not trying to offend anyone here)

    Anyways, I don't mind homosexuals, they're just normal people, they just like the opposite gender. And I don't see why it's wrong, did you ever think of putting them in your shoes? They probably go through a tones of crap everyday. I probably won't change your mind about them, but I'm just saying you don't have to follow your religion, you can if it's right of wrong.
  18. Alien_Venom

    Alien_Venom Popular Meeper Elder

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  19. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    You're right about the anatomies part. It is true that heterosexuality is key to procreation. However, to make matters short, being gay is just how someone is born. It's determined a birth. It's also shown that gay people can't just "change' their sexual orientation. It's best to let people live their lives and be who they are.

    You have your right to not fully accept LGBT people. Just be mindful about what it actually means to be gay.
    --- Double Post Merged, May 8, 2014, Original Post Date: May 8, 2014 ---
    Nukes. the answer is nukes!
  20. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    After reading this thread I had one thought: are you kidding me? Religion still controls the world, if you read something out of a book and DEGRADE people because of something written a long time ago, IMO you're the sick one for hurting those people. Nothing in the world is perfect, so that doesn't mean you have to tell people they're worthless to make yourself feel better. And I can guarantee you that someone in Meep are gay/bi/lesbian and you don't know, and because of that one little thing, you'll instantly cut contact with them (most people) please just accept one another for who they are as a person.

    I can see that a lot of people here are Americans and it makes me sad that they are all divided on what's right/wrong. Not to sound stuck up but I think that this is something small that we as a community can work on. I know in Australia and my School, gays are very well accepted and if you're caught bullying someone that is gay, you're going to be the one kicked in the head (it happened before).

    I can tell some people are going to look at this thread who are gay and feel pretty crappy about themselves because of a hand full of people. And as terrible it is to say as Staff, but I lost a lot of respect for people on this thread. Please make decisions for yourself that wasn't influenced by God.
    Cherrykit, DeathBunny55, IHAS and 4 others like this.