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Denied Forum banned

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by MRangeMisheretoappeal, Feb 8, 2014.

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  1. MRangeMisheretoappeal

    MRangeMisheretoappeal Active Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): IHAS (Forum)
    Date/Time: like 10 minutes ago
    Reason: I don't know because you guys block me from seeing my indob when you ban people which let me add is a horrible banning system. but i think it is for writing on a ban appeal because my posts were deleted.
    Ban Length:1 day
    Staff Member:a wild guess would be oroperion
    Why we should consider your appeal:



    That's what I did, did I not? It may have not favoured the staffs side, but I added a valued post of information.

    I was part of that ban. I was with him for the whole last week of him causing quote "detrimental" things. So that is not an excuse to keep me banned.

    My guess is that I probably offended oroperion and he probably permanently deleted my posts so that no staff could recover it (Just a guess.).

    y u do dis. unban pls even know you will probably come up with some stupid reason to keep me banned.
    Flamedemond and VKL_ReWinDzz like this.
  2. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Your ban was only partially due to the post on VKL's ban appeal. Most of it was due to your signature and your post on this thread. This is denied.
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