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DC's Helper Application v2.0

Discussion in 'Accepted' started by DancingCactus, Aug 14, 2013.

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  1. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    In Game Name: DancingCactus
    Skype Username: the.dancing.cactus
    TeamSpeak Username: DancingCactus
    Mic use: I go on TeamSpeak and Skype frequently, and I own and use a headset.

    Age: 15
    Timezone: MST (-7)
    Hours online per weekday: 1-3/day
    Hours online per weekend: 4/day

    Position Changes: Elite to Helper


    Whelp, it’s DancingCactus applying for the prestigious position of Helper! My name is Ryan, and I’m a 15 year old dancing cactus. My hobbies include programming, skiing, playing MineCraft, trolling making people laugh and having hour-long Skype calls with my various Internet acquaintances. I’ve been playing on THIS server since it started and played on the nascent Meep since August 7th, 2012. I also find myself to be a sesquipedalian (yay big words). I currently hold the largest amount of likes on the forum (which basically means nothing). I have been staff on the prior Meep server a multitude of times and want to resume being staff, since I was before the first Revolution.

    Why you should be Helper:

    Well, first of all, I thought I would state a specialty, to separate myself from the other applications and prove to the few that don’t know much about me:

    I believe myself to be analytical, intelligent and determined in conversations, forums posts, and other applicable forms of communication or in smaller words… I excel at knowing the right and proper thing to say at the right time.

    There is a plethora of reasons why I find myself worthy of this rank on the server of MeepCraft. Recently, I found myself wanting to be staff again, because there’s an urge that any old staff member gets after they resign to get back into staff and resume doing what they miss. It’s a heartfelt feeling you get whilst helping people with modreqs, and I want to return to that positive motivator for moderating. Helping alone is good as well, but answering a question is different from delegating assistance and time with a griefing, from my personal experiences; and I thoroughly enjoy the latter.

    To describe the principles behind my belief I should be a Helper, I will create brief paragraphs describing qualities about myself:

    Responsible: In the past, I was trusted with the administrative rank of PRR. This position required responsibility, and I understand that Helpers do too. In game, I try my hardest to act as responsible as I can, while not seeming cocky or arrogant. For the past month, I have returned to my past ways; assuming a fun-loving character while remaining as mature as possible. I also want to recognize the fact that I performed my PRR duties without a rank describing my position.

    Experienced: From my past involvements in the staffing systems, one can ascertain that I am experienced. My cumulative time in staff adds up to just over a month, and I don’t require half the training that is needed for the average Helper (how to do modreqs, instructions on the rules, etc.). I have been involved with many early developments of multifarious servers and I understand the protocol in which to moderate as I have demonstrated in the past; the diverse array of rules on this server and how to apply them; the judgment in which to kick, temporarily ban and ban; and how to act in a way that is pleasing to the staff, administration and the community, which may include acting a little humorous.

    Critical: As most of you have seen from my forum posts, I have gotten notoriousness for the ways I can respond to people on the forums. I am known to be very critical, a superb investigator and am able to summarize key points very well; which led to my excellence as a Public Relations Representative.

    Knowledgeable: Ever since the beginning of the new server, I haven’t been kicked or banned once. I understand the rules, read the rules book, even went to an extent of reporting players on a couple instances. I have applied, followed and informed people about these applied rules. I know this can be a little annoying to see in /shout, but some people need the rules to be reinforced.

    Inquisitive: I am a very curios person. I like to explore certain things, which is a great positive motivator for a spirited Helper/Moderator. When there is a Helper going on a duping hunt, it’s good to be curious and motivated by the end result. I know this is not a common quality, so I will appraise it positively.

    Forum Active: Currently, I have a lot of forum activity and use it almost daily. During past times, I frequently used the forums while moderating and performed tasks such as dealing with ban appeals, moving threads and occasionally assisting with staff management in the forums. A good Helper must be forum active in order to remain as connected as possible with the community, while still doing their job to the best of their ability.

    Aspiring to Self-Improvement: During my last application, I was confronted by a staff member who informed me a little more about my current situation. They stated what they thought about me, answered some questions for me about the confusion I had about my last application and educating me in my current situation. I took this comment and thought of ways to improve upon my situation. I aspire to become a better person, through self-improvement. I enjoy growing as a person and positively enhancing my reputation, which again is a good motivator. Similar to what I stated, I became the player I was before and more.

    I want most of you understand that what I did during the MN period wasn’t intentional, or was decided with a malicious intent. It was a reaction I had to a drastic change, and I take full responsibility for my actions, whilst I disagreed with them. While I understand that three months of trolling is hard to overlook, I was a fun-loving, responsible, mature, and recognized player of the community beforehand and am now, which is why many of the older players support me in my act of applying for Helper.


    Just as I have noted before, I have a couple weaknesses that may marginally affect my performance as a Helper.

    Complaining: This is more of a minor weakness, but sometimes I have a tendency to over-complain. I have been constantly working on this small flaw as I know it is not the most pleasurable experience dealing with someone who occasionally whines at certain subjects. However, I can reassure you that is only a minor occurrence and I promise to make my presence in staff with as little complaining as possible.

    Minor Puerility: As noted by the staff in prior applications, I can act a little puerile and immature whilst on the MeepCraft server at sporadic times. The only times I tend to act this way are in of small harmless jokes and can seem a little immature. However, as I hope most of you have seen from my eloquent posts and conversations, I have a mature side in which I assume a responsible role and greatly examine evidence to come up with an unbiased judgment.

    Inability to deal with Vicissitude: In times of great crisis, revolution and vicissitude, I am known to completely flip around my reputation. We can see an instance of this during MN, but as I have been told, we are not basing huge decisions off of what happened in this unpleasant stage of the server. Other players have this trait as well, but I have gotten a little infamous among the newer players. I want you guys to know that this will not happen again because I have been acting more prudent about my decisions. Just as a close friend of mine suggesting, I have been using thought before action and not act so rash to avoid reappearances of what happened before.


    In conclusion… I find myself fit for this position because of my personal meritorious and exemplary qualities and traits. Traits such as responsibility, knowledge and inquisitiveness, past experiences as a staff member on this server and anticipation for individual improvement. I am known to stand for my opinion, which may cause trouble, but I won’t let someone control my mind and thoughts. Thank you for spending your time reading my prolonged application. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to post about it and I will do my best to explain any of our personal discrepancies.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2013
  2. LR_Davius

    LR_Davius Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:

    Call me biased.

  3. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    From my experiences with you and this beautiful application I can definitely see improvement. However your personal insults to me, other staff, and other players doesn't seem to be improving. So overall -1 since you attitude has improved but you haven't gotten it to where I would like to welcome you as a staff member.
    shains, DancingCactus and savvvy420 like this.
  4. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    - Qualified
    - Experienced
    - Great App
    - Speaks his thoughts
    - Known
    - Active
    - High standard
    - Mature

    - Nothing I can see :)

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  5. DeathBunny55

    DeathBunny55 Popular Meeper

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    Do you really need to know why? +1.
    DancingCactus likes this.
  6. Ancientdark919

    Ancientdark919 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Lists pros.
    Gives two -1's

    Your application was very well done, listing all that need be, and getting the important things across. If it were based solely on your application, it would be a "yes" regardless.
    You do know the obligations and responsibilities of a staff member, and are more than capable of the job in question.
    If you want to reach the heavens, you must first pierce them with your drill.
    FluffbearRCT and DancingCactus like this.
  7. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I personally haven't seen this. Can you clarify or show some examples?

    +1. Just stop putting the stick back in your butt ok?
  8. Bedoba111

    Bedoba111 Popular Meeper

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    DancingCactus likes this.
  9. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    Thanks for the supportive comment reggles, but I don't remember any instance where I was blatantly insulting players or staff members for no reason. If anything, it was some blunt criticism, but I had no idea we were controlling criticism now. Almost everything I do has a reason behind it.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2013
  10. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    As you know, Dancing, me and you never started off on the correct foot. There was a several month period where you were quite the troll, valid reasons or not. The mentality where we forget past actions is not true, I firmly believe people must be responsible for what they have done. This is the reason I downvoted your last application, and ultimately what led to it being denied. There are is an issue that will be rectified without negotiation, if I consider you for staff. The priority being, yes, we have issues, however personal insults will not be tolerated, and in the end they only make you look bad. Regardless of your reason, if you should choose to solve them in the manner in which me and you have begun to solve issues, that will further the solution.

    But I also look at the good, and I see merit in your viability as a staff. This comes from looking at your posts, and other commentaries. I feel that while you can, and sometimes are opinionated, this is something that is also that does not qualify as being a "hardliner". What I mean is that I feel as if we can both come from opposite sides, and meet in the middle for a solution, and I feel this is the best way.

  11. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

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    Actually the second one, is the absolute value of -1. The absolute value is how far away a number is from 0, in this case +1
    DancingCactus likes this.
  12. FluffbearRCT

    FluffbearRCT Popular Meeper

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    but you also said -1... -1+1=0
  13. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Edited :)
    Lets not get off topic now xD
    FluffbearRCT likes this.
  14. Deinen0

    Deinen0 Guest

    This is a person's application, not a discussion thread, please be considerate.
    Dart_Knight and DancingCactus like this.
  15. CaptaineAli

    CaptaineAli Popular Meeper

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    I could go ahead and write out a whole essay about your strengths and weaknesses but you pretty much did it all for me. +1
    DancingCactus likes this.
  16. Ohyeah95207

    Ohyeah95207 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Do you even need to apply?
    Serphina91 and DancingCactus like this.
  17. thebpupwolf

    thebpupwolf Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Fair point, however . . .

    a) I have not observed any personal insults to a staff member. Criticism /=/ personal attack, and no one besides you has mentioned any complaint of this happening.

    b) How many trolls use these words?

    Most people don't even have a clue as to what they mean. Plus Dancing is probably the only person here who can get away with saying these big-kid words without sounding pretentious.

    c) I personally have seen a huge attitude change . . . for example, read Dancing's post here:

    If that isn't an attitude change/maturity, then I don't know what is.

    d) He's certainly popular with the players. How many apps have you seen that have gotten seven likes in under an hour?

    Easy +1 from me.
  18. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    DC go on TS more!!!!!! :p

    But in all seriousness, yes.

    DancingCactus likes this.
  19. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I go on TeamSpeak sometimes... maybe like once every 3 or 4 days. I was on earlier today. ;)
  20. MRangeM

    MRangeM Well-Known Meeper

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    Maybe you just can't take the criticism.
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