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Best Posts in Thread: Dart_Knight's Moderator Application

  1. Dart_Knight

    Dart_Knight Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Dart_Knight
    Skype Username: Dart.Knight
    Teamspeak Username: Dart_Knight
    Mic use: I can use mic on some days.
    Age: 15
    Timezone: Pacific Time Zone
    Hours online per weekday: 2
    Hours online per weekend: 5+
    Position Changes: Helper to mod


    Hi guys. Most of you know me as Dart or Dart_Knight. I have been a helper for two weeks now. I have started playing Meepcraft around late October. I've been on a lot of servers when the staff just doesn't care what happens among the players. But this server is unique, we moderate chat, we care about what is going on with the community and so on. This is what led me to apply to become a trial mod (this was back in 2012). After a couple months of getting more well-known, I finally got accepted during the PRR time (Public Relations Representative.) So after becoming trial mod, two weeks later I was accepted for mod for a few months until I resigned because of how staff was treated like disposable people. It was then I learned that not everyone is capable of becoming staff, there are little people who can go up the staff ladder and become successful. But, I do believe I have the potential to becoming a moderator.

    Why you should be Mod:

    I am very dedicated to this server. I have never been banned on this meep and I hope to continue having a good record. I like to help out this server that entertained me for months. I do anything that anything that an admin tells me to so I follow orders. I'm not hesitant to ask about something, it's better to ask and not mess up than to mess up badly and not doing anything.
    I'm an active member on forums and in game. This means I have time to help out with modreq's, catch rule breakers, or with anything at all really during my time online. On forums, I assist with anything I can. For example, if someone posted in the wrong section, I move it with their consent. Or when helpers need to comment their opinion on helper applications, I do it. So with little abilities I can still help out people, community and staff.
    I've been an officer in some of my clubs at school, and even lead trumpet in middle school (lead instrument means you have to teach or conduct your instrument group). So I have leadership abilities. I know how to direct others the right way and how to do it efficiently and not boring. This is in relation with becoming mod. I can help out new helpers with my leadership ability to assist them in their difficult modreqs, like griefing, camping, etc. I believe I have done enough difficult modreq's for me to know what to do during a more challenging modreq. Also I have learned about responsibility along with leadership.
    I am aware of the new responsibilities of becoming a mod. And I think I'm capable of it.
    I have classes that are two grade levels ahead. This meaning I'm pretty smart. I can learn stuff quickly and efficiently. I also have enough common sense to know what to do now when moderating or investigating.
    Organized/Able to Post Proof
    I'm a very organized person. I have around 1,000 files on my screen shot folder but I am able to pick out the ones that I need easily. I made a folder inside the screen section called "Proof" and I put the screen shot proofs of all my bans there. I also organize my screen recordings and name them like "<IGN> Camping" or whatever. So I can easily post proof without any trouble. I can also get sufficient proof since I have a screen recorder, and a youtube account so I can post video proof.
    Challenges/Work Ethic
    I like challenges, they keep me hooked in until I finally complete it. I usually do some of the harder modreqs like griefing, ladder camping, harassment, and theft modreq's. This leads me to think that I believe that I have enough experience to become a mod and lead others.
    I'm a flexible guy. No not muscle flexible, but flexible meaning loose. If someone has to get offline for a particular reason and needs to get his modreq done, but can't, I can cover up for him. I'm also (I think) a cool guy to work with.
    Not Afraid to Speak My Mind
    I'm not afraid to do so. If there's something that I'm really concerned with. I'll voice my opinion and move on. I try not to become argumentative so thus I just move on.
    I can take in criticism. It helps me become a better person or staff member in general. Criticism shows me what I need to work on, I address that issue, and try to make it better.


    I can be immature if I get bored while on meep. But I can easily tighten up when I need to. I don't see my immaturity hindering me from helping others.
    Talking on TeamSpeak
    I go on teamspeak occasionally just to make sure no one is talking about anything inappropriate and stuff. But I don't usually talk since I'm more of a shy guy.
    I'm very busy at school and most of the time have difficult projects or homework. I take classes that are two grade levels ahead of me so most of the time I have to study to keep up. I don't see this as a big problem really, I can take breaks and go on forums to see what's going on. Or I can go on my phone using MC Connect that our tech created.
    Ban Times
    I'm a little.. iffy.. with the ban times. I can get confused with them but I think I got it down and memorized it all.


    Thanks guys for reading my whole application if you are even reading it :p. I appreciate it for you taking your time to read this. I hope I can help out the server even more with more commands, lead new helpers, or become staff for a long time again. Thanks!