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Best Posts in Thread: GADGET SUGGESTIONS
Courtneyyy Admin Princess Staff Member Helper Media Elder
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As long as they all work it’ll be super awesome but gadgets were a fail and most of them didn’t work so it was a bummer!
bloodyghost, SuperDyl, Hornemans and 4 others like this.
boombox123, bloodyghost, GroovyGrevous and 3 others like this.
Could you do the disco armor? Is that a gadget? I've always been a fan of that.
--- Double Post Merged, Dec 14, 2017, Original Post Date: Dec 14, 2017 ---
Last edited: Jan 20, 2018boombox123, Kling, SuperDyl and 3 others like this. -
How about an item, that when activated, makes hornemans play legit, or if not fully legit, un-able to cheat for 24 hours?
bloodyghost, Hornemans, Muunkee and 2 others like this. -
oh particle effects huh
how about a kling tshirt with particlesSpongeyStar, onceuponajano, iKitten and 2 others like this. -
Rainbow color changing leather chestplates
boombox123, J055Y_, SuperDyl and 2 others like this. -
A portable jukebox that (as an item) sits in your inventory, but when you interact with it (shift + right click for instance) it brings up a chest context menu with a list of noteblock sounding music that could be chosen by the user and emitted from them whilst holding that jukebox item.
GroovyGrevous, SuperDyl, lanekids40 and 1 other person like this. -
We have more than 30 new gadgets in the brainstorm and need more. It can be anything from wings to a trampoline you can jump high on so make sure to post some suggestions and hopefully it will be added when the new gadget system is implemented.boombox123, Trexy, iKitten and 1 other person like this. -
The ability to shoot "lasers" through a players eye's. No harm done, like thru the eyes or something'? Yah, really stuffed this one up xD
boombox123, Kling, SuperDyl and 1 other person like this. -
How about some different teleportation particle options instead of just the purple?
agnd, J055Y_, SuperDyl and 1 other person like this. -
I'd like to see a gadget that makes leather armour cycle between colours, in a "disco" suit style
--- Double Post Merged, Nov 30, 2017, Original Post Date: Nov 30, 2017 ---
J055Y_, boombox123, Adam34falcon and 1 other person like this.