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don't update meepcraft to 1.9

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Khafra, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    Dank misused meme.
  2. leodavinci9000

    leodavinci9000 Popular Meeper

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    Anyways, Meep probably could delay it for a while, but like Klitcher said:
    So eventually, we'll need to update so that we can keep getting new players. However, like kwagscraft said,
    so when we do update, we can just keep pvp the same as its always been
    LadyCassandra and SirCallow like this.
  3. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

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    if we update I'll be more active
    SirCallow likes this.
  4. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    When selfishness takes over. You guys really want to stay in 1.8 because this 1.9 update will affect pvp? Seriously. The update is still in snapshot and may still have changes so just wait till we get the official update jesus.
    You usually say this like that the only PVP game is minecraft PVP good god. Can you drop it already?
    The arrows can be disabled just like some potions so there's no problem about it. Capes however, It seems like you don't like this "capes" too. I'm kinda viewing what you said as "Perks in Vanilla minecraft LOL."
  5. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    PVP from other games don't correlate with minecraft's. You need to know the game in order to judge it, you can't just say "Well I play DOTA PvP so I understand minecraft's. Ask the pvpers about it. The hit mechanic is most likely final, as its lasted through several snapshots.

    Ask people who actually pvp :

    EDIT: To be honest, the only reason I don't want to update is because of the hit mechanic. If you guys disable it I'd love to play around with Duel Wielding and Shields
    RaidByNightOnly and metr0n0me like this.
  6. Qaztar

    Qaztar Celebrity Meeper

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    So, why is this new combat terrible? I PVP a bit, so I do know that it isn't spam clicking, and I played around with the snapshot with some friends and did some PVP, and it was awesome.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Oct 12, 2015 ---
    Oh, and what about the Elytras? Come on those would be awesome for combat!
  7. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

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    you guys do know that we are setting ALL of the attack speeds to normal, since it is possible in 1.9 to do that.

    and you also know that the arrows can be modified with plugins...
    also i can't tell if this is a troll thread because it has like no info
  8. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    Then don't tell someone
    This is what I hate about you. You are full of ignorance for god sakes. You're telling me that people who you don't see often in minecraft PVP can't judge the mechanics. Have you ever considered the fact that some people who created the PVP system you're talking about doesn't PVP at all? Especially the PVP system that you're still using up until now? Still, you liked the PVP system that they made. Also, ask people "who actually pvp" really. You're telling me to ask these people who you team with every single day? Your besties actually. However, I won't try to argue about the mechanics especially with a hacker. oops....

    Edit: Let me add to the PVP system that you're talking about. Minecraft PVP isn't original. So you don't have to actually know the game in order to judge it.
  9. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    Lmao I team with them because they can actually pvp. You tell me I have ignorance when you think I hack. Lmao. Just because you created something does not make you good at it. You're being a hypocrite when you call me ignorant when you're ignorant yourself. I never said I like the new system, I just thought duel wielding and shields are interesting. What the new hit mechanic is doing is completely altering the style of pvp, however I don't expect you to understand, because as far I as can see you are stubborn beyond belief

    Again, you thinking I hack makes you it so I cannot take you seriously at all lmao
    metr0n0me, Pmx728 and CreeperCristi like this.
  10. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    And dominate players who doesn't have a gear and doesn't PVP at all? God that sounds fun.
    Didn't you get banned for kitpvp hacks? Classic hacker response.
    Exactly! So, you are here telling people
    Which is basically telling us that we can't judge it because "we don't PVP" or in other words "you don't see us there" and where the hell did being good came from? o_O I just said that most of the people who developed the system that you enjoyed for years doesn't play PVP yet, they manage to create the system that you enjoy up until now.
    I'm talking about the system that we're currently on if you didn't catch it. Reading is good trust me.
    Here it is again in case you missed it pretty badly.
    Does it look like I give a single crap about the PVP system? What I'm trying to point out here in the first place is the god damn selfishness from some people who don't like and against the new update because it "changes PVP"
    Again, didn't you get banned for kitpvp hacks? The ignorance is overflowing on this one help me. :O No really... You, having this kind of stupidity makes me giggle sometimes so, I guess I'm the one who can't take you seriously?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    Toostenheimer likes this.
  11. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    Hold on I need to stop laughing first.

    Okay I should be good, I don't think I've ever talked to a person who has made as little sense as you before. Congrats on that. Now, before you go on and start slandering that I got banned for kitpvp hacks, I was banned for abusing a bank glitch, so please do your homework next time. Now that we've got that out of the way, I actually did read what you wrote yet didn't care enough to respond to it. Just because you make something does not make you good at it. There's your answer. What has really got me laughing is that you assume I pvp on Meep. Sure, if I go on Meep I'll fight, but I spend most of my time playing competitive pvp servers, and my friends (As you like to call them , my 'besties') join me, that's how I know they're good. Now if you wish to continue to slander me that I hack, or that I'm too ignorant to understand your diminutive posts, please start a forum convo with me

    EDIT : Your lack of grammar actually made me misinterpret what you're saying. Here's your real answer :

    I have enjoyed the system they've created, and they've done it quite well up to 1.7, slightly changing it up in 1.8, but for the most part I've enjoyed what they've created. However I know a serious number of people who aren't exactly happy with the new changes in 1.9, yet mojang hasn't really responded to their wish. If you're going to make a large change in a game, it will either most likely affect everyone, or affect a certain group of people. If the pvpers, don't like the new pvp, why should we cater the snapshot to the people who have little or no experience in combat at all. That's what I was trying to say.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    metr0n0me, Pmx728 and CreeperCristi like this.
  12. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    No server owner in their right mind would downgrade their server to satisfy a very small percentage of their player base and limit many other potential donators from joining; and of course the updated version is going to have the mast majority of players using it.

    Minecraft rarely get's big changes like these anymore, and for a 6 year old game big changes is what Minecraft needs to survive. If you don't like the change and are unwilling to learn the new mechanics then you can easily go on a diff server and click spam there.
  13. Ace

    Ace Celebrity Meeper

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    I guess ban appeals being private is a good thing huh? Pretty sure you got banned for kitpvp hacking. Well.. Your alt got banned for it which was being used by you and not by anyone else. You made an appeal for it too which is now hidden. It is not a slander if it actually happend. :) What was your reason again for that silly thing you did? Oh yea. "to have fun" I guess being a complete jerk to people who are playing fairly is fun?This was when we still have the old kitpvp by the way.
    So you mostly spend your time playing on Competitive PVP servers huh? Then why the hell are you here on this server which PVP is not the top priority telling people to piss off, and do not update to 1.9 because it ruins the PVP system here? Isn't that selfish? Why are you here trying to ruin the fun experience that will be brought to people by the 1.9 update? No offence, but I believe you are the most stupid person I've ever talked to.
    Here goes the typical toxic people who cannot win an argument so they just need to derail it. Good job on that. Have you ever considered the fact that Not everyone's first language is English? English is not even my 3rd nor 4th language and you dare insult that? You are worst than I thought. quite pathetic too.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  14. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Theres also the times where legendcaleb was banned for "hacks" which turned out to be someone thinking he hacked because he hit them repeatedly while they strafed backwards.
    Plus, why would legend use hacks when he already beats the majority of pvpers on this server.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 12, 2015, Original Post Date: Oct 12, 2015 ---
    I like dota pvp lets just upgrade to that
    legendcaleb likes this.
  15. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't plan on derailing an argument, I don't care if English is your 1st language or your 12th language, what you said didn't make sense and I took it the wrong way

    Kind of weird that you would take what I said and insult me with it, but anyway, it's not selfish to not want to update, because I'm apart of the group it affects. I have an opinion and I'm entitled to it. I have not expressed it with toxicity as you say, nor have I twisted the words of another to suit themselves.

    I have never gotten banned for combat hacks, so will you please stop arguing that point, if you really want to know what I've been banned for here :

    Bank glitch abuse
    Parkour related hacks
    Illegal mod (damage indicators)
    Sex ref

    Those are some of my bans

    I was banned for combat hacks by @shains but was quickly unbanned because the evidence was invalid and I really was not hacking , so no matter if you say it 20 times, it won't make it true.

    Please continue calling me :
    "Worse than you thought"

    Because quite frankly, it's pretty stupid to resort to insulting people. It's hypocritical to call me toxic when all you've done is throw names at me.

    PVP is the top priority of the update, so no matter what server it updates on, PVPers will have the top priority of opinion, because it affects them the most

    Please tell me where I said that

    EDIT : Oh, I got banned for kitpvp hacks on a public alt I snagged off the forums, and 15 minutes was the time I spent on it. Considering that was six months ago, and you still continue to call me fraudulent? I have never come on this server with combat hacks, and the only time was on that alt. For 15 minutes. It makes absolute ZERO sense to use that small of a time block to compare to my entire time on here.

    Honestly, whether or not I hacked or did not hack on that alt, I still am one of the best here, and I'm not trying to seem arrogant. You can ask a whole lot of people if I'm good or not, and even though I hacked for FIFTEEN MINUTES on a silly public alt, they'll still find me pretty good.

    So please, stop calling me a cheater when I'm not.

    Your logic : Well I lied to my parents back in the 4th grade, so I'm a complete liar and I never tell the truth


    It IS slander to call me a hacker, present tense. Almost to call me someone who did hack, because for the majority of the past I was not hacking, except for a 15 minute incident.

    I don't know why you're trying to use this against me, and trying to invalidate my opinion, just because of this one incident. My opinion is valid like any others, and it will hold weight whether you like it or not

    I say again : if you wish to further this, bring it into a forum conversation so this thread doesn't turn into a flame war I'm sure you'd like it to be
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    Username, metr0n0me, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  16. builderjunkie012

    builderjunkie012 Celebrity Meeper

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    Except for skill aura
    metr0n0me and Toostenheimer like this.
  17. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

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    that too
    metr0n0me likes this.
  18. Darke_Amethyst

    Darke_Amethyst Legendary Meeper

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    +1. I agree with this.
  19. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

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    now that caps are done,

    wouldn't you rather play in a non-nerfed 1.8 server than a nerfed to crap 1.9 server?

    god damn
    it's an inconvienence to staff too?
    your posts are aids lol

    you know what you can do in 1.9?
    >different arrows
    >"charge sword attacks"

    so how about you look into all the crap you can do in 1.9 and then feel free to post :)

    you could say... 1.9 is worse than your posts on this thread...
  20. xxJ3R3MYxx

    xxJ3R3MYxx Popular Meeper

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    We go threw this almost every major update. #mapreset
    Now people can't button smash to think there the "best" at pvp.
    And then people don't wanna lose all there money/item/towns.

    Can't wait!
    Pmx728 likes this.

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