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Best Posts in Thread: Bring Back CTF!

  1. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Bring back the OLD ctf.
    2 teams.
    player on red side breaks blue side's wool (capturing their flag)
    blue side must kill red player before red player gets back to recapture their own flag
    each time a team gets the opposing flag to their base they get a point
    first team to x points wins
    minimum 4 players, 2 per side

    bring back real capture the flag, not just "Stand on an opposing team's base for 15 seconds and win!"
  2. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I'd would love for ctf to come back but not the terrible one like last time. I want 2 teams, 2 flags, and you have to take the enemy flag back to your base. Also I hope, if they do add ctf, that they fix a lot of the problems that the last one had:

    -Let us die, not when we have less than 4 hearts then it tps us back to our base
    - Team balance was Terrible to the point where you can boost off it.
    - There weren't enough people for 4 teams
    - Healing point was op af
    - mobs are just annoying
    - Mining was kind of boring tbh, maybe some enjoyed it more than me
    Erebus45, cooey, Natsu and 4 others like this.
  3. TheTrueScruffy

    TheTrueScruffy Active Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hello Meep! Before CTF was removed, I played it a lot. It was my favorite minigame on MeepCraft and it will stay that way even after is has been removed. Before it was removed it was a game of four teams collecting as many materials as they would like, then they would go onto the other teams' sides and capturing their flag. Teams used to get 20 points (As I remember) from capturing the other teams' flags, you would get 2 points for killing other players. I used to feel like I've accomplished something every time I get a flag, and feel like I've done something good whenever I killed an opponent. This was removed later and I was very disappointed.

    I would appreciate any support on bringing this minigame back even if it will never come back. :D
    Nager2015, Erebus45, cooey and 2 others like this.