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Flamedemond2's mod application

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Flamedemond2, Jan 29, 2014.

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  1. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    In Game Name: flamedemond2
    Skype Username: flamedemond2
    Teamspeak Username: flamedemond2
    Mic use: yes
    Age: 14
    Timezone: EST
    Hours online per weekday: 2-3
    Hours online per weekend: 5-7
    Position Changes: Helper to Mod


    Hello, my name is flamedemond2, or more commonly known as flame, or flame2. As of today I have been playing on Meep for approximately 1 year and 4 months, and have spent time as a helper for 1 and a half months. I still remember the day I got helper, I was brought into a staff channel for my first time and was told "hey flame, time to do your interview". I froze, dead in my spot for about 5-10 seconds. I couldn't believe it was time to finally do my interview! But knowing the kind of person I am, I have never been good at oral presentations and was quite terrified as I did it. To my surprise, about 2 minutes after I finished the interview, I had been told I was the newest member of the staff team! To this day, I am grateful for the opportunity I was given to begin my journey as a helper.

    But there comes a time in every helpers journey when they think to themselves, what more can I do to help? How can I do more to help? What steps will I take in order to help others in a more efficient and productive way? Well, as the title of this application would suggest, I am applying for the moderator position to hopefully increase my capabilities and my productivity towards a various amount of situations.

    Why I want to be a moderator:

    Let's move right into it, shall we. As I said in the intro, I want to become a moderator because of the increased capabilities, and to make work more productive. With the increased capabilities that mod gets, such as /god, I will be able to monitor pvp in a much easier way. From my perspective I would find it to make me more efficient, as I excel at what I do when more is required from me. Obviously, mod requires more to be done, meaning I would excel at the task at hand. Another thing that I didn't mention in my intro is my dedication. Being online for so many hours a day, constantly helping out in /shout, modreq's, /msg, etc, shows just how dedicated I am towards Meepcraft and how much I care for it.

    Because I am so dedicated towards the server, I would like for nothing more than to be a part of a great team who tirelessly helps the server, day after day. Even from the moment I started on meep, I wanted to be a member of the staff, and a few months ago, back in MeepNetworks, when I became staff my goal was complete. I didn't really have a purpose to being staff at the time other than for the personal gain. But not so long after that, I realized that my goal wasn't in fact complete because I had not utilized the best of my ability to help. And that, from the first moment I logged on, is what I truly wanted to do. Not just become staff, but truly make a difference.

    Why you should want me as a moderator:

    In game chat:
    I have been a contributing member of the server from day one. I have made it my duty to help the people around me to the best of my ability. Whether it is giving a new player a town to call home, or helping an experienced player remember a command, I have done what everything I could to make sure that Meepcraft is a joyous and entertaining community for not only myself, but mainly others. My main source of receiving and distributing entertainment is through /shout where multiple ideas can be expressed. Even though I am talking with others, I still keep a close eye on any and all people spamming or swearing in chat.

    Not only through shout, but I also chat to others in /msg, especially when they have a problem. My main source of communication when assisting with a modreq is definitely /msg. I will occasionally have to talk to someone in local chat as oppose to /msg though which to me is not preferable. It is not preferable because I can see how the person reacts to an answer in /msg vs in local chat. They seem to really understand and take in the information given when it's 1 on 1 chat rather than letting others give their input, ultimately distracting the person, and not helping them to the full potential.

    Local chat is probably my least used form of chat, mainly because it only allows for people near me to see what I'm saying. There are of course times when it is essential to use local chat, such as when I'm mining with friends, or selling items to people.

    My dedication to this server is unlike most other peoples level of dedication. For over 1 year and 5 months, I have tirelessly tried to help people, improving their game play by whatever means necessary. Aside from helping around, I've shown my dedication, throughout the course of my time spent on meep, I have never abandoned it. To me, meep is like my second home and the community, my second family. Abandoning it would be like abandoning my family, and I would never willingly abandon my family. My family is what has helped me through the tough times, what has kept me well, and has given me a place to call home. Meep as well has done all these things for me and no matter what I do I will never be able to give back enough. So I have dedicated myself to giving others exactly the same feeling a secure place to call home.

    Work ethic and perseverance:
    As I have said before, I am a "try hard" type of person. No matter when, why, what, or where, I will always try my hardest. If I don't manage to get what I've set out to do the first attempt, I will continuously try to complete it no matter how many try's it takes. Even if I have completed something, but it is not to the best of my ability, I will still work at it until it's 100% complete. Anything that I have not tried my 100% in, I consider a fail, not only to the person I'm helping, but to myself as well. I am tough on myself in this aspect because I can't stand thinking I could have done better but didn't feel like it.

    With that being said, and knowing that I always give my all into everything, I have done over 600 modreq's in just this short periods of time. And I have never had a negative result from anyone who's modreq I'm handling. I try to move smoothly along with people because I find that if I'm talking to them for a while, they begin to loose interest and don't focus as hard, ultimately delaying the process. If I am able to move quickly along with each person, they stay attentive and are much more cooperative with me. So being able to do things efficiently definitely does have a major impact not only on what I'm able to do, but how the person takes in the help.

    With over 800 modreq's done in the time I've been staff, I can confidently say that my modreq doing is above par. And as I stated before, I try to all of them to the best of my ability. I always try to be the one to claim the modreq's before anyone else can because it's such a dog fight at times just to claim it. With every modreq I have completed, I have had a great response from just about everyone. No matter what kind of modreq it is, if I have the capability (in terms of perms) to assist a person in need, I won't hesitate to claim it. Whether it's a case of grief, theft, luring, or even help with commands, I will always try my best to help and do it to the best of my ability.

    I have made it one of my biggest priorities to communicate with others in all regions of meepcraft, from in game, to the forums, and on teamspeak. To me, communication with others is probably the most essential part of really excelling in what you do. When assisting people with their problems, I quickly try to establish some sort of relationship between us, essentially making it easier to communicate with them and help with their problem. I also try to keep what I say to a minimum length so that people will actually take the time to read what I've said, instead of just scanning it and not taking in fully what I've said. When helping people, I try to keep my communication with others to a minimum so I can fully focus on the person I'm helping at that time.

    The extra mile:
    I feel as if I'm very well known throughout the community as well as respected by the community, not unlike all the other staff. I do however feel that with my length of time playing, people look up to me. Aside from school and sleeping, playing on meepcraft is one of the only things I do. Not only that, but I am also very active on the forums while playing, and occasionally checking them while at school. I am also just about always online on Skype, aside from when I'm asleep, so I am always available to talk to if anyone is ever having a problem. I try making myself as easily accessible to those in need of assistance.

    Ever since my last application, I have tried much harder to go for the modreq's that require more effort in terms of kicking, or temp banning a player. The frequency in which I have been going through bans is that of a very high rate. While moderating chat I stand prepared to kick/tempban a player at any moment. Because I am not slow a typing, but rather quite a fast, I am able to take necessary action within a short period of time to minimize the damage that person might be causing, or even to simply calm everyone down while shouting "ban!"

    My experience
    My experience as a helper has been unlike any other feeling I have ever had, I was a put in a position of authority. To fully describe the feeling would be impossible, but putting it simply would be saying that it was absolutely incredible. Having such a sense of trust from others that I was doing well was just overwhelming. There really isn't any way to put my appreciation into words to fully express how amazing this experience has been.

    There have been times where I come across as rude to others although completely unintentional. I find this only happens when I'm either having a stressful day, or I'm in a bad mood. The most unlikely circumstance this happens is when I'm being flustered with questions, and it's hard for me to just communicate with one person. I am however trying to improve on problems by either removing myself from the situation for a minute or two so that I am able to calm down in the case that I am having a bad day, or by minimizing the amount of people I engage with at once. At the present moment, I find it somewhat difficult to monitor my behaviour, therefore, I don't always notice when I come across as rude. So I have been trying to really concentrate on my behaviour and monitor how I act. This will not only assist me when establishing a relationship with someone, but improve others attitude towards me.

    - The staff team have such fast fingers, that it is hard for me to get a ban in other then what I do in a modreq. This only happens when someone is spamming, or advertising, but regardless it's still hard to get in a kick or ban. To improve on this, I have been taking quite a few typing tests online to helpmeet with my typing speed, and to help me monitor my progress, and will continue to do that in the future. I have also improved my typing speed throughout the course of my time playing minecraft, so just me playing is already helping my typing. I hope that through these methods, I can improve my typing skills and become faster when it comes time to make an appropriate ban.

    In conclusion, my future is still a blank canvass and is up to me to draw out what it will look like. Will it be a messy drawing? Will it be neat? Will it be colourful? Or will it be dull? These questions are key factors in determining my future. I hope that with the guidance of others, and the step I have taken today, I can draw my best possible canvass and really make it shine for the future.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my application and any feedback you may have would be greatly appreciated.
  2. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You have been helper long enough, and I'd like to see you as mod.
    (let's pretend I did that 500 more times.)
  3. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'm a +.5. Your application was amazing, but I still question a few things you do regarding your maturity. Not that you're immature, but you can be some times. Other than that, great job.
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  4. EpicnessMJB137

    EpicnessMJB137 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    At first I thought you were applying for helper, and was about to give you a -1.

    Silly me.
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  5. Highlanders3Ruth

    Highlanders3Ruth Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Wow, very nice application. You put very much effort into this, I can tell. +1 Flame, good
    °Very Nice
    °Extremely long application (I love to see these now because most are short...)
    °Youve been Helper for quite a while and think you deserve a chance for a bigger league
    °Active (Mostly)
    °You know MeepCraft's community well and know what bans to put on those rule breakers

    Lots of other great things but you should have a chance at this! +1 again, good luck! :)
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  6. MyGmail

    MyGmail Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I've seen you as helper long enough
    Application was very long I haven't seen one like yours since MeepNetworks
    Active In-game and forums
    I hope to see you as Mod soon Good Luck :)
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  7. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

    Likes Received:
    Your a bit immature but hey mod makes you mature so +.75 :)
    you seen to be a pretty great helper
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  8. AthenaAnneWalther

    AthenaAnneWalther Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 Reasons stated above.
    Oh and good luck. :)
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  9. _masterdude_

    _masterdude_ Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 to make your brother jelly

    but for real, your nice, helpful, and are all the things a mod needs to be
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  10. Tagswag33

    Tagswag33 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    "Writes novel"
    Seriously though, your app was great!
    I can tend to see immaturity, but not a lot.
    You would make a good addition to the mod team I think.
  11. iOblivion

    iOblivion Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +infinity x infinity
    Everything stated above
    Flame, you were born for staff, you reall do deserve this.
    Empoleon_master and Flamedemond2 like this.
  12. Fred III

    Fred III Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +1 You know what you're doing, great app
    You're ready for mod
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  13. mistressmacabre

    mistressmacabre Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Having been flame's superior in the past (I was Overseer during MN, he was a helper) I am glad to see him have a go at this again. He was always very helpful and productive. He is passionate about this server and serving the players.
    Being staff during the MN era was very frustrating and tedious and flame handled it very well. During his second term as helper, he has grown by leaps and bounds.
    Even if I did not know him as ex co-staff, this application would have blown me away anyway. It is very in depth, honest and humble.
    I cannot +1 this enough. I have faith that he will make a trustworthy, fair and just moderator.
    Empoleon_master and Flamedemond2 like this.
  14. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

    Likes Received:
    You're helpful
    Super active
    And I consider you a friend
    You're friendly
    Ready for the mod
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  15. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • 1. helpful
    • 2. active
    • 3. you are very friendly
    need i say more?
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  16. PuckMiner

    PuckMiner Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I don't know where I stand on this. I am not going to give you a +/- because this is just to hard to decide. I think that you still focus a little bit to much on the modreqs and need to interact with the community a little bit more. One way you could do this is play more minigames with the players. Your app was phenomenal and your maturity has gotten better since your last application. So good luck :)
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  17. shains

    shains never stop fighting

    Likes Received:

    You work hard, you've definitely learned from your time being helper, I'd be happy for you to be a mod.
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  18. ShadowLiran/Liran2207

    ShadowLiran/Liran2207 Guest

    Here is my story...

    Flamedemond2, you are really nice (+1) and you have a very positive attitude (+1). You know the staff commands very well (+1)... I know since you've taught me most. :p You have been helper for almost 2 months (+1) and there were no problems as far as I know (+1). :D You are active on Team Speak (+1), and Skype (+1) and you are super fit, and in very good shape for this position! (+1) :D

    Overall, even though it was a tough decision through +1's and -1's in my story, I'd say +1.... cause it wasn't obvious already. :D
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  19. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

    Likes Received:
    +1, I've seen you do great work and I really think you deserve mod, maturity and activity are high as well
    Flamedemond2 likes this.
  20. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You have improved a lot since your last app. It's just the maturity that I have a problem with. But as said above,
    I think you'd get more mature as it goes along. Therefore, I am not a full +1, but I am a +0.75
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