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Denied Escobedoj02's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by escobedoj02, May 3, 2014.

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  1. escobedoj02

    escobedoj02 Active Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): escobedoj02
    Date/Time: 5/3/14 (Is this for when I am writing this or when it took place?)
    Reason: Major Towny Theft (500k+)
    Ban Length: I am guessing it's perm ban because it doesn't say how long I am banned.
    Staff Member: BooBear1227
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    There is no reason to appeal my ban but that I will have to start over from scratch to raise my money and power. I know that my plot was removed completely too. I admit that I did steal and it was out of temptation that nothing was locked in that one house. I do apologize to that guy greatly and would love to work under him if possible to pay my debt to him. It was also quite humorous that I got banned to. You see the time that crime took place, weeks passed (I believe) before I was actually banned for it. In all I sorry and it won't happen again. If by some chance I do commit a crime in this server, please do not consider ban appealing me. It would be best for the server and the players to live without criminals. I am also serious about paying the victim back when I get my money up. And please know that if I don't get this ban appeal, I will understand. Thank you for taking your time to read this. ;)
  2. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Hello escobedoj02 -

    Here is the evidence that I provided for your ban: http://imgur.com/a/yaM9n.

    I want to clear up a question that you had stated which was the date. I had banned you March 31st since I don't ban without my proof being uploaded. It is a perm ban, but it is appeal-able.

    Reason as to why it was late:
    I thought this had been reported earlier. I had originally reported it on the day that /feed and /heal had been rolled back with forums (7 hours). I assume it had not gone through. I also had gotten a new computer while the current one I am on was in the shop. I had no access to any of the files to re-upload it. I got my computer back the morning I banned you once I could re-access my proof.

    Since I had assumed that it had gone through, I had not checked back later in the day to make sure it was there. That was a silly mistake that I made, and I should have gone back to check it since I should have known the forums were rolling back and we were cautioned about posting bans.

    The total amount for the theft was $586,996 with a +/- 5% in order to allow for some room of prices. This would mean the total was between 557646.2 and 16345.8/.

    I have one question at this time that I would like to be answered.
    Why did you think that it was okay to steal from someone, and at such a great amount?

    I admire that you did consider the community, and feel that if this does happen again, under any circumstance, it will be un-appealable.

    It has been about a month since you were banned, so you appealed at an appropriate time. I will have another Moderator+ look at the evidence, and the appeal to decide whether to deny or accept it. There may be a few more questions along the way.
  3. escobedoj02

    escobedoj02 Active Meeper

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    Sounds reasonable and I appreciate the amount of time and consideration you put into your work. Why did I feel it was okay? I honestly didn't feel it was okay but it was all temptation. And as for the chests that were out in the open. Those were not my chests. Those belonged to the town owners. Although that of course does not help my case, I do not want that to be evidence against me. Again I thank you for looking into my case to further clarify the situation at hand. I will accept any punishment given.
  4. shains

    shains never stop fighting

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    Thank you for your honesty but this is a giant theft. Consider appealing in a month or two but for now this is denied.
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