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Buying VIP in the future

Discussion in 'Closed Marketplace' started by Ender_Knight300, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Ender_Knight300

    Ender_Knight300 Meeper

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    Hello meep,

    I want to buy VIP but because of meebles shortage, I will pay 400k.

    Yes, I know that sound a little too low for VIP, so, for anyone looking to sell me VIP, I will accept any offer between 600k-800k, meaning after I pay the 400k, I will owe 200k-400k to said person.

    If I do find someone that has a feasible offer, can whoever that person is tell me how selling ranks with meebles works?

    EDIT: I will not be doing this, I may post another thread in the future to buy VIP with a better price.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
  2. loraxthepug

    loraxthepug Popular Meeper

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    Psychemm here are the safe steps:
    1. Find someone selling for your price (I wouldn't do the owing thing, what if you can't get the money in time or are really busy, I mean it's your life so you can decide if the other person is ok with it)
    2. Then get a mod to watch the transaction (If you know something is fishy/ feel something is fishy, it's fishy trust me hope is really not the most reliable thing when it comes to buying things with huge amounts of meebles, or even selling a rank)
    Tip- Also when rank selling do your research /seen (username) is good, do /res (username) and see what town they're in then do /t (town name) This way you could actually see if they have the money they say they are going to give. And people might say "I have it on my other account" or for the people using meebles for the rank,"I lost my mom's credit card and am under a bus in the middle of Hogwarts"
    3. Once you are ready to go and you have a MEEPCRAFT, NOT TOWNY STAFF with you, you can finally make the transaction. You can decide with the person you're doing business with whether you want to give or get the money first/ get or give the rank first.
    4. Once you both have your said ends of the deal you can test out your new rank. If something goes wrong, you have a staff witness which is as good as it gets in scamming situations in my own opinion, and can probably work something out.
    Anyways I hope this helped Psychemm or whoever needs these steps!
    Ender_Knight300 and Pmx728 like this.
  3. Ender_Knight300

    Ender_Knight300 Meeper

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    Thanks for the advice lorax! :D

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