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Denied corrupted mods -fuzzir plz read

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by tleonard92, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. tleonard92

    tleonard92 New Meeper

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    so I was in my town one day minding my own business and this kid names thetoastysomething comes my town (awesometown) (im sure you have seen my recruit message at some point, lol we have over 100 members in the town) he comes to my town starts harassing me and town members and bashes the town.......I warn him to leave the town and never comes back......so he doesn't because kids are kids so then I toggle town pvp and kill him......he then gets a mod and plays the victim card and suddenly I'm the bad guy.....the mods say im at fault because I warned him once and not 3 times which apparently is the bs rule.....so even with mods present he continues mouthing me and the town off and I warn him that I will kill him if he doesn't since he wont stfu......and he continues his harassment so I kill him with the mods present and watching the whole thing doing nothing as usual......so then he comes back a third time......I offer to give his items back on the condition that he never bothers the town or comes back again......I give him his items back and end up getting temp banned by onis who admitted to me that he doesn't give a damn what I think and that I was "wasting his time" when this whole event was a waste of time to me.......(I knew the ban was coming because some mods reeked of corruption and even showed their true colors to others) plus ive known skaros123 for a year who u all might remember as being one of the best mods this server has ever had....) skaros was my assistant in my old town a year ago called dixienomis lol. I was the last person to talk to skaros before he quit recently because of other corrupted mods and how the new meepcraft has changed compared to the old meep a year ago......and he was absolutely correct.....so anyways I did the right thing and defended my town knowing full well what trash some of these mods are already.so while the mods were threatening to ban me it was actually kind of funny because I had like 10 town members on and most of them came and took out there swords on the toasty kid ready to kill him as soon as I did /t toggle pvp and were telling the mods that I was a good guy etc....my town members are the best <3. so they temp ban me for only a day which is due to the fact that I went in /shout to tell everyone my dilemma.....and even ppl I didn't get along with showed resepect......ihavenn and I sometimes don't agree on some things and fight with eachother but when he knew I stood up for my town against someone harassing the town and crap mods that im assuming are friends with the harasser somehow.....ihavenn sent me a message saying "I would have done the same thing as you" so pretty much everyone that saw the situation unfold on shout stood on my side except for those kids who suck up to the mods 24/7 lol such little sh*ts......im glad the ones backing me stopped because after I was banned my sister was on and showed me that my ban didn't show up on the chat. meaning they banned me but didn't want everyone to see it because they will get mad and defend me which is apparently "a waste of time" to onis....so then my sister was defending me because she saw the whole thing unfold and saw the corruption first hand and brought up a point that I was an army veteran and was banned on veterans day for doing nothing but protecting the town......then she was banned by onis for an hour.....apparently its illegal to have a different opinion then the mods who apparently know everything........share with me your stories of good/bad mods to let fuzzir know because he is a good guy and has helped me in the past so we need to give him feedback on the good and bad mods.....and the pure shit mods (onis)
    AzureAsteroid2 and Juanphis like this.
  2. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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    Wrong forum category and you used illegal swear words
    Flamedemond and james_Grimplin like this.
  3. Tom Donnelly (Tomrex1221)

    Tom Donnelly (Tomrex1221) Guest

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    Hush I was going to say that

    However I agree with you that the staff can be biased and BS at times, and you have the right to defend your town and I'm glad you expressed that :D
  4. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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    And this tleonard guy is disrespectful and always picking fights in game, I can definetely believe he is in this situation after his explosion yesterday
  5. tleonard92

    tleonard92 New Meeper

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    lol what are u talking about?
  6. SurvivingSword11

    SurvivingSword11 Celebrity Meeper

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  7. MeepStats

    MeepStats Legendary Member

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    Enjoy the warning points. We spent nearly an hour trying to resolve the situation, and you managed to obstruct the process quite deftly. If you have something intelligent to say, please do so in a coherent manner.
  8. Lady_Hestia

    Lady_Hestia Retro, Dance, Freak

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    Also, adding on to the brilliance of what MeepStats did out of the kindness of his heart, I would like ask how did you get this wildly detailed and absolutely correct information? I can't say I know what went on in the town trespassing/harassment situation but I can certainly say that you know NOTHING of what Onis(Admin not mod) does for all of us. He loses his temper but meepcraft would be MN or worse without him. The staff in no way ever let favoritism rule over the order of Meepcraft. I'm going to stop for now as I am not relevant here, I do not know what happened at the town, and MeepStats has quite a handle over this situation.
    BooBear1227 likes this.
  9. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    How corrupt is it that we took your story into play and a super-mod proved you were lying about the items you picked up? Forget to add that? We do our jobs by the rules. You may want to check out that rules page, by the way. You have broken the language rule, toggling pvp without 3 warnings, arguing with and lying to a super-mod.. If you were to tell the story like it is, it was not harassment. He simply showed his opinion on the tax of your town. Even as he called us in, he stated "There is no need to issue a ban, I would just like my things back". I informed you that what you did was illegal, as you did not give 3 warnings and even so, did not have proof of even the first one, so the belongings needed to be returned. When you refused (multiple times), I then asked for the super-mod you lied to, to accompany me as you were being disrespectful. Now please, tell me how corrupt we are as mods again?

    By the way, thanks Bluecarneal for the help! :)
  10. nasapc123

    nasapc123 Popular Meeper

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    This ban appeal is idiotic. Not even going to bother reading that paragraph full of language, lack of format and generally non-constructive content. Refile if you like with a well structured argument as to why we should consider whatever it is you are attempting to say, and do not slander my fellow staff whilst doing so. As you say Onis said to you, you are indeed wasting my time.
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