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Denied Choukey's Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban and Mute Appeals Archive' started by zacman1027, Jul 20, 2014.

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  1. zacman1027

    zacman1027 Well-Known Meeper

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    Before i say anything slendypie said i used the wrong format, and this is zacman1027 making his ban appeal since he doesn't have a meepcraft forum account.

    IGN: choukey
    When you were banned: 2 weeks ago
    Reason: major towny grief, mis use of co-mayor
    Ban Length: perm
    Staff Member: bass_flow, skaros
    Why we should consider your appeal: He should be consider cause ironmanstark360 is his friend came over to his house while choukey was watching tv he did not know but ironman was blowing up the town.He should be unbanned because this is pretty much the same thing as hack and banned and this was choukey's favorite server all of his friends played on it and he made tons of friends on it like BigBadHarry and MoonCat and noah_barnett his friends who introduced him to this awesome server zacman1027, pbcb123 and we really miss playing on this server with him please unban him.
  2. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    1. you're not allowed to make ban appeals for other players
    2. your account is your responsibility

    Sorry mods I stole your job
  3. Skaros123

    Skaros123 Otaku Wooden Hoe

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    The problem here is that town residents were affected in this griefing. It's not the player that is being banned, it's the account. Regardless whether or not it was his friend who griefed, it's the account that's being banned. Being that you are the mayor of the town, you do have a say in his appeal, certainly. However, I would like you to know that we cannot micromanage peoples' account based on who has access to them or not. For starters, I'd recommend for Choukey for thoroughly secure his account so that his 'friend' cannot access it. Any friend who griefs on a friend's account is not a good friend, and certainly shouldn't be playing around with other people's land on a Minecraft server. Especially if it affects players other than yourself and Choukey.

    Your spawn was griefed killing anyone who spawned to the town. Your resident homes were blown up, taking away from players who had nothing to do with this. The streets were completely blown up, and even some homes were lava'd. Due to this, Choukey's account was banned regardless of who was on it. For the time being, I will give you a couple of days to respond. If you can't provide some compelling rebuttal, then this will be denied. I also advise you to have Choukey make his own forum account, or at least make his account for him. It will be much easier for Choukey to give his take on this.
  4. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Due to the severity of this crime, I'd like choukey to wait 2 more weeks before appealing again.
    Skaros123 likes this.
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