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Denied Doom's (forum account) ban appeal.

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by ReturnofTheDoomrunner?, Nov 20, 2013.

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  1. ReturnofTheDoomrunner?

    ReturnofTheDoomrunner? New Meeper

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    IGN: doomrunner17
    Date/Time: Yesteryear
    Reason: "Spam"
    Ban Length: Permanent
    Staff Member: N/A
    Why we should consider your appeal: Well I got my IP ban removed but now I'd like my actual forums account to be unbanned (doomrunner17). I assume I was spam cleaned for whatever reason about four or five months ago so I think anything I did would be more than re-payed by now.
  2. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    Are you serious? As soon as I issue an IP unban, you make this alt, then start posting all over the forums again, evading your ban. You should only be posting in ban appeals, you are forum banned still.

    This is denied, I do not want to see any more forum activity from this account or rule breaking in the time leading up to your next appeal.
    Kabixi likes this.
  3. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    ReturnofTheDoomrunner?Today at 12:34 AM
    Not only idiotic and biased but a false statement. I make one post on another thread and it's apparently "posting all over the forums" and "evading your ban". Even though I was already unbanned and my main account should have been unbanned with it considering it was banned without reason in the first place and as I was already IP unbanned it should correlate into my account's unban. Literally a momentous achievement in the amount of stupidity that Nasa has shown in the past. It's unbelievable that a child such as him would amount to anything more than moderator as he is obviously lacking in not only mental thinking capabilities but doesn't understand how to control his personal opinion of a player. This one act of insolence has made me remember why I dropped off the radar for such a long time; the upper-staff member's are the accumulate of a disaster which has been allowed to run on for far too long. I sincerely hope that Nasa had just been yelled at by his parents for being up to late and was in a retched mood as if he wasn't then god help your player base for it's being run by a sheep.

    And this is why you were banned.You do not seem to get the concept that you are forum banned for the language use and disrespectful content that appears everywhere you post. Creating an alt is perfectly fine for posting a ban appeal, however it defeats the point of a ban if you post on other forum threads, something which we are very struct about. This is evading your ban whether you like it or not, I put my neck out by even unbanning you IP at the request of damiencw, and hoped there could be some form of positive interaction here. I see there is not, which is why this appeal was denied in the first place.

    Now to analyse the contents of your rant. Firstly, you are not the one to tell us you were banned for no reason, there was perfect reason behind this ban as I am sure you can recall for the language and general hate you spread across the forums. Similarly my opinion of you is lessened when you make skype groups and spam sexual content throughout it.

    Secondly, your IP unban was literally so you could file a ban appeal in the first place, I had made no decision at the time to unban you, as it was simply so an appeal could be filed.

    Now, 'It's unbelievable that a child such as him would amount to anything more than moderator as he is obviously lacking in not only mental thinking capabilities but doesn't understand how to control his personal opinion of a player' I don't think a personal attack is the most positive approach here. I am perfectly capable of thinking straight, and by posting this you have identified perfectly to me why I should have maintained your IP ban. I am most likely older than you if this is how you react to conflict, unless I ma observed something very wrong here. The reason I denied this appeal was nothing out of personal hate for you, rather protecting the rest of the server from receiving similar hate as was depicted through this lovely message left for me. I am simply doing my job of removing the trolls who go too far.

    'This one act of insolence has made me remember why I dropped off the radar for such a long time' I believe we banned you, you did not simply drop off the radar on your own accord.

    'I sincerely hope that Nasa had just been yelled at by his parents for being up to late and was in a retched mood as if he wasn't then god help your player base for it's being run by a sheep.'
    Now, this is getting personal again, and very much uncalled for. It seems you are unaware that time does not revolve around your location, it was infact around 4pm.

    Now as for being a sheep, I am unsure what I am a sheep to. A sheep instinctively follows the pack which you make out that I don't, stating that something is 'run by a sheep' connotes that the sheep is in fact a leader, which defeats the entire purpose of such an insult as the sheep, being a leader, has nothing to conform to. I am going to re-open this ban appeal simply so you may respond out of courtesy to you, following your response to this action will be taken depending on the content of such a response.

    It puzzles me that you see yourself as so superior to everyone else that you must send such a vindictive and hate-filled message to me, simply because you are not allowed to play a game. I will add that numerous individuals recommended I not unban this IP and I did so in good faith hoping for some decency from you, however you have managed to prove me wrong. The ban does stand in game and on the forums, I await your reply to this. I do apologise if I have said anything you deem offensive, it was not intended so, merely to reiterate my point.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  4. ReturnofTheDoomrunner?

    ReturnofTheDoomrunner? New Meeper

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