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Episode VI: Return of the Beard

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by Notchbeard, Sep 6, 2013.

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  1. Notchbeard

    Notchbeard Popular Meeper

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    IGN: Notchbeard
    SKYPE USERNAME: Alphaomegasupreme
    TS USERNAME: Notchbeard
    MIC USE: Yes, its an on-board mic though and I’m not as chatty in voice as I am in text.
    AGE: 27
    TIMEZONE: Central Standard Time moving to Pacific Standard Time in a few months
    HOURS ONLINE: 3-8 hours per day weekdays AND weekends. Though I do afk a lot for work.
    POSITION CHANGE: Citizen > Helper/Mod /Smod/Admin (whichever you feel appropriate)


    Notchbeard reporting for duty! After reading over the other staff applications, having several citizens as well as staff members recommend that I reapply and doing some mental preparation; I have decided to once again apply to Meepcraft Staff. I am your average geek in his mid-twenties that plays far too many video games. I work as a Web Designer/Internet Marketing Specialist from my home. Basically I contact rich businessmen and tell them to advertise on Google/Facebook and then charge them a percentage for doing it in their stead. For the most part I love my life and the freedom my job gives me to do what I want all day. I have many pets and live in Kansas USA though I will soon be returning to my native state of California.

    To those that love me thank you for the push to apply, for those who hate me I apologize for leaving you with a negative impression and will strive to turn that hate into respect. To those of you that don’t know me, I remind you, I’m the guy with the schmexy beard that rants on the forums. Now let’s get on to the nitty-gritty of this application.

    WHY ME:

    I joined the server in Dec of 2012 and in February (if I am remembering correctly) I was voted into the Meep Council having somehow gained the confidence of the player base in such a short time. The Council was in charge of promotions, demotions and controversial bans. I was present at every meeting we had and voted on all issues. I served on this Council until we found out that it would be terminated by Fuzzlr and replaced with an Admin system. Having gained a feel and liking for being a part of staff decisions I then applied to be a Trial Moderator, largely due to MrsMegan and DancingCactus encouraging me to do so. I was T-Mod for VERY short interval and was moderator for around 2 months before the rise of Meep Networks. During that changeover I resigned due to my inability to get along with Ilumini and immediately reapplied once he was gone. I was never a Helper on MN and was promoted directly to Moderator. I focused on helping people in Skyblock and Creative since no one was ever on to answer modreqs on these servers. When Silesia took over the recruitment process from CMonster I assisted him in evaluating applicants and deciding on whether or not they were interview material because I had experience at this from the Meep Council. Then CG decided he had enough of my “stupid opinions”, in his words, and demoted me for lack of modreqs though they and just reset and no one had done many yet. As you can see I have a lot of experience with this server and its many changing forms, I adapt well and this will be the third staff I am a part of.

    My work ethic is simple, do what is right no matter the cost. I will shoot myself in the foot to make sure a player is treated appropriately; I am a FIRM believer in lead by example and try my best to do so. I can be a modreq hog and have had several people become irritated with me because I can type faster than other people to claim them, though with the shortage of active staff I’m sure that won’t be problem. In real life I run a business that RELIES on customer service and my ability to gain rapport with people. This has made me acutely aware of the way we speak, the attitudes we display and how to get a good read of people from short interactions. These skills directly apply to moderation as I am essentially a customer service representative for Meepcraft as a staff member. There are many more ways I could talk myself up but at this point I have given you the tools with which you can make your decisions.


    • I am very opinionated and can be overbearing when I want to get a point across
    • I am inexperienced with the Hawkeye tool
    • I will NEVER be super active in TS. Need/want me to be on it and I’m on in a heartbeat but will rarely do so just to BS. I prefer to chat in text form because it gives me time to process my thoughts into a coherent idea rather than rambling and butterfly chasing.


    As a citizen I have stopped people from being scammed, harassed, called out hypocrisy, reported rule-breakers and generally have gone above and beyond the call of duty. I already do what I can for anyone that asks questions in chat, I screenshot everything and I am not afraid to speak up when I think someone should. To put it simply, I AM staff material and would like to have the opportunity to show you this. One of the major benefits of having me as a moderator is that most people already know and respect me in the community. I have been the mayor of several large cities and this has made me learn the nuances of towny commands, knowledge which I can pass onto others. I tell you all this to show that I have the skills, experience and ability to do the job required of a Meepcraft staff member.

    You chose me to represent you on the Meep Council, the Old Meepcraft Staff, the Meep Networks Staff and now I ask that you choose me to represent you in the New Meepcraft Staff. Let the constructive criticism flow through you, I want to hear it. Toodles.
  2. chirp1234

    chirp1234 Celebrity Meeper

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    I feel like I'll make a biased comment so +o :p
    Notchbeard likes this.
  3. MrHollywoot

    MrHollywoot Popular Meeper

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    +1 all day

    edit : "I will NEVER be super active in TS. Need/want me to be on it and I’m on in a heartbeat but will rarely do so just to BS. I prefer to chat in text form because it gives me time to process my thoughts into a coherent idea rather than rambling and butterfly chasing"

    You are my soulmate

    Tylers together forever

    Edit: if anyone puts a -1 and does not say why i will hunt your down and find out why :)
    Notchbeard likes this.
  4. Tasmiki

    Tasmiki Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 because Tyler supports Man U

    Notchbeard likes this.
  5. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

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    Hello NotchBeard! :)

    You were a pretty good mod before MN. I didn't work with you much, but I did socialize with you and you seemed like a cool person. You are mature from what I have seen with you.

    You also have been staff before, you know what to do I believe you can achieve excellence at helper, or mod. This application was also pretty good, above par (I didn't read it yet, though I will read it later). Your forum activity is great, your shout activity is great.

    I would like to see you become helper, or mod.

    Notchbeard likes this.
  6. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    Accept him or chickens will feed upon the soul of the mighty Skyfish.

    Notchbeard likes this.
  7. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    Notchbeard likes this.
  8. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    -1 until he finishes his project. Nah +1 was a good mod before and will again.
    Notchbeard and Deinen0 like this.
  9. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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  10. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    Notchbeard likes this.
  11. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    Notchbeard likes this.
  12. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

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    I have spent a moderate amount of time in the presence of the Notchbeard. One of the things I have noticed from that time is that he is always online whenever I get on, and when I see him he is very active in /shout helping other players. He also has solid forum activity, and past moderation activity under his belt. He has shown on numerous occasions that he is intelligent, and very capable of making a great mod. We have butted heads in the past, but I cannot deny the fact that he would be a great addition to staff, and I hope I can have positive experiences with him in the future. +1
    Notchbeard and Tasmiki like this.
  13. ZapChance

    ZapChance Popular Meeper

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    GIVE THIS MAN (NOTCH, which I started) ADNIM NAO. +1
    Notchbeard likes this.
  14. OrganicTurtles

    OrganicTurtles Celebrity Meeper

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    Plus one you are experienced and awesome.
    Notchbeard likes this.
  15. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    +1 Best of luck :)
    Notchbeard likes this.
  16. DeathBunny55

    DeathBunny55 Popular Meeper

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    Yes, yes and yes +1.
    Notchbeard likes this.
  17. smeef

    smeef Popular Meeper

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    -1 because he didn't like my fart noises
  18. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    +1. You are kind and mature. You are also very active in every way possible! Good luck! :)
    Notchbeard likes this.
  19. Saiakaley

    Saiakaley Well-Known Meeper

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    Plus Juan
    Notchbeard likes this.
  20. Serphina91

    Serphina91 Popular Meeper

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    :O Old staff? Coming back? +1! You were an amazing staff member :3
    Skaros123 and Notchbeard like this.
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