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Denied Dpress123 ban appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by DpressCraft123, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. DpressCraft123

    DpressCraft123 New Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): Dpress123
    Date/Time: 1-2 days ago
    Reason: minor towny theft
    Ban Length: 3 days
    Staff Member: LexKristen
    Why we should consider your appeal: I was banned for taking an anvil annd enchant table from one of my residents houses because i needed to use it for some repairs. I was going to give it back because i know its wrong to steal, which i unintentionally did. I am the assistant at the town of Konoha and i apologize for my wrong doings. If you unban me i will a) give the anvil and enchant table back b) repay him with meebles and diamonds for what i did and c) apologize. I would never steal from my own town just ot be mean. i hope you can forgive me. I feel ashamed for being banned again. thanks, Dpress123
  2. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    You also stole a diamond pick.
  3. DpressCraft123

    DpressCraft123 New Meeper

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    I know and im truely sorry for it i will give it back the guy i stole it from was not cooperating in the town and i warned him in advance if he doesnt listen he will be kicked or lose his stuff. more or less i was stupid and was greedy and i will give it all back i swear
  4. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    Sorry, but you can't steal from people no matter what. Giving the stuff back doesn't get you unbanned. Denied
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