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Brandon24057's Staff App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Wishingsstar, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    I find you very similar to monkeyhead.... In the terms of your desperation. You seem to post apps whenever you can and they usually have many major grammatical errors. Some say applications don't matter, but you need to demonstrate that you are able to out effort into things you do. I can't critique your activity as you are on a lot, and you seem pretty helpful, but you come off very vexatious and immature. Work on being more of a role model and less of a child if you are committed to a staffing position.
    Muunkee-Alexia and ubersp00n like this.
  2. SenorSparklz

    SenorSparklz Popular Meeper

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    ^ura smart one mr.grinch

    4/20 is a date on the calender
  3. speedyjake2003

    speedyjake2003 Popular Meeper

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    -Maturity is lacking
    -Not that friendly

    -Active before I got banned
    -Kindish person

    (BTW When @xXGAMEWIZXx demoted you from his town you raged)

    When @epick8 got helper you raged because 'He didnt apply'
  4. VorticoseSeven0

    VorticoseSeven0 Popular Meeper

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    Good luck ;)

    UMADBRO? Well-Known Meeper

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  6. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    -1 after hearing the way you conduct yourself on teamspeak within certain environment, I can honestly say that you do not have the acceptable maturity to be able to help kids all across the server, whether it be in a modreq, on forums, or on teamspeak. I do think that part of the reason stems from your age. I too was incredibly immature when I was 12, and I'm not about to say that I'm incredibly mature even now. However, being immature is not a bad thing, but finding what moments to be is important. Work on your maturity, and when to let lose a little more.

    I don't see you on Teamspeak as much as I used to, what happened? It makes me feel as of you've sorta lost interest in the server a bit. It was only once you submitted your app that I saw you become more active on teamspeak again, and to me is really just a way to try get staff easier. If you do get accepted, you will most likely go back to not being on as often, and that is a worrisome thought.

    In game, I occasionally see you, but do not see you helping out in /shout. Helping does not need to be done only when a helper, but also as a normal player, and especially if you are looking to apply for a staff position. Keep working on talking more in /shout, and helping out players when problems they have arise that you are capable of helping with.

    Your forums activity could use a little but of work, but for the most part it is good. I would like to see a little more posting in different areas of the forums, just so you can keep up with everything going around, but it is not that big of a concern for me.

    I know this is not a factor I'm deciding whether you should be staff or not, but I wanted to briefly touch on this. As you can see by the feedback I have givin you, you are lacki in certain areas, and in the biggest case, it's your maturity that is lacking. I do think that with more time it will become better, but for now I just don't think you have the required level of maturity to fully excel at the position.

    This right here, I also find to be very true.

    Overall, I see potential for you, as long as you work on your maturity, your teamspeak activity, and your in game helpfulness and noticability. Try to improve on these things before re applying, even if that means waiting enough time to have your maturity noticeably increased.

    Once again, I am a -1, but I wish you good luck!
    JumboAce likes this.
  7. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    I was going to say something similar. But Onis still allows epic to be a staff member. When he is 5 times worse then Brandon on TS. idk.
  8. blackoak999

    blackoak999 Popular Meeper

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    Ok, I am biased because Brandon and I have worked together in towny for a long time.
    Brandon was easily the most consistent assistant when we were in the town of Wave.
    Brandon was the first assistant to come over from Wave to Everest to be my assistant.

    When I was gone for a month from meepcraft, Brandon ran Everest as Mayor and absolutely everything was good and the same when I got back.

    How many mayors can trust someone to be that mature for that long??

    Brandon is kind and mature beyond his years. He's just a really great person.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
  9. _Smarties910_

    _Smarties910_ Popular Meeper

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  10. Zebo616

    Zebo616 Popular Meeper

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    Well, here we go.

    + You seem like a good person
    +/- You're Semi-Active
    - You seem to rage at times
    - Limited forums activity
    - Little improvement from your last Application

    Overall, to put it simply, be more active on the forums, and a bit more in- game.
  11. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    I'm sorry Brandon, but I'm changing my vote to a +/-

    I've heard you on Teamspeak the past few days, and the things that you say are not fit for the qualities of a staff member. Good luck though! :)
    JumboAce likes this.
  12. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    Sorry to say this but even me as mod I have horrible grammar. That's not a huge thing that we are picky about.
    But Brandon! You are very active on all three:Forums,In game, and teamspeak. You can be a bit immature but who isn't. I'd like to see how you do in a interview. +1 Good luck!
    Wishingsstar, blackoak999 and Splendy like this.
  13. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

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    I think for the first time, I'm going to give you a +1. :) You're friendly, caring, and hard-working, and you have a good bit of experience on the server. You also seem dedicated - your activity can drop sometimes, as any player's can, but it's usually not for long. I'd like to see a bit more evidence of helpfulness, but from what I know about you, I have no reason to doubt that you want to help others and the server.

    You have gotten more involved in the forums and (a little bit) in shout since your last application. I've seen improvements in your overall attitude recently, which is great! But your immaturity still concerns me a little, and you need to work on controlling your temper and being more patient when you're upset (even though your reasons for being upset may be very understandable). I'm curious to see how you would handle yourself as a staff member, and I hope you get a shot at the interview!
    Wishingsstar and Muunkee-Alexia like this.
  14. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    Trust me, on ts, I love talking freely and its just what I love to do. However, when I want to talk intelligently and logically about something, I'm damn good at.

    In regards to your app brandon, here is why I am at a -1.
    -You are desperate : You apply so often and keep getting shot down. You dont understand that you should work on something before reapplying. Like actually work on it.

    -You are Immature: I mean I was literally in the channel with you while you trolled a supermod on another account. Staff demands some degree of professionalism. Take it from me, being professional all the time is boring, thats why I dont do it. When i choose to be professional though, I am very much so. You need to assure people that you can do the job required of you in a somewhat professional manner.

    If you really want helper, listen to Flamedemond. That essay he wrote is your guide to helper. Personally, I dont care about about spelling and grammar because that doesnt determine your ability to hold an intelligent conversation, just prove you can.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
    UglyUnicorn and Muunkee-Alexia like this.
  15. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    Talked to you on TS.

    but you seem desperate soooo

    +/- 0
  16. UglyUnicorn

    UglyUnicorn Celebrity Meeper

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    Don't be hurt by this
  17. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    we good
  18. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Yesterday you started to troll me on an alt account, telling me how piercings were cool and sexy. I don't necessarily mind, but it was kind of a creepo move. You then proceeded to tell me how you were trolling devilspawn.....

    Why the hell....
    Staff members need to be way more mature than that.
    You're also playing and 'singing' annoying Japanese music in the wild channel on TS in the wild channel as I'm typing this.
  19. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    Accepted for interview!

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