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Danrjik's Only Valid Helper App!

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Danrjik, Mar 25, 2014.

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  1. Danrjik

    Danrjik Active Meeper

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    In Game Name: Danrjik
    Skype Username: danielweinstein26
    Teamspeak Username: danielweinstein26
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 15
    Timezone: Los Angeles; Western United States
    Hours online per weekday: Around 1-4
    Hours online per weekend: 6-15
    Position Changes: Citizen To Helper

    Hey, I am back with another application, and this one will not get auto-denied because I have waited 2 weeks for it. I am back on Meepcraft for a long time, because my parents are giving me a break.

    Introduction: Hello, My name is Daniel, also known As Danrjik. I am a A and B+ student at school. I take many interests such as city building, and architecture. I originally downloaded Minecraft because it looked fun to make buildings, and create things in a virtual world of my own. After a little while, things got really boring, and I started looking up servers. The first server I found was Meepcraft. I tried it, and immediately got addicted, and was on for about 4 hours. The next day, I wanted to find some other towny servers, but none of them had such a population, good mini games, and skyblock adventures! All other servers that I found were deleted, and now this server is my basic Minecraft activity, and I visit Meepcraft on a daily basis now.

    Work Ethics: I am able to be up to the task. In Minecraft, I am able to wise up, and even though I may fool around in Skype, and TeamSpeak, I am able to immediately get serious, and be up to the task, no matter what it may be. I usually stay in the vicinity of City Parkour, and TntRun, and lookout for people in /shout that need help, although you may not see me respond, because I usually respond in /msg. I am still a fairly new to this site, but from the start, I knew the Basics, and am now becoming a well known member.

    Dedication: Meepcraft Grows on me by the minute. From the start, I immediately knew that this would be the main server that I would check on every day, and to make Meebles. I guess that from the first server you get, you just have a very special bond with, because when I first purchased Minecraft, I pictured myself playing on single player, or on L.A.N., but now, I cannot picture myself going on anywhere else.

    Teamspeak/Skype Activity: Yes, you will probably see me more often on Skype than on Teamspeak, because sometimes, it may glitch, but I am on for a long time, and It will not be hard to talk to me while I am playing Minecraft, and watching mindless T.V. like MOFY or something. So this is a plus, I think.

    Why I should be a Helper: I am the leader at my school drama club (I have a small personal interest in performing arts) and also, Every summer, I go to a 4 day seminar about how to become a leader. Adding to this, I also am in my school student council. I believe that this gives me leadership experience, and helping. I am very trusty, as it is, and I promise that you will always see me in chat (not spamming) and I frequently help people out. I have done my share of /modreqs, and am now full of meepcraft information! Please consider this while rating me!

    Weaknesses: I have to be humble, and admit, I am still a new member to this site, but I have been on the server since October/November 2013. Also, I have to admit, I can be immature on chat, but if you meet me, you can get past that, and you will come to think of me as a nice person on TeamSpeak, or Via Skype. I am able to pay attention, and be a good role model to those who curse on /shout, because Even I am more mature than to want to curse. I like to watch out for people that do say sexual/bad words, and tell them that it is not cool, and if they keep doing it, it is not going to fly. If I were a helper, though, I would be able to give proper consequences to people that do cheat, or break rules. Also, my rule is that School comes first, so I might not get on until late to do a "shift."

    Keep on Meeping,

    P.S: Yes I am desperate. I admit it. Aren't we all?
  2. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    App was alright except for your weakness isn't very clear. I never see you anywhere. Forums activity is low.
    TimtheFireLord likes this.
  3. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    •Never seen you ingame or on ts
    •You haven't been on the forums since the 13th until today, I was just curious lol
    •Just want to know, do you have a rank? If no, then you don't have tpa and when a modreq requires it, that won't be good
    •Never see you help in shout, or in shout in general
    •I know we are in different timezones, but not by that much
    •No, we aren't all desperate…
    Well, good luck! ;)
    You never gave him a rate, just letting you know ;)
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2014
    Klitch likes this.
  4. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    -1 btw... Soz. I was on phone.
  5. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    This statement alone proves to me that you aren't in it to help people, but more power hungry. You dont become desperate to help, seeing as you can do that without helper, but you can become desperate for power. With that being said, I wouldn't trust you in the helper position.

  6. mrli1

    mrli1 Popular Meeper

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    you seem desperate (no duh) and no, not everyone is desperate. I'm not, for one. Nor are any of the helpers that have been accepted. You are definitely not a valid canidate for helper. I'm going -1 forevaa unless you can prove it to me that you're worthy. (Which you aren't, because your forum activity sucks and so does your IG)
    TimtheFireLord likes this.
  7. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

    Likes Received:
    If a staff member is not a donator they do get /tpa and such so that hey may do their job.

    Anyways, onto the applicant. I haven't really been impressed with you.

    - You were pretty active on the forums for awhile, but then it randomly cut out. Consistency is key.
    - I haven't especially seen you in game, so maybe try and be friendly in shout and such.
    - Your application was confusing, and had very little important information.

    Basically, i don't think you are ready to be a Helper, especially because of your countless incorrect applications before this one.
  8. james_Grimplin

    james_Grimplin Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    • - Never see you help IG
    • - app was ok
    • - forum activity could be better
    I am a -1, good luck!
  9. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 for the reason above
  10. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

    Likes Received:
    -0.5 You app wasn't the best but it was okay :) Your not really active on forums either. Good luck though! :)
  11. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Not active
    Not helping with /shout
  12. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    You seem too desperate.
  13. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    This application has been denied, at the bottom of the application you stated that you are deseperate, the staff get the feeling that this application you are only looking for a title or popularity rather than helping the community and making the server better. You can work on becoming helpful in shout, being active on TS as well as doing what you can to get your forum posts up.

    Reapply in no less than 2 weeks.
    chaos546 likes this.
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